
A quick Recap

A quick recap for those who are reading this book after a long gap. Other can ignore it or re-read it.



Arthur Jones son of the late Baron Timothy jones from Undella Town. Currently, he stays in Nuvema after the Destruction of his town 6 to 5 years ago. He has a brother named Leon Jones who is a royal knight currently. Leon Jones has a Zebstrika and Machoke to whom Arthur taught flame charge and Ice Punch helped them upgrade and potential which in turn triggered their evolution.

Arthur is 15 and he is in Striaton City Academy which is the best Academy in the Kingdom of Wolks. Arthur Jones has two Pokemon, namely an Elekid and Gastly, both are mischievous and troublemakers.

Arthur's current friends in the Academy:

Ethan Frost is a psychic and a childhood friend. Arthur doesn't know the childhood part as he crossed over 4 years ago. Ethan has a Munna which helps him consume his nightmares, Ethan is known throughout the Kingdom for unintentionally killing his mother and her Pokemon at the age of 6 due to his psychic outburst. Everyone fears him and avoids him. Ethan's father is a powerful King level trainer and the Royal Commander of the Kingdom, Duke Daemon Frost of Black city.

Faulkner- a Civilian with Sawk, he is a loyal friend and a potential trainer.

Logan Claude- Son of Count Claude of Nuvema Town and the twin brother of Aiden Claude. Both have contrasting personalities, Logan comes across as stupid and meanwhile Aiden is calm and intelligent. Logan has Tepig and Bulbasaur while Aiden known Pokemon is Snivy.

Golett- An Elite level Pokemon and a new addition to the team of Professor Arden Vickster known as 'The Menace' by three kingdoms in Unova. He is a powerful King level trainer and a Civilian born. Golett is very friendly with Arthur as they met through some coincidental circumstances and are good buddies.

Other Characters are on the character page so please go through them.

Arthur also has a bet with the Dean of the Academy which is to get placed top 3 in the tournament that's coming up. This was because he stole Ghost Pokemon eggs and got caught. If he loses the bet, the Dean will expel him from the academy and it also might cost his brother Leon (Royal Knight Position).

Currently, Arthur is in the yearly Auction of Striaton city. It is known as the unofficial gathering of all the nobles in the kingdom. Read the last two chapters for a better understanding of the next chapter.


Arthur Pokemon:

Elekid (M) - Peak Green grade

Ability: Static

Level: Intermediate

Moves: Leer, Quick Attack, Thundershock, Shock Wave, Charge, Cross Chop, Light Screen.

Gastly (F) - Shiny Low Blue grade

Ability- Levitate

Level- Beginner

Moves- Astonish, Lick, Confusion ray, Hypnosis, Venoshock, Reflect type.


Task for the readers:

Please read the last two chapters and also the auxiliary chapters if you don't want to go back and read everything to remember.

I am currently working on the next chapter so it will be up in a day or two.

Siguiente capítulo