
Chapter 358: Submerged


They did a little recap of what happened on this last day of training. Having saved the home groups that came to help and likewise the settlement that was made in Antarctica, they needed as much information as possible on the latest happenings. Although the Norwegian Chief's rest and recovery was not to be interrupted, at the slightest awakening within hours, Nushi already wanted to know his report on his trip to the Abyss, this again to the Norwegian household members and especially to Svein seemed disrespectful, that brat was complaining to the Antarctic Leader, but it seems he already had a measure in response.

『Everyone contributes in this place, whether you're at your best or on your last legs, if you know something it's better to share it with everyone or someone before you lose that information, besides look at your Boss, you can tell he's eager to tell what he experienced in there』.

『You are right...what I would regret the most as a researcher would be to discover something and not let the world know...I feel much better now...I will tell you my own experience Antarctica Leader...』

The Norwegian chief went on to tell him what he experienced in there, how it was his first interaction with the 3rd layer and although he himself knew that he was defying the abyss, he was sure that nothing bad was going to happen to him, he was frank with everyone in that room where he was resting, He freely commented that he did not believe anything in the paranormal and that there is always a truth far from fiction, that he spent years looking for something that would make him see that he was not right, but in the end he only found that such stories were nothing more than lies just to embellish the world. Surely this also had a scientific truth thanks also to the person of Nushi, who ended up cataloging and defining the curse as a disease, all the nausea, all the discomfort, all the hallucinations, everything that was talked about while in the abyss, surely was a product of either paranoia or a game of your mind to no longer be able to more.

『I should have realized it wasn't like that...』

The Norwegian chief continued explaining that thanks to defying the abyss he was now in the 3rd layer, he did not know how he got there or even remember what happened. He accompanied that before losing consciousness as well as feeling all the wind current that hit him, now that he thinks about it... that was a wind current? The density and mass was different, rather it seemed that someone or many were hitting his body with force and from one moment to the next he was no longer himself.

『Can you imagine that it was a momentary possession? Well, the way Jefecito tells it, it seems so』.

『A possession you say brat? take his words seriously, don't put it together with your silly imagination, if he lost consciousness and felt the wind strangely, it may have been another reason, the Chief of Norway was ecstatic at that moment, his body must have released adrenaline for feeling excited and more, he was fighting in his own imagination, one of the effects of being so long under exposed to adrenaline is the deterioration of knowledge and memory, you can tell that you really like to explore Chief of Norway』

『That's right...when I find myself in the middle of a new exploration to discover and reveal a new truth, in the face of that very struggle I get excited on more than one occasion....』

『There you have it brat, possession...cut the crap and stop believing in all that, you too Maao, everything has a substantiated truth』.

To this Nushi made it clear how it came to be what the Chief of Norway might have really experienced, who was forcing himself and even insisting that it must be true. Svein was angry at this but could not complain, the only thing he could say in defense was.

『You take the fun out of everything, you really are very serious』.

Listening to Svein's words again, it was like a quick trip to the past, where his mother had said similar words to him several times, remembering a bit of his past, Nushi simply kept quiet and would continue listening to the story of the Norwegian Chief.

Already in the 3rd layer, the Chief of Norway gave us a quick summary of what he felt, not knowing the way this first as he was advised to all, is to stay in one place to wait for help, he would have liked to do that, but far and near, of the many roads that were, he felt that someone was approaching, footsteps, the sound of the cracks, the feeling that you are not completely alone, all that caused him what before he could not perceive as any living being, to be afraid. The Chief of Norway told us that he would escape and get away from whatever was approaching him, he wanted to see what it was, he really wanted to see it, but...what would happen if it was not what he thought it was...what if he ended up seeing something that was not of this world or even belonged to it.... imagining something out of the known that not even with a thousand studies could deduce it, was what terrified the adult the most. So he escaped and escaped until he reached what seemed to be the entrance to the 4th layer, a thin layer that served as a floor was in front of him, but instead of seeing a salvation, the head of Norway only saw that this torment and fear would only get worse.

『Wait a minute, the footsteps that were following you in the end cornered you and led you to the entrance to the 4th Layer? And the signs that the scouts left beforehand on the path so you wouldn't get lost, weren't there any reference or any markings? really there was nothing? And also, what is this about the entrance to the 4th layer, I don't remember anything like that』.

