
Okay, I Guess This Is Happening Now (2)

Okay, let's look around us to figure out what had happened in this past few minutes I walk in this room. Standing in front of me are the two member of the club. The older one with a maid costume standing straight while watching the smaller one jumping to reach a book on the shelve.

"My Queen, why would you not fly?"

"Hmph! There's no need of flying. I am tall enough to reach that book."

"But My Queen, you're clearly struggling. Do you need of my assistance?"

"Who—Whos' struggling, you're struggling!" she points at me as if I am to blame for her short legs also, "You're struggling! So shut up!"

Both of us sigh.

They're talking as if we're in a role play session… wait, is this what's happening right now? Do they want me to act? I'm good at acting.

Jump. Jump. Jump. No matter how she tries, it's futile. The unknown book still up there, what I would assume important for her.

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