
Chapter 120: Bromance

~Third POV~


Inside a construction site building with six fire-benders standing next to each other and generating lightning to shoot at the coil in front of them for work with Mako one of them is earning their hard keep in Republic City helping to generate electricity in the city or construction.

When his part-time work was done he returned home to the arena's attic that serves as Mako and Bolin's home, as Mako comes up a stair and enters the room.

Mako makes his appearance known carrying a bad as he sags down exhaustedly on the couch while he eats a dumpling while glancing at the air temple, "Bo, I'm back! Picked up your favorite dumplings! Hey, I found some work down at the power plant. Made some decent money. Bolin? You here, bro? Huh, I bet the little lovebird is making a house call."

Cutting to the Air Temple Island with Jinora and Ikki who direct a gust of wind at the air-bending gates to make them spin for Korra who is waiting at the other side. Korra, as she elegantly weaves her way through the spinning panels, twirling around and avoiding every contact.

Jinora gives her voice of approval with Korra's progress, "Good. Light on your feet!"

Korra spins out on the other side without being touched once by the gates. She lands before Jinora and Ikki and rests her hands on her knees to catch her breath. The two sisters smiled at her before suddenly leaning a bit to their left to look behind her.

That is when Mako is approaching them as Jinora smiled at them as she spoke her piece, "Ooh, he's cute. Korra, is that the handsome fire-bender boy that drives you crazy?"

Still, bend over and panting Korra with Mako approaching behind her. She looks wide-eyed at the girls, glances back, and sees Mako coming as Ikki smirks mischievously at Korra, "Does he drive you crazy in a bad way, or does he drive you crazy like you like him?"

Korra glares at her and Jinora with embarrassment on her face. Korra quickly raises the earth underneath the sisters, catapulting them in the air.

Mako pulls up to her, so she turns to face him and clears her throat. Korra as a giggling Jinora and Ikki softly land behind her using air-bending listen-in as Korra tries to act cool, "Ahem. Oh. Hey, Mako."

Mako always being the direct man replied to Korra like the best caring brother could ask to her with no romantical relationship, "You have seen Bolin?"

Sarcastically Korra replies as she pauses for a moment while glancing to the side of Mako's worried face as her voice softens, "Nice to see you, too…. And no. I haven't seen him since practice. Think something's wrong?"

Looking to the right of Korra Mako replies to her with a worried expression written on his face as he talked, "I don't know. Bolin has a knack for getting into stupid situations. See you later Korra."

Korra briefly glances down, but quickly raises her hand as she calls after Mako to offer her help to him, "Wait. I could, uh ... help you look for him."

Mako accepts Korra's help with her trusty polar bear dog thing Naga as they proceeded to get going searching for Bolin through Republic City.

As they searched around the whole Republic City of Bolin scent they find themselves to be around the statue of Fire Lord Zuko holding up a flame and showing Naga pulling up at the base of the statue.

There are several citizens chatting and hanging out on the square as Mako walks up to some street kids pushing each other around and laughing to get some information, "Well, this is his usual hangout. You guys saw my brother around here today?"

Skoochy one of the street kids replied to him to a vague question as who holds out a casual, but suggestive hand, asking silently for money, "Perhaps. My memory's a little ..."foggy". Maybe you can help "clear it up"."

Mako digs into his back pocket and retrieves a yuan bill. He hands it to Skoochy, who immediately puts it away in the inner pocket of his jacket.

The entire scene is eyed by a shocked and disapproving Korra.

That was when Mako asked Skoochy about what happened to his brother as he replied them all while collecting or extorting money from him in the process, "Yeah, I seen him. About noon. H-he was performing some kind of monkey rat circus. And then…"

Skoochy holds his hand out to Mako again. Mako rolls his eyes in annoyance, but takes out another yuan bill as he asked his question, "And then what? Why did he leave?"

Skoochy leans in closer, hand at the side of his mouth making Mako worried in the process of the information he received, "Shady Shin showed up and flashed some serious cash. Bo took off with him in his hot rod. The Triple Threats? The Red Monsoons? The Agni Kais? All the triads are muscling up for something really big not sure of something but something big that's for sure. Now that's all you're getting outta me!"

Skoochy promptly turns around and runs off, as Skoochy's friends go running after him as Korra asked in confusion, "What's he talking about?"

