
Live, Love, Lie Part 2 (Loki)


It was still early hours, but the party was already in full swing. The music was loud, playing a mix from all genres, the bass pulsing through the floor. People littered every room, including outside, despite the cold. People were dancing, chatting, swimming, hooking up, breaking up and playing on the Xbox, playing pool, beer pong. You name it. The alcohol was flowing, some guys dealing weed, coke and pills. Whatever you needed to keep the party going.

I was standing with a group of my friends. A bird under my arm, making out. When suddenly, Asher's voice snapped my attention back to the party.

“Fuck!” He swore, drawing out the words. I turned to look at him. His hands were in his pockets, his eyes wide and jaw on the floor. I broke away from the chick, letting her wander off as I following Asher's gaze. My jaw fell open too.

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