
Carrot and Tristan’s evolution

Before passing the moon and heading off into space, Carrot and her crew members that were made up of Automata, White Storm members, freed slaves and mercenaries that were recruited by Medea along with several members of the Skypiea group that Alyssia had recruited had flew right towards it and settled there for a period of time.

Ashwin and Medea stood guard as Carrot had been seated on the surface of the moon and she removed the glasses and hat from her head.

Among the Minks that had the fastest speed to be able to unlock their bloodline limit and control their Sulong form well enough to pass the first quarter of the transformation, Carrot and Tristan were the most potential after Alyssia.

Each of the Minks that used the serum had been warned in advance about the difficulty of each quarter as they attempt to break through so they had to have the right environment and be undisturbed as they attempt it as the slightest mistake could cause them injury.

Before she gazed towards the moon, she had drunk a weird serum or medicinal solution and she could feel a large amount of energy within herself that was beyond her limits and needed to be used up.

Carrot felt her mind which had been peaceful become more turbulent as her aggressive and wild nature was pushed forward as her transformation began.

The two fought for dominance until Carrot had been the victor inside her mind but outside she was undergoing a big change.

Her body went from her gradually transformed state before the quarter mark and went straight into her Sulong form as her partly dyed red eyes had become completely red and bloodshot along with the additional grown up state of her body and hair length.

The Electro danced around her body but the released Electro had been sent towards several energy storage tools for safe keeping.

She did not possess the same Electro Core as Alyssia, she did not gain the same benefits from her transformation as a large amount of Electro was released but the serum that she had taken did have a quick effect in restoring her used up stamina.

The combination of the mink physique which has a high metabolism and the specially made serum had allowed her to not be weakened by her transformation so her body had quickly adjusted to allow her to maintain her Sulong form as she took the time to push past her first major wall in her bloodline limit.

It did not take long for her to gain access to the power hidden within and she transformed back to her previous form but now it was a little closer to her Sulong form appearance than it was previously.

Her bright blonde hair which she originally had before taking the serum was now lighter as it was heading closer to the mystical moonlight white colour, her eyes had become a little more covered with red as it had spread further, her body had matured a little and the tail and neck areas had become a little longer like in her Sulong form.

Carrot placed the hat and glasses back on as she jumped up onto her feet energetically. "Hu.. I am so hungry!"

Even with the serum preventing harmful effects during her transformation which would result in a lower life span and a weakened state, when it was used as she was breaking through her limits it would still leave her and others quite drained each time.

Medea shook her head as she looked a little relieved. "Each time I see it, I cannot help but be amazed and in awe. However after what I have learned… I am well aware of the risks involved so I wouldn't help but worry."

Ashwin shrugged. "Biology, bloodlines, serums and so on does not really interest me but I guess it does show off how far the boss is willing to go for those closest to her. It is a shame that we humans have to take a completely different path."

Carrot jumped in front of him and laughed as she nudged his shoulder. "How come you are so talkative now? Ehe."

Ashwin turned his head away and let out a hmph. "Nothing.."

He had gone quiet again but part of his reason for speaking up was his general curiosity towards the limits of Alyssia's abilities to invent new things but also her generosity towards those she considered her closest allies.

He and Medea may not be able to walk the same path as the Minks or Fishmen who have access to serums and many other things to help them het stronger quickly so they had to find their own way.

Medea had taken the path of a Devil Fruit ability user, had a cyborg body and she continued to hone her swordsmanship so she could only improve by improving her control of her powers and swordsmanship through practice and experience.

Ashwin was just another human that was from Skypiea so he had to rely on his human potential to train his body, gain experience from battles but also improve his mechanical and dial technology to assist him in battle.

Eventually there would be time where some would be envious of those that were able to take a shortcut and had received a benefit while they had not but Alyssia had already explained to each member of her crew about their future direction and helped them reach where they currently were in many ways.

To those within the inner circle of the White Storm, Alyssia was a mentor, friend, family, saviour or many other things to each of them so they could not doubt her even if she often displayed strange behaviours and acted out of their expectations at times.

She had lead them to their current point so they could not start doubting her now.

Just as Carrot had finished her transformation and the crew had filled their stomachs before they left for their journey into space, down on the earth below there was another similar event taking place.

Within the Sunken Castle on Rica Island, Tristan had been sat within the room that Alyssia had used before after she had reached a bottleneck in her bloodline limit so she needed the right environment to allow a perfect breakthrough.

She had travelled from St. Poplar to Rica Island so that she could prepare herself and undergo her transformation.

Even without a full moon, the room had been prepared for such a time and very quickly it had begun as she spoke calmly. "I am ready."

Outside the room was Ein who was looking at a screen and she sat back lazily in her seat as she pressed a button. "Fine.. go ahead and let me witness your transformation."

Although she was not that interested in evolution or mutation in humans or other species, she was still very interested in the effects of the devices that Alyssia had build which had allowed the Minks to transform without a full moon. "It uses something she called Blux Waves or something? Right?"

The metal dishes were pointed at Tristan as the waves bounced around the room until they directly entered her eyes.

The transformation had taken place in the same way as the same steps had been taken in preparation.

It did not take that long before Tristan had transformed back with some slightly visible changes in her appearance.

Her light blue hair had become even lighter and longer as had her brown bushy tail and creamy brown fur which had become a little longer and lighter too as they were a quarter of the way to approaching the moonlight white colour.

After she had regained control of her own body and was able to safely move about, Tristan looked towards the door as it was opened. "Now it is time for a checkup just In case there were any problems."

Evolution or mutations did come with problems in different ways and there were risks involved even if the conditions were perfect and the serums had been perfected too.

There would always be a moment that could determine failure and success or there could be hidden injuries after that if left untreated could later pose problems so Tristan did not wish to leave anything unchecked even if she trusted Alyssia wholeheartedly.

Her professional attitude as a doctor had allowed her to become such a skilled doctor, herbalist and chemist during the time away from Zou and her seriousness towards health had not changed so even if she had trusted her friend, she would still go through with the health checkups.

Ein was pass by as Tristan had briefly acknowledged her but had seemed to be quite preoccupied in her thoughts so Ein had let out a sigh. "Really.. there is no changing this one."

Tristan stopped in place and then turned around as she had pulled Ein's head closer to her own and examined her. "You have not slept in a long time again. You may put on a lazy appearance but I know you are anything but lazy when it comes to your experiments. Look at those bags in your eyes! They are the proof! Go get some rest right away."

Tristan then stormed off leaving Ein behind with a helpless look on her face.

She regained her composure and then headed into her experimentation room where there was a very large body which had been preserved within a box on the table.

The body had many places that seemed to have been wounded but they had been repaired and modified by Ein.

Many blueprints had stretched out before her as it showed the final design which looked similar to a Pacifista design or a little similar to Medea, Alfred and Val who were either a robot or cyborg. "If certain people knew of this then we would get into so much trouble but I guess Alyssia has already thought of the advantages and disadvantages. It is best not to question this too much since what is done is already done."

She looked past the large body that was sealed within and the. Looked to another part of the room where another figure was laying as it was also preserved well while it had been fitted with some modifications and had also begun to be transformed completely. "And this one.. many must be looking for him too. Oh well, back to work!"

She opened the seal and started working on the large body as she was slowly getting closer to completing one of the two of them in secret as there were not many that could be exposed to the bodies due to their identities.

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