
Secret Alliance

The inside of Hua Zhixuan's rooms was similar to that of Yan Zheyun's. Past the entrance was a main chamber with chairs, where guests would be entertained. On the right and left were side chambers, one with the sleeping and bath quarters and another for leisure and meals. But the main difference between the two sets of chambers was in their temperatures.

Hot pieces of coal glowed merrily from the brazier in the centre of the main chamber and Yan Zheyun felt properly warm for the first time in ages. He traded glances with Xiao De. So the allocation of coal to the residents of Zheshan Palace was fair towards all except for him. Unless, of course, there was another unfortunate soul amongst the new arrivals that had unwittingly upset someone higher-up too.

Hua Zhixuan ushered Yan Zheyun onto a seat, taking the one opposite him as he signalled for his new servant to prepare some refreshments. The ease with which he issued commands was telling of his family's status but his courteous manner and the softhearted insistence that both Xiao De and this Shuangxi of his enjoyed a cup too earned him some goodwill from Yan Zheyun.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you," Hua Zhixuan said, slumping all over the table in a shocking display of poor posture after his front doors were shut.

Yan Zheyun was taken aback by such candidness. He couldn't decide if this was just Hua Zhixuan's way of getting him to relax his defences or if he truly was naive enough to trust Yan Zheyun on sight.

"…why so?" Yan Zheyun asked.

"Because I can't stand those frivolous peacocks!" was Hua Zhixuan's passionate outburst. "The entire way in here, all they wanted to discuss was the fashion trends and suitable makeup for male concubines." His expression took on a faint sheen of green, as though regaling the conversations he'd heard was physically making him ill.

Yan Zheyun thought about the earlier spectacle in the courtyard. Now that Hua Zhixuan had mentioned peacocks, he couldn't unsee the resemblance.

"I ask you, Brother Yan, how is this a noble occupation for privileged, educated youths?! Wasting time idling in the harem trying to devise ways and means to seek favour for the sake of a materialistic life? They have squandered their lessons! Young men should have the good of the people in their hearts—"

"Young people," Yan Zheyun interjected. "All youths, regardless of whether they be male or female, have the capacity to achieve great deeds." When tutoring his siblings, Yan Zheyun had always pushed Yan Lixin as hard, even though he knew that it was still common for some girls to choose to marry into luxury, even in his time. But he believed that there was no difference between the capabilities of men and women, had even hired quite a few ladies who had aced their interviews, purely based on merit. He knew that this was a radical viewpoint in a conservative society like the Ye Dynasty but he brought this point up anyway because he wanted to determine how forward-thinking Hua Zhixuan was—

He wasn't disappointed.

"Yes!" Hua Zhixuan slapped the table so hard he had to start massaging his rapidly swelling hand. "Ow! But Brother Yan is right! Young people, youths, all of us can be stalwarts of the country!"

"…please do go on." Yan Zheyun had made the mistake of judging a book by its appearance earlier. There was nothing meek or mild about Hua Zhixuan beneath the surface. Now that they were talking about his favourite subject, the mouse had morphed into a tiger. "Was Brother Hua once a scholar?"

Hua Zhixuan's expression turned pained. "I—" He deflated visibly, enthusiastic waning into a glumness that made Yan Zheyun regret asking.

"I came in second in the qualifying exam. I lost only to that Tang Yuqin but—" He gritted his teeth. "But I'm sure that I will be able to beat him in the academy exam!"

[Except,] Yan Zheyun didn't say, [by virtue of entering the inner palace, you have forfeited your chance to sit for the academy exam.]

The three parts of the imperial examinations were structured like a pyramid. Right at the bottom was the licensing exam, which took place at the prefecture level and occurred twice every three years. Only upon passing the licensing exam would a candidate be known as a member of the literati. The literati could then go on to take the qualifying exam, which was done at the provincial level and took place triennially. The literati who passed this difficult exam would be known as recommended men.

Finally, only after these recommended men from all over the nation passed the final academy exam, could they be considered presented scholars. The top ten scorers of the national exam earned themselves a right to an audience with the emperor and examiners, where they would be grilled on their knowledge and debating skills. From amongst them, the emperor would pick the three best, with the most prestigious being his principal graduate.

If that had been Hua Zhixuan's dream, just like it had been Yan Yun's, then what had happened to the both of them was incredibly cruel. For Hua Zhixuan to come in second in the qualifying exam meant that he was right at the top of his province. This was no mean feat. Yan Zheyun couldn't understand why a family, one of the old noble ones at that, would allow their son to waste his potential rotting away in the harem. Would he not be of more use in court?

Hua Zhixuan folded his arms on the table and perched his chin on them. "I'm not an important member of the family at all," he mumbled. "My first cousin once removed is the current head of the clan. I belong to a side branch that moved to the Si Shu region a few generations back. Before receiving the summons from the main house telling me that my Four Pillars of Destiny (1) matched the requirements for the selection of beauties, we'd never had any communications from them before."

Yan Zheyun had never heard of the Si Shu region before but based on the Hua Zhixuan's slight accent, he placed it as being nearby the modern-day SC region, which was historically famous for its rich agriculture and, more recently, its spicy food.

If Hua Zhixuan had grown up in a modest farming household, it would explain so much about his down-to-earth nature.

"There has been a recent influx of scholars into the capital, right?" Yan Zheyun asked, thinking about the poor young man who had witnessed him committing murder a while back. It had been a while since Yan Zheyun had a nightmare about Liang Ming.