Nushi had already found differences between the Norwegian Chief's report and that of his own experience. This left most people confused but especially the chief explorer, as he had not come across any markings or suggestions on where he has to go or head to, everything rather he commented that it was like a new unexplored place for him. This left Nushi confused and he thought it might be the truth, but Svein again would talk about the most obvious thing that could have happened.

『If there was no sign, then someone must have removed it, right?』

『Removed brat? you say that as if one of the settlement had done it』

『Of course not, I don't mean a living person, but the same footsteps that my little Chief heard, all of them could have removed it』.

Svein was again indirectly suggesting that this could all be the fault of the paranormal and fairy tales. Which Nushi was quick to deny with a truer fact that if there was no signage, then they could easily have deteriorated or simply reverted to their original form. After all the only signs they left marked in the abyss are marks written in the ice itself by drilling them and the makeshift signs of the entrances and exits of the layers.

『Well, I didn't see any marks on the ice...the more I was worried about whatever was lurking around...』

Then he told of the last thing that happened, how the thin ice on the floor ended up being destroyed and how a figure seemed to come out of the entrance of the 4th layer, he described it as almost invisible, if it wasn't for the water that jumped with force due to the destruction of the ice, it would have been more difficult to perceive it, much less see it. But remember only the most relevant, it was a humanoid figure that seemed to float above the water and air, it seemed to carry different haloes above his head, one inside the other but....

『It seemed to be holding itself up.... as if it was making an effort to project that figure...I still remember what it told me at that moment....』

When he finished telling his own experience, the Norwegian Chief was definitely a new curse holder, he began to pour snot where after wishing him a speedy recovery. Nushi and Cliston were leaving as they had things to do. As they returned home so that they could better prepare themselves, Nushi could only think of one thing.

『The truth is near....they must stop the curse...tell the truth to the world...it sounds like wailing or rather, a request from people who dedicated their lives to exploration...』

He related it easily to the motto or thought of all those in the settlement, to want all your discoveries to come out with truth to the light. To this Cliston who managed to hear it, as if he didn't have enough with Svein, this one between tranquility and somewhat mockingly said to him.

『So you also think they are ghosts, Nushi?』

When the leader of Antarctica, who was walking in front, heard this, he first stopped to look at Cliston and spoke back to him, as a continuation of the conversation from long ago, whether he also believed that ghosts are real. To this Cliston seemed to have something direct to say to him, and that was that in short that.

『If they really exist, I would like to see them even once, because after all they were a person with aspirations and dreams just like us, why should I be afraid of someone like me or someone like you?』

Before Cliston's answer, from which Nushi did not take his eyes off him, he would go on to resume his way where the Fatty silently followed him like any good person who decided to help him in everything. To this Nushi thought clearly, if only for another time, if he wanted to get to imagine something, then he would like to imagine that all the people of that exploration group in which he was, maybe they are still there in the Abyss, if they are really them, he still remembers that when they were still alive, rather than scary, it was somewhat peculiar all the exploration.

『You're right, why would I be afraid of stupid people in the first place, but still you're wrong Maao, in this world you shouldn't be afraid of those who are no longer there, they can't do anything to you, and if they are among us, they are only limited to being an empty waste in our world, they wander without knowing what to do, they can't interact with our reality, and if they do it is only to move an object to give us a scare, many catalog that as something really scary, but between someone who with all his effort tries to interact in our reality to someone who with a little effort is in our own world, who is still in our reality and can attempt against it and the others, tell me Maao, who is scarier? The dead who are no longer with us and can't do anything to us, or someone alive who, if he wants to, can end your life』.

Nushi gave a short explanation of how he thinks about death and life, and made it clear who is the more dangerous of the two sides. To this Cliston also seems to agree, but could only come to a simpler conclusion.

『So the movies about ghosts and ghouls are over exaggerated?』

『That's right, it's more than pure entertainment and profit, don't forget that cinema is also a market to make money』.

『Even those who say based on real life?』

『It's not bad to add a little salt to the meat to make it taste better』.

