
Wonderful World (1)

3 months after my birthday I got free reign on the whole house without constant supervision from my parents which was a good thing since it meant that could use the internet. NOt surprisingly my dad owned a computer, so as a 'curios daughter I asked him to teach me how to use it.

He did teach me how to use it slowly, explaining what every function did and how to use it properly without bluescreening the computer.

[I mean I don't think this is how a child should learn this, but it works for me]

I listen closely while practicing in front of him, I 'accidentally' did delete some folders so that he sees me as 'intelligent' but not as a 'genius'. I definitely know I can't really deal with that title and it most likely would corrupt me without me knowing.

So with him teaching me how to use the computer, I could get access to it properly with my parent's suspicion. I did consider using it without telling them but I saw nothing good resulting from that.

Anyways, the reason I wanted access to the internet was simple, I wanted the most amount of information I could get on this world to, simply put it, appreciate more from a real perspective.

What do I mean by this? well, as much as I would like to deny it, a manga and anime adaptation can only give so much information and world-building for the reader to be invested in the story. But now I'm literally in the story, so getting to know this world will help me.

First of all, Quirks, what are they and what can we know from them?

I question that was relevant to scientists in this world since the day they started appearing, the little research I did focused on how the world reacted to the apparition of quirk. Is as chaotic as one would imagine.

The simple fact that mutation types make people different and the ramification of that is only the tip of the iceberg, so I decided to focus on the more interesting things that I discovered in my online research. Obviously, the reliability of these sources of information is not good but since they are everywhere I could guess that they at least had some truth to them.

Mutation types got discriminated as hell, nothing too surprising there since is human nature to reject anything different, especially since change is adverse even for me, with all the 'gender bent' stuff that I'm still getting accustomed to.

So yeah, mutation types got shunned by societies and at one point, one of the global superpowers at the time questioned if they could be considered human anymore.


So yeah, with these types of abilities and rising tension between those with the disgusting 'quirks', the people with 'superpowers' and the 'quirkless' more commonly referred as 'normal people' did a number on the world.

Crime at breakneck speeds, cops could hardly do anything since quirks were too unknown and difficult to control, a cop could try his best but suddenly his gun would melt, bullets would not even harm his opponent or worse, the criminal just shoots the bullets back with their quirk.

And so the appearance of heroes or 'vigilantes' was somewhat inevitable. Nothing that I wouldn't know so far. But some incidents were amusing to me.

Someone was born with a quirk and he named it 'Midas touch', one can easily imagine what a quirk that literally turns objects to gold could mean. The man literally crashed the economy in his home country and was imprisoned and forced to unturn the objects he transforms back into normal objects, for 35 years... so he turned to villainy once he was released.

He kidnapped people and turned them into gold statues, only for them to melt them and hand them to their families who were completely oblivious, sadly, his quirk only worked while he was alive, so after his death, a lot of body parts were found in banks around the world.

He was the cause for the invention of quirk restraining cuff and even some other harsher methods of containing criminals of his level.

The Destro dude lead a war on his country because he wanted for people to be liberated since restraint of quirk was basically denying a human right, I read his ideas and was honestly not impressed since his philosophy was really flawed.

But he did have a point, since quirks are part of you they have some reflection of your human psyche, making the user unconsciously inclined to use them, for example, Mom is really 'hands on', now if this is because of her quirk is debated but it is a noticeable trend.

This leads to people cataloging the use of 'villainous quirks' as forbidden since they are somewhat crude expressions of a person, so yeah... any blood-related quirks were absolutely bashed on and still are.

World war III happened, it was fought with weapons and quirks and answered one of my lifelong questions, are really 80% of people born quirkless? Deku got his ass handed to him daily because he was quirkless but 80% isn't that low of a probability.

If we make the assumption that at least 500 people attend a high school, then that means that 100 of them were quirkless... which is a lot.

How does this relate to the War?

SImple, some countries were open to quirks than others so for example, Russia frowned upon them so they didn't use them in the war. which they 'lost' since some strong people from the other side were using them to their full potential, which is amusing seeing clear images of them since high-quality cameras did exist back then.

The usability and dangers of quirks were on full display there with the many stories that are written here.

A lieutenant that Bent the wings of aircraft to make them crash down on earth.

A country that made use of multiple ice quirks to disembark troops on land, but away from shore.

A War prisoner that could puppeteer people using their blood.

An assassination attempt was done via molding the iron in the victim's body into a razor blade.

and so much more.

These stories are absolutely fantastic for me, but people from his world don't really care about them and I kind of understand it. Many people from my world did do superhuman feats. But since they were done in a 'war' no real recognition was offered to them.

But I need to investigate more...

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