Mako glanced over his shoulder at Korra with a serious expression written on his face as he replied to her, "Sounds like there's a turf war brewing. And Bolin's about to get caught right in the middle of it."

As they pass by several trolleys riding as Naga carrying Korra and Mako on her back, who had been waiting to go on as she asked pragmatically, "So where're we headed?"

Naga runs toward a bridge over a river as Mako replied to Korra where they are heading towards the TTT headquarters, "The Triple Threat Triad's headquarters. Hopefully, Bolin's there and nothing's gone down yet."

Korra looks back at Mako as she asked confused as they proceed to go towards their base, "The Triple Threat Triad? I beat up some of those yahoos when I got into town. Why would Bolin get tangled up with — what happened here?!!"

Their eyes widen to see gunfire shots of holes around there with blood recently fresh in the area of the downtown area as Mako's eyes widen in fear of what happened as he replied to the scene in front of him, "What! There – How could such a thing happened here in Downtown near – Bolin!!"

In a rush of worry for his brother, the two began to hurry along to see what happened. During the foggy sky, the full moon is hidden behind three slim clouds. Korra, Mako, and the animals are standing outside the Triple Threat Triad headquarters.

Eyes of shock were seen as there was the Republic City Metal Bending police there as they are talking to Viper explaining everything to them as they nodded their heads getting the reports.

Mako narrows his eyes at this as he voices his concern about the scene as Korra listens, "Something's not right. There're usually thugs posted out front. And if the Metal-Bending Police aren't arresting them then what exactly-"


Before Mako and Korra could question further interrupting Mako's words they glanced to see Bolin ok with his fire ferret Pabu on his shoulder carrying a suitcase of yuan as he talked to them with a happy smile, "Mako bro! Korra! Nice to see you and so sorry to worry you big bro for not coming as soon as I did! I managed to get myself in some trouble with-"


Before he could finish Mako interrupted him into a bro hug as he sighs out a breath of relief as he replies to Bolin in brotherly love, "Sigh… Bolin don't ever scare me like that again ok? You had me extremely worried when you didn't come home. We family you know?"

Bolin realizing that he made his brother worried about him returns the brotherly love as he explains to him what he wanted to do to help as well as self-doubt, "O-Oh…? Sorry for worrying about you Mako. I thought I would finally try and be helpful and not be a nuisance. You always look out for me even when we're young I thought I would try to be helpful for once instead of causing trouble. I just thought to not disappoint you."

Mako lets go of the hug as he briefly explains everything of how much he cares for his brother Bolin as he replied, "Sigh… Bolin. Were family and I won't ever hate you or think about your disappointment. Bolin, we are the only family left. I won't ever think negatively about you ever brother."

With the reassurance of acceptance Bolin explains to his brother and friend about what he has from the TTT as he explains what happened to him almost being kidnapped. That made the two worry but were also surprised to hear about the news of a person named Tatsumi offering him the job of taking care of the Equalist terrorist with ease.

Korra was especially surprised about how young Tatsumi was as her eyes narrowed in suspicion of the person remembering another group as she dismisses her idea, "No… it can't be them, right? I mean it only has been a day they couldn't have taken care of this that easily… right?"

"That was so beautiful form of bromance! Sniff!"

That was before they stopped briefly till they saw Tatsumi, Ruby Rose with Kaina as Mako blushed to see her as Bolin thanked the two as he responded, "Oh! Thank you, Boss Tat. Thanks for the help getting the 60,000 yuans for our championship! Also, thanks for the company lovely ladies."

Ruby and Kaina nodded at this as they began to clean up the mess along with the goons making Korra narrow her eyes catching Bolin's words. She tried to speak up to them almost as if she tried demanding from them till the fanboys interrupted her as she looked at TTT goons praise Ruby much to everyone's shock.

"Praise thy Queen Rose!"

"Bless them with your beauty!"

"Thanks for your guidance, Rose!"

"Thank thy Queen Rose!"

Being weirded out by the scene much to Tatsumi and Kaina's enjoyment seeing Ruby fluster at this praise demanding to be a normal girl Mako quickly took his two friends away, "Yeah… how about we get away from here. They look like loons here? You two in?"


Without missing a beat the avatar and Bolin agreed to see the sudden praising seems to be too weird.

However, Korra narrows her eyes at this as she promised to visit when she has the chance.


A/N: Ahh… brotherly love is the truest form of love so long as they don't simp…. Mako… hope you enjoy the chapter.

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