
Journey to the Land of Water

"Give me some time to consider it, other than that do you all agree sending Ryu to the Kiri?"

"That would be great"

"He can turned the battlefield up-side-down if he is there"

"Then The Uchiha and Ryu will be dispatch on The land of Water"

When Danzo heard this he smirked.

At Konoha's camp in the border between The Land of Wind and The Land of Fire.

"So your saying that Hokage-sama gave me the permission going at The Land of Water?" Ryu said while readin the scroll that Shikaku gave to him.

"That right"

"Then what about the defense here?"

"Oh don't worry about that, Jiraiya will be coming here next week"

"That's good then" After hearing Shikaku, Ryu immediately leave the tent and started packing his stuff.

"Now, what should I do now, should I use Zeus to go to Kiri but that would be very boring, well I should probably use the ninja way of traveling, by running!" Ryu kept speaking until he was done packing his stuff.

You my wondering what stuff right? he has own his personal clothes which is very convenient, he's stuff are a lot of alcohols.

That's right, 7 days before after learning that there are no alcohol in the camp, he immediately went to the nearest small village inside the Land of Fire and bought a tons of alcohols for him to drink while waiting for some missions that the Hokage will gave him.

"Fuck I don't know why but after picking my second template I become obsessed with alcohol, like real shit this is bad right? what if I am very drunk and suddenly someone very powerful ambush me then that will be the end of Ryu The Great story, isn't this cool maybe I can become drunken master"

"Ah shit here I go again, talking to myself! hm I think when I was still on earth I watch something on tiktok, it said that talking to yourself is a sign of deep loneliness, wait I am not sure but maybe this not the sign of deep loneliness right?"

After talking to himself for a few more minutes his preparation are all done now.

He immediately went out to his tent and go straight at Shikaku's tent to tell him that he will be leaving today.

"Shikaku-san, I'm leaving now" Ryu said after entering the tent without knocking or anything.

When Shikaku saw this he shook his head while thinking that Ryu has no basic manners.

"Really then be careful, Ryu" Shikaku said and after hearing this, Ryu quickly leave the tent and started walking to the direction of the Land of Water.

A day later.

"This journey should take more than a week with this pacing" Ryu said as he thought what will heginna do after arriving at the Konoha's camp on Kiri.

After his thoughts was disturbed when he heard a lot of screaming.





*Sound of raping someone*

"The fuck was that? wait this smell *sniff* this is the smell of blood" Ryu said as he follows the smell.

After following the smell he saw a small village that being raid by some group of bandit.

"Well since I am such a good person, imma help them" Ryu said as he enter the village



Give me some powerstone.

Sorry for the bad grammar.

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