Hua Zhixuan nodded. "The academy exams are about to be held soon." He sighed for the fifth time since they'd started talking about this. "I thought this would be my year. His Majesty has made it clear that he's very invested in the outcome…"

Yan Zheyun pondered on that. Before knowing that Young Master Huang was the emperor, Yan Zheyun had placed his age at 22 or 23. Despite his reservedness and the stately way he carried himself, there was an ease to Young Master Huang's mannerisms that vanished whenever he assumed the mantle of 'Emperor'. But Yan Zheyun didn't think he was that much older in reality. Perhaps 26 or 27? But no more than that.

This here was a young emperor. And if he weren't a fatuous, self-indulgent young emperor, he would need to cultivate a court of bright, young officials within his control, to seize power from the old guard and assist him in running the affairs of the state.

At least, that was what his mother's dramas had said. Yan Zheyun was quickly realising just how reliant he was on them.

Shuangxi poured him a cup of tea. He accepted with distracted thanks, giving the poor, flummoxed eunuch his second shock of the day.

"I think," Yan Zheyun said, after careful deliberation. "His Majesty has made his intentions to search for talent clear and if he were made aware of your situation, would be displeased that a promising scholar has gone to waste."

Hua Zhixuan's eyes brightened. "You think there's a chance that I could bring this up with him?"

Yan Zheyun hummed. "Patience," he said.

For the chance to speak to the emperor, Hua Zhixuan first needed the chance to meet the emperor.

They had to bide their time. But if Yan Zheyun's theory was right and Hua Zhixuan did manage to wriggle his way back onto his original path, then Yan Zheyun might just secure himself his first official ally.

Literally, an official ally. Just for this, Yan Zheyun was going to help him.


As the month of Layue progressed, the first sprigs of plum blossoms began to bloom, small crimson flowers speckling the stark white of winter like flecks of cinnabar paint. Today, Noble Consort Li had graciously permitted all the new 'little brothers and sisters' to leave the training palaces and come out to admire the scenery in a nearby garden.

Both Zheshan Palace and Chuxiu Palace were tucked away in a corner of the imperial city, such that apart from the occasional patrol and the whole host of servants required to care for such a large group of new residents, no one else would come across them by accident.

The plum blossoms in this garden—named 'Small Plum Garden' with such thoughtlessness that it was an unimportant destination—were planted in tight clusters and formed a vibrant backdrop to the colourful beauties who wandered amongst them, bundled up in cloaks that were befitting their status. They should have received preliminary rankings on the day that they entered the palace but for some reason that had been delayed. As such, none of them had any titles to their name apart from Yan Zheyun.

And yet, the opulence of their attire far outweighed his.

"Little Master," Xiao De said sorrowfully, "this servant is useless and did not manage to help you." Even after reporting their plight to his godfather, nothing much had changed. He stared with woe at the bright fabrics of the girls and boys laughing and chatting, each one more splendid than the last. Any mortal wandering upon this scene would imagine that they had walked into the realm of fairies.

On the other hand, there was Yan Zheyun in a plain white robe with an equally simple threadbare white cloak. If it hadn't been for the tangyuan incident, he might not even have a cloak to wear right now. The Department of Garments had put off completing his first-class attendant attire week after week, only offering him two basic sets that Xiao De had collected on the day of his arrival. When the chill had become unbearable, Xiao De had kicked up such a fuss at their door that it was a miracle they hadn't physically thrown him out of the door.

A miracle or his godfather's reputation. But whatever it was, although they didn't dare to threaten Xiao De directly, this thin cloak that Yan Zheyun currently had around his shoulders only showed up the morning after the emperor had sent his own over—not that Yan Zheyun wore that outside the privacy of his chambers. It was too ostentatious and would attract more ire than he could handle at present.

Although the bullying had alleviated a smidgeon after the rumours surrounding Yan Zheyun's rendezvous with the emperor had been disseminated throughout the inner palace, the departments were quick to revert to their old ways after nothing more came out of it.

[There's a small comfort though], Xiao De thought with childish spite. His little master could be the least well dressed but he still bore the closest resemblance to the immortal lords in the myths. Seated on a stone bench away from the thick of the crowd and with only Hua Zhixuan for company, just looking at him made Xiao De proud. There was no one in the inner palace more beautiful than Little Master Yan, not even the high-ranking consorts in all their finery could compete.

If Yan Zheyun knew what Xiao De was thinking, he would have rolled his eyes. This might be phrasing it a tad crudely but he gave zero fucks about whether he was the fairest of them all. The other concubines could treat this as a beauty pageant for all he cared, Yan Zheyun had loftier, more self-preserving goals. He would be very happy to maintain a status quo where 'the river water didn't infringe upon the well water' (2).

This was wishful thinking though.

"Aiyo, who do we have here?"

(1) Four Pillars of Destiny: An astrological concept that believes a person's year, month, day, and time of birth can calculate their destiny. Depending on how traditional a family is, this is still used even now for stuff like marriage compatibility (but at least within my family, it's not taken as seriously anymore)!

(2): An idiom that means to mind one's own business and keep out of each other's affairs.

A/N: Thanks very much for reading! <3

Yan Zheyun: You don't know it yet but one day you, you, and you are going to be very good friends with me.

Hua Zhixuan, ___ and ___ : ...if I start running in the other direction now, would it be too late?

Summoning pen count: 15! (1 extra chapter)

Special thanks to: Vladimyrre and Nadine_Linter for the golden tickets! And to KatS2020, Lavendelius, Asmi_Vs, Fialova, mwav, Ren84, Frooza_pops, Laina_Lainaosman, beloved_writer, Bride_Maggie, Thedarkside, Daoist714801, Christel_Johansson, jesse_ just, Huang_Guo, Morganita3, Fluffyflirt, peter_pan_5840, and SmolBabyBun for the power stones/comments! <3

Queeniecatcreators' thoughts
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