
Dai Guang (2)

When he returned to his father's place, Dai Shenqiang was already there, and he sat beside the bed with reddened eyes. 

Dai Bolin was fast asleep, and his little brother stood up upon noticing his arrival.

"Big Brother, what happened to Father? You just had a talk with the doctor, right?" He asked worriedly.

Dai Zhiqiang glanced at his father, and as if reading his mind, Dai Shenqiang said, "Don't worry. He is already sound asleep when I arrive."

Dai Zhiqiang nodded. "I think we need to contact Uncle Guang. Father needs to do surgery as soon as he can."

Dai Shenqiang's facial expression became tense once he heard that. "Why surgery? Is it really that bad?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Dai Zhiqiang contemplated a bit before finally telling his little brother what the doctor had told him. Dai Shenqiang gasped in shock when he finished his explanation.

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