
The future of the (un)holy church (1)

After 2 hours she was completely healed, the 2 paladins were unconscious, because i knocked them out... I was so tired, even the priestess could kill me. By not having enough mana i forced myself to use my life force.

I'm an unholy being, so any effects i would put on her including positive ones, will be reduced by 80% because of my level.

And when she becomes a saintess she'll completely nullify all effects i can put on her, I'm at 20 hp too.

But it was worth it... Because just like in system manhwas, there's also spectators who are godlike!

"the holy Goddess of purity was surprised of your act and commends your act of bravery and gives you 2 spirit coins."

The priestess however was pointing her staff at me, she's deciding my faith. "tell me... Why did you try to save me?"

I was sitting with my back behind a wall, i replied "the human in me didn't want you to die, that's it."

She was silent but then out of thin air a holy barrier surrounded us. Then she said "you can't fool me... Now talk or I'll slowly kill you!"

Well I'm half human, that means the holy barrier deals only 40% dmg to me thanks to the devs buffing the vampires, but if she was a saintess it would deal 200% dmg to me...

My thoughts were interrupted when she said "do you seriously think you can still escape?" i smirked at her and said "no, not at all... I was actually thinking... Why would someone like a saintess candidate... Only has a few guards?"

I continued "maybe idk... They don't want you?" she shouted at me "shut up! What do you know! You don't know me! We just met and you're just a stupid vampire!"

My legs were weak, it felt like i got fucked all over for 48 hours straight... But i still managed to get up and lean on the wall. And then i put my hand on her shoulder. Then told her "i might be a vampire... But I'm still your savior..."

She looked dead inside but after a moment a tear gel from her ear then she said "the father in our church used to tell me... It's better to tell someone important to you what you feel inside..."

I chuckled a bit then asked "am i that important to you then?" she smiled then replied "he's also said that i should tell someone who i don't neither... And neither does the person know who i am..."

"so..." then she used her staff and flicked my hand away and then looked at me with murder in her eyes "THAT JUST MEANS I'LL KILL THE STRANGER TO KEEP THE SECRET SAFE!"

She was gonna swing her staff at me finishing me off but then the elevator opened and laurel came charging in holding a hammer imbued with unholy magic.

Then using magic she enlarged it turning it's size into 3 meters in size then smashed it in the barrier cracking it, at the same time waking up the 2 paladins.

Then using some sort of spacial magic she double jumped into the air, just for her to survive the saintess candidate removed her focus on me instead of killing me she knocked me back and stunning me for a bit.

Then she used the point of her staff and pointed it at laurel. When laurel destroyed the barrier the saintess candidate created a shield in the point of her staff to stop her blow.

After landing laurel bowed her head a bit and said "holy maiden sukara, nice to meet you again." the holy saintess candidate sukara was surprised at this and said "laurel?! How could a vampire beat you?! Even more tame you!?"

She replied "well it's funny... Because my master is right behind you and... he just showed me what you and the church did to me!"

Then she charged at her and sukara casted a shield spell condensed into the size of a buckler trying to block laurel's punch but it was a faint instead she went for her legs and made her trip.

Then using her right arm she grabbed her arm and tossed her away. Then she pulled a blood bag from her coat then tossed it to me.

Then said "drink it, I'll need your help" i did as she told and drank it, helping me recover both my health and mana.

Judging by the taste this is... Griffin blood? But it's a bit impure so the recovery is a bit less effective. But this will help me fully recover.

After i was done i breathed a sigh of relief, while i was drinking laurel knocked out the 2 paladins.

Then sukara came walking towards us, the staff is gone... Instead she is holding a knife in her left hand and what looks like a stake made from her Staff, but it looks like there's a Yellow shiny gem in it now.

Laurel held the hammer and changed it's size allowing her to use it with one hand, then with her right hand she drew her sword.

Then she told me "you better prepare now... Here comes the real fight..." then i equipped all my combat armor. The reason i don't wear this is because it slows me down when In the long run because of its weight...

Laurel and sukara charged at each other both blades clashing, sukara tried to stab laurel with her stake but laurel used her hammer to block it by hitting her hand With it.

Sukara slid her knife dodging laurel's blow when she tried to slash her head, and then she stabbed laurel's hand and letting her knife go and grabbing laurel's hammer and kicking her away then throwing the hammer at her but before she did she enlarged it's size and pinning her into a stone wall. Then she stared at me

Then said "tell me... How'd you exactly tame... My student?"