
Wrath ignited

Splash Blood flows down the corpse an axe having Slash down into its skull it falls to it knee before collapsing on its face a Long breath comes out of a Boy with Black hair as the blood drips from the handaxe onto the ground having splashed up his entire arm a little on his face he looks around at the 3 corpses Around him. [Level up to 2 Status Point 3] looking at this he inserts 2 in Strength and 1 in Vitality. He Walks forwards Running into more of them He Runs at them Roaring Out He stuns them for a few seconds SLashing the handaxe down into 1 skull before pulling it out And Swinging Sideways Hitting another he kills it Before It Unnaturally Shifts in the Opposite direction before Slashing the thing in 2 the Blood Sprays everywhere As an axe drops and a potion fo healing he greedily Picks it up. The world shifts before Octacius bluntly shakes some chemicals in a tube having finished creating Creatures

"sir shall we send them to the FrontLines" The Lich Obediently Asks Octavius's eyes Shift looking at the lich he smirks. "send the flawed Combat to assist them in pushing further." He Looks at the 3D hologram of the battlefield noting the fortress having fallen until a specifically 1 further In the Church's territory the branch Team sent to investigate discovering a large Summoning Circle being to summon angels as gods won't respond The group shoots the high priest managing to slow it down before leaving informing The Lead Captain of this a Large Regiment that was no in use was sent to deal with it the heavily armoured Regiment Moving firmly Without little Breaks reaching the Summoning within a weak the archer in the regiment fire off the longbow raining death from above on the Priest Focused on the Summoning they manage to Open that gate Octavius immediately Sensing This Moves. "it seems we will have to release the fliers sooner then I expect to Go. thousands of Large gates open before a large pack of 5-10 subspecies Of actual Dragons fly into the distances Octavius himself Leaves.

"I Apologize but you'll have to finish that anyhow goodbye. the Juvenile pure-blood dragon Lands on the grown lowering its head Octavius Pats It on the Head-hopping on it takes off Immediately. Octavius's eyes glow an innate blue before the dragon speed increases as if wind resistances Doesn't exist flying through the sky Uninterrupted reaching the angels Summoning He snarls to look at the Supposed angel being a figured veiled In white covered IN golden armour having 1 set of wings sticking out it's Back. "Dam angels"

Octavius Jumps Off the Dragon with 2 chains not far behind him dragging in the air before he reaches within swinging Distance Slashing the CHains Down full force it hits the angel Right on knocking it down to the ground before multiple Swords of Light fill the sky Flying at him Pulling a chain back He spins the chain swishing Out behind him the light swords being disrupted and erased 2 Large eagles Like wings pop out of his back, stopping him from going splat before he Uses the divebomb force to Nail into the angel below taking it with him as he Flies backwards a Sword of light Almost stabbing him as it's blocked by a residue Chain. Octavius stops the ANgle continues Flying before the 2 Chains are swung like scissors clamping down on the angel's body and cracking the armour Octavius gets Impaled by light blades Stagger back Pulling the Lodged blade out Octavius Chains flick back before being swung Down

1 hitting square on the neck tilting its head before it goes flying the second chain nailing him in the torso from the opposite sit sending him flying the other direction. Flashing in front of Octavius Punch the Angels helmet staggering and stunning it. Before he Dashes backwards a Flame breath hitting the angel melt and roasting it quite a bit the PRiest healing it t other best of their abilities are finally culled as the Troops remaining in the regiment Slash at their throats Killing them OCtavius's Chain Flings Out again hitting the arm of the angel before another round of Fire breath hit's It before flame spears the Chain Coils Around its Arm before being Flung in the air and slammed back down the Angel crash into the ground before Appearing in front of Octavius Slashing a Light sword at him Octavius takes another hit Flying Backwards form the residually kinetic Forces from the original Slash.

The Dragon Lands smacking the angel on the side before Multiple Flame Devils appear being small flame elementals firing Fist sized Fireballs at it providing a Distraction the Dragon Prepares a Spell Flames Sword the large circle Glows before A massive Blade flies out slamming down on the ground as a giants club rumbles occur before a Cluster explosion happens Octavius Finally decides to use spires of hell using the authority of Flames multiple large flaming longswords Swing out of thin air hitting the angel on the side before slashing vertically a Fire ball hitting and dragging the angel back after making contact with a mountain the fireball activates A LArge White blade Slashes down on the angels head cutting it down the center AS Authority of slaughter was activated making everything a practically instant Kill as long as the condition is met after killing it he Sighs looking at the casuals and knowing resurrection has its Limits burying the Dead before mourning slightly know war will never Change He returns to the dragons side before the Chains COil around it's neck standing on the Platform saddle the massive Dragon takes off before Look towards the fortress that still hasen't fallen a bellowing Roar exit the dragons mouth 5 packs of wyverns appearing on the horizon.

Octavius' eyes hold wrath In them the fire burning like a pillaring Flame the dragon flies towards the holy fortress of Waernell. the aura of death Seeping into the minds of the defenders.

I was having trouble even thinking up how to progress the Plot considering Unless I follow Alexander the event will not occur as naturally as the princess is approaching his Castle in the first few chapters and even if the Zenit empire is split in 2 the royal family still hold dominion the only reason they haven't acted as it's stupid and they believe the Church will eventually make a come back even though 1 of their Trump cards the angel is dead for now.

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