With that simple answer too, Cliston learned something new about the world. Back home at last, they both set about planning to get everything ready for tomorrow. As they had planned, the 10 days of training were over and now from tomorrow it would be 20 days of exploration to the 5th layer to recover the curse or rather the disease at the bottom. Nushi was sure of this so he presented Cliston with a capsule where he would enclose the disease so that he could take it with him to the surface, while it was inside the capsule, even if it was on the surface, it would not spread and could be analyzed freely when he was at home.

『In addition to the capsule you will also take a respiratory mask so you do not have difficulties when you reach the 5th layer, remember that you will go to the bottom of the abyss, the air becomes rarefied and even become nonexistent, I say this from experience because when I also reached the 5th layer, I guess it was, I do not know, I was very dizzy and confused at that time, but the air was too heavy and I had to escape from that place』.

I was showing him the mask that I would get to wear where it seems that being all the equipment for the extraction and recovery of the curse. Cliston, even though he already knew that Nushi traveled to the 5th layer, asked him how his trip was in detail, the leader of Antarctica did not see it as a bad thing to tell him, because after all, it would be useful information for Cliston.

『I was going to tell you just this day so that you have information about what to do in that Abyss, my case was different from the Norwegian Chief, I did not see any thin layer at the entrance of the 4th Layer, rather my scenario was different, now that I remember, my version is completely different.... it must be because I was not at 100, yes, that must be』.

Nushi would go on to say that the scenery and even literally everything was different from what the Chief of Norway experienced, for him there was not a thin layer of ice, rather for Nushi the entrance was a large ice bridge with an abyss that seemed to have no end, he recalls that many of his companions ended up falling and dying on the spot. What he called as 4th Layer upon arrival, also that left him confused, because for him it was a different scenario to others, as many of his companions who managed to arrive with him, said that the environment was different, for everyone it was varied, it was like seeing something that only you could see while for the other or could not see anything or was something completely different.

『And when I arrived to what I guess is the 5th Layer, I was really weak and tired, it was very cold and the only thing that kept me warm was my hat...!!!! .... now that I think about it .... there was a strong wind running in that place .... all the way was swept by a wind like blowing you away from the place, but at the end of the path of the 5th Layer you could see it, it was a small place I remember, it was quiet when you arrived, it seemed more like a resting place because of how quiet it felt....including....』

Nushi remembers how it was when he arrived at the end of all alone, following the wishes of his companions who were no longer with him, in the center of the 5th Layer he could see it clearly, yes, it seemed that there was a tomb in that place, and he still remembers how he first got angry, he was annoyed, he was irritated, he was glad to finally want to shed a few tears, since someone had beaten him to the end of the road, since he could see how his mother was waiting for him in what seemed to be a tomb, with a smile and a huge desire to hug him and congratulate him.

『Damn...she always ends up dragging me and leading me where she wants...even to this day....』

Nushi was with a warm smile on his gesture touching his cat cap that he has, this was seen by Cliston who either to tease him or get a better smile out of him, he slowly approached him and with his phone managed to take a picture of Nushi, who this upon knowing what he did, quickly got angry at this and wanted to take it away so that he would delete it.

『Look at him fighting like this asshole, he doesn't know that this picture is already in my database and nothing I do will delete it XDXDXDXDXD』

『I'm sorry, I just felt it was something weird to see and little to see you smiling like that, I had to mark it if or if with a photo, besides why do you want to delete it? If it's not embarrassing at all. At least give me this whim, what you did to me is unparalleled Nushi *smiles*』

『I don't like having my picture taken, I look ugly in them....』

To this Cliston didn't understand what he was referring to, because looking at Nushi this well they weren't that bad, maybe it's because he is wearing the cap? Cliston would try to take it off but quickly seeing his intentions, Nushi with his typical needle finger pecked Cliston to leave him alone, it seems that no matter what one does or says, Nushi doesn't seem to take off his cap at all. Cliston to this was laughing and looked at the picture he took of Nushi, he really looks like a little kid smiling like that and even said.

『I'm sure if your mother saw it, she would like it very much *smiles*』.

