
Baby Girl (Lola)


Sam had left before dawn the following morning. It should have been a relief, and yet it felt like the opposite. I had no idea where my brother would have gone or if he was even safe. He’d left a note on the kitchen counter, but it had only raised more questions;


Thanks for last night. Let’s do it again sometime.

Sam x


I stole a $50 from your purse; I hope that’s okay.’

I wasn’t even pissed that he’d stolen the money without asking me first. Instead, I was more concerned that he’d use it to buy drugs. I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep living if Sam overdosed on my money. No. I wouldn’t even entertain the idea; I had already lost too many people in my life. I wouldn’t add Sam to that list.

So instead of dwelling in my own self-pity, I got up, drank some coffee and handled it. Or at least I tried to. I searched every back alley and dealers hot spot I could think of but came up empty. Nobody had seen or heard of Sam since yesterday afternoon.

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