

"Hoooooo" Enopy took a deep breath and turned his Maa Grosse sword into a gauntlet.

The gauntlet covered his hand all the way to his elbow; it had sharp pointy fingers, entirely black, with no significant features or engravings.

The wolf had already recovered and sprinted at Enopy.

The wolf reached Enopy in an instant, it swung its paw at lightning speed. Enopy was unable to see the wolf's paw, but his senses helped him locate where it was; he put his gauntlet up and prepared for the incoming attack.

"clAng sCCCcccrrrrrEeeeecA"

A loud scraping sound originating from the wolf's claws scraping against Enopy's gauntlet resounded throughout the area.

Enopy wasted no time and abruptly thrust his Maa hand sword, aiming for the wolf's eye.


The all-seeing wolf growled.

Enopy noticed this, but paid it no mind as he went on with his plans; suddenly, the wolf turned its head ferociously away from Enopy, not caring about the injuries it would get.

Enopy had no time to change his sword's trajectory; his sword stabbed the wolf's shoulder

The wolf paid no attention to the pain in its shoulder as it leaped back, leaving a trail of blood and gray-green fur.

Enopy shook his arm slightly, trying to numb the pain gained from the collision, as he ran towards the wolf.

Enopy knew that was the best time to attack; the wolf had leaped backward and had yet to turn around; it was in no position to attack.

Enopy ran at full speed, leaving a trail of afterimages; the wolf was unable to run at full speed, which allowed Enopy to catch up to it easily.

He sent a barrage of slashes at the wolf, but with his current sword, which professed in stabbing, he could barely make scuff marks, and each time he aimed for its eyes, it would turn its head and evade death.

The wolf soon reached the wall, Enopy never stopped sending attacks at the wolf, the wolf used its two back paws and jumped off the wall, it opened its jaws trying to devour Enopy whole.

Enopy made swift moves and crouched, letting the wolf fly over him.

When the wolf's tail appeared above him, Enopy jumped up, grabbed its tail, and plunged his sword into the wolf's anus.


The wolf let out a blood-curdling scream that expressed the amount of pain it felt, it tried to turn but was stopped by the immense pain caused by the sword in its gut.

Suddenly a fountain of blood, food, and feces spewed out of Wolf's mouth as it slowly lay on the ground and waited for death.

Enopy stood some feet away from it, he wanted to watch his opponent die, but he was abruptly interrupted by the sound of running.

He turned towards the sound and saw the all-seeing wolf running away.

He knew that the all-seeing wolves were weak, but he didn't think they were Cowardly.

He ran towards it, aiming to kill it in one blow.

The wolf ran into a passageway; they soon got to the large space. Enopy was not on the trap activation side, so he was unable to activate the trap.

He was going to enter the large space, but his senses went off, urging him to stay outside of the large space.

Minutes went by as the wolf and Enopy stayed in a staredown.

The wolf seemed as if it was waiting for something.

"Interesting", Enopy was fascinated by the wolf, and the reaction it made every time Enopy stuck a foot or a finger in the large space.

He stuck his foot inside the large space and watched as the wolf's lips twitched and its tail made subtle movements.

"ha," Enopy smirked and jumped into the large room, no more than 3 feet away from the passageway.

"bam," the wolf sent its tail at the wall, and soon after the stone ceiling came down at fast speeds.

Before it crashed onto the ground, the wolf showed its sharp knife-like teeth, displaying what seemed to be a human-like smile.

Enopy jumped back to the passageway; "it has pretty high intelligence", Enopy said as he scratched his hairless chin.

He was sure the wolf would use the stairs passageway; he wasted no time, and sprinted towards another passageway; he wanted to get up to the stair passageway and kill the wolf there.

He soon arrived at a large space; he wanted to dash to the trap activation wall but was bewildered when he saw the wolf sitting next to it.

He was already in the middle of the large space, and the wolf wasted no time and destroyed the wall activating the trap.

Enopy made swift moves soon after he saw the wolf and sprinted out of the large space; he did not stop there, trying to make it to the trap wall before the wolf.

He was shocked when he saw the wolf there before him again.

The ceiling soon came crashing down, and Enopy escaped death once again.

This process went on two more times, leaving only one more chance to get to the stair passageway.

Enopy came back down the passageway and stopped instead of running to another one. He wanted to think of a way to get to the trap wall before the wolf.

Minutes passed "there is no solution; it's faster than me and has an incredible shortcut," Enopy said as he gave up the idea.

He soon began to think of how he could get to the stair passage.

"Oh, should I? It might slow me down, but if it works, then I can get up there, or I can even kill it", Enopy said as he considered an idea that popped into his head.

"ok," he said in an assured tone as he accumulated energy in his feet, and sprinted into a passageway; the more energy he accumulated, the slower he got, but it didn't make a huge difference.

He soon got to the large room, and the wolf entered his sight; he ran into the room as the ceiling came down.

He leaned forward and pushed the energy out of his feet; he moved as fast as sound. He reached the wolf in an instant, giving it no time to react as he made a fist, and crushed its skull, making its brains spew out of its ears, mouth, and nostrils.

Enopy picked up its body and jumped into the stair passageway.

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