
Chapter Seven: The Unexpected Visit

Maddix looked for Jeffrey everywhere but he found him  away from the group. But Maddix noticed something off, Jeffery's brain waves here were completely different then at the start of the Exam. Jeffery turned around, "Hello Maddix, or should I say the reaper who got destroyed? Hahahahaha" Jeffery said with green glowing eyes. "Hello Joker, at least answer my question before we fight," Maddix requested. "Sure, why not," Joker said as he sat in a nearby chair. "Why did you choose Jeffery as your primary host? You have infected at least 3 others"  Maddix asked. "Well it's quite simple really, his quirk is quite a powerful one that can level cities. Of course I did my research on you when I infected someone traveling to the states. But I only recently connected Tempest and the Reaper. Your power makes you a god so why put up with this hero in training?" Joker asks. "Why do I stay here when I can become a Super villain or a Hero? It won't be fun. Plus I met Tsu and asked her on a date after this. But the main reason is to find the group of heroes who used my blood for them to awaken. And to find the group of villains who made a temporary quirk booster. I was tortured for 5 years and they only made 50 viles of what they call a  the "Quirk God Booster". I saw with my own eyes what it does and All For One took the drug! He awakened in a rather peculiar way. Funny enough he has a type of quirk he can not copy. Me and you have ways for us to live again while our bodies die. You infect and control others while I make a new body. All for one can not take any quirk that has an immortality aspect." Maddix said. "So you are like me, you die and are reborn but that does not explain the Reaper. The Reaper sounded very confused when I said the connection. And why do you think heroes took the drugs?" Joker asked. At this point they were answering each other's questions. ""I made myself have dual personalities so one of us can not give clues that would be impossible for one to know. When I escaped I got picked up by some heroes. A bunch of people saw them do it and took pictures so you can find it on the internet. Funny enough one of the heroes was "Atom Blaster" but at the time he could only shoot beams that have a range of around 30 meters and was not very destructive. One night I followed  them and saw them trade children for a single vial of that drug! 48 kids for a single drug! Atom blaster took it and when he awaked he had the power to level cities with nuclear-like powers."Maddix told Joker. "Well then, that is a touching story but I don't have long. Let's fight!" He said as he started to jump to Maddix with a gravity blade. Maddix simply called down lightning and shocked him. He was out for the count and the Jokers brain waves were gone for now. Maddix took him to Recovery Girl and went to see the others. 

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