Words that when Nushi heard it, he went from being embarrassed to relaxing and calming his body, no, it seems that he was momentarily depressed when he heard that. He imagined that his mother also knew that his Nushi did not like the photos, the only ones he has are those of when he was a baby, but even there he looked serious, also the only ones he managed to have are those of his entrance and completion of study, both elementary, middle and high school. The one from University he was not able to take because he was not present at that time. But in all those photos, Nushi was not at all sincere with his smile, as well as his dry words that he loved his mother, his smiles were also dry.

After that, with the help of the slate and a pen, Nushi was already preparing everything that Cliston would take in his exploration backpack, both the water and the canned food, news that made Cliston feel worse, since he really did not want to eat from those cans again. Seeing that he was complaining so much and maybe the lack of encouragement could be detrimental to the exploration. Nushi to this was telling Cliston that.

『Tomorrow a small ship will disembark with some supplies I sent for, there will come both nutritional bars as well as liquid with all the necessary vitamins, and I even sent for a pack of Maruchans for you to at least taste a little bit of paradise in that Abyss』.

『Seriously? How cool!!! I think it will be my first time eating maruchan inside freezing caves!』

『Of course if the ship arrives by tomorrow morning, since it usually takes 8 to 21 days to arrive, and I ordered it on our second day...well, you better pray to the ship's people that it arrives tomorrow or else you'll be eating canned food for 20 days *smiles*』

『Please !!!! Little boat you have to get there!!!!!』

Cliston also pointed out that as they will be under the ice for a long time, then there may be a chance that they will end up getting sick with flu or fever, Nushi answered that he also remembers that in his expedition they also took medicines, so in addition to some pills and syrups, they would also take the pre-vaccines against Nushi's curse. This was emphasized by him that perhaps it may even be a measure against the ravages and phenomena that your body will suffer.

『If you feel dizzy, confused or even that you can't take it anymore, if you see things that are not, you can inject one of these, it should calm you down for a moment at least』.

It seems that such medicine will be one of the last resources to be able to draw strength from where there is none. From what they were still thinking about what else might be missing, Cliston remembered why Nushi was feeling upset recently, letting him know why he was nervous and worried. Whereupon already calmer the Antarctic Leader would only tell him that.

『It's nothing, it's just that there might be a volcano in the abyss』.

『.....How about a volcano!!!!!』

Cliston's surprise was to be expected, he even wondered how a volcano could even exist in Antarctica? Because after all, this whole area is covered with ice and cold water, there should be no place for heat and much less in the depths of these cold lands. To this Nushi now that he thinks about it may be more serious the matter, he did not think about it but when the lava comes in contact with water, this is able to generate more detonations and be explosive, when this was heard by Cliston it seems that he had the wrong idea of what he thought was going on.

『Not that lava in contact with water becomes solid? a stone, right?』

『Where did you get that from?』

『From the ice cube set 』

『.... Well yes, when the hot magma comes in contact with the sea water, it enters a state of change, in a gradual cooling of the hot fluid, this causes the emission of steam and gas mixture to the surface, to end up sedimenting and forming part of the earth itself』-『But we are on the continent that has the coldest water of all, if with sea water this generates detonations and explosions, of course it is not perceived because the water ends up absorbing this reaction and quickly sediments, but with these cold waters, it would first cause strong explosions where in turn it would solidify instantly』-『(The Orca Volcano literally has everything to be one of the worst catastrophes on the planet.... first of all the wind...if it erupts it would also cause cold water to rush in causing a rapid explosion as well as a rapid sedimentation....)』

The Orca Volcano according to Nushi is located under the cold waters of Antarctica in subway caves, if it were to cause an explosion the only way before the chaos comes to the surface, would be that the same cold water from the beginning makes contact with the lava, with the magma, this would cause a huge explosion and detonation in the seabed that would be retained by the same. The force in the same way thanks to Torricelli's Theorem would come to the surface through the hole or escape orifice, but as it already began to make the change to the reaction of water with magma, what would proceed in the end is that it would be solified at the same moment of the explosion.

『(The only thing is that the speed at which the lava shoots out will surely be higher than when the water reacts with it and .....)』

Nushi could imagine a scenario where the lava would shoot to the surface with all the force of the wind and water itself, this would fall all over Antarctica where it would cause a huge chaos in the continent, where in the end the reaction of the sedimentation would arrive late causing a petrification in the whole place. Nushi was worried about this as he still raises that the Abyss and said Orca Volcano is connected, to this Fatty was worried about his friend as he had returned that nervous and worried expression of Nushi.

『Is something wrong Nushi? You're just as worried as when the earthquake happened...』

Nushi at this looked at Cliston who seems to want to know what he was going through. It seems that he is really even afraid, this was too silly, a disease that made you stay in the ice continent because if you went out you could literally die at any time, but being here did not keep you safe, because at any time in the life of planet earth that volcano will surely erupt killing without escape all the inhabitants of Antarctica, or stay in that uninhabitable place or return to your home to die one day....

『(The earthquake...the winds of Cliston....) *tsch* You said we will be dead when that happens....』-『Okay Maao, I'll tell you my theory...』

Nushi went on to explain his possible hypothesis of the relationship that the Abyss could have with the Orca Volcano, upon learning this, Fatty also seemed to be worried, but not as much as Nushi, where he just understood that his tranquility in saying that the volcano was nothing a while ago, was a mistake on his part. Nushi told him that what was causing the awakening were the winds of Cliston, he suggested that for nothing in the world release them in a violet and abrupt way inside the Abyss, not even in the direction of expulsion of the exit, since the winds inside the cave with force end up bouncing and returning to that place once you are inside.

『You are beginning to understand your wind thread, that will serve us a lot, but I repeat again, don't get upset and release your power inside the Abyss...otherwise...』

『But, I don't like that idea』


『I don't like to leave a problem that may be harmful to you, whether it is not activated now or tomorrow, sometime it will erupt and such people of the moment who are here will not be saved, I....』

『This is not the time to think like a hero and save lives!!! That volcano was dormant for millions of years! And if we don't do anything, as long as we don't interfere it will remain inactive!!!! Besides, before 2050 life on earth will not even be habitable as it is with Global Warming. Our life will be greatly reduced!!! When that Volcano erupts there will no longer be any living being who is in danger!!!!! 』

『...There will be no one left? Then all the more reason to stop it』.

『*tsch* Listen Maao!!! Leave behind that silly ideal of wanting to protect everyone!!!If you want to follow a hero ideal, then I propose that you at least care about who we are in the present day! The past no longer exists! The Future is uncertain! The present is our reality! Protect those of us who are here in the present and do nothing! Oiste Maao?』

『Do nothing?....I see you're wrong Nushi』

What was this, out of nowhere they started exchanging strong words with each other, even Cliston was telling him that Nushi was wrong, who this for the leader of Antarctica seemed to annoy him more and with more force he gave the order to Cliston that he must do nothing, that he will only go to the 5th Layer to recover the disease and come back, use his wind thread correctly and only that. But for Cliston this was wrong, to do nothing when you have the possibility to fix it or solve it, for him this was what mattered the most. So he would surely look at Nushi and tell him.

『I will stop the volcano』

He was saying it with so much confidence that this seemed to Nushi to get him out of his mind, he wanted to get angry, indeed he was going to get angry, he was against what Cliston thought at that moment, it seemed silly to him but....What if not now the awakening of Cliston's product began, since years ago it was already felt and there are records of slight earthquakes at the bottom of the sea but....Nushi preferred to relax and give a heavy sigh, and with all the contrary in his expression he said to him.

『Do whatever you want』-『But if you're going to do it, believe with all your might that you'll be able to do it, that's all I can tell you』.

She looked at him without taking her eyes off him, it really was kind of weird, she looked at him as if she was making the worst decision of all, but her words were supportive for Cliston. Where Fatty to this as if still contradicting him in everything, he would flash him a smile and say.

『I've noticed that even you contradict yourself Nushi, how fun it is to be with you *smiles*』.

Cliston was happy about this because he will have the possibility to help many people again. He was also very much in his mind that this planet will not support much, he is very aware of global warming, he was going for the most logical and what he learned and studied while he was in Europe, if there is an eruption in Antarctica, this would melt the ice and he has very much in mind that, if ice melts, become water, water reach the sea, sea level rise, flood coastal areas of the planet, that's wrong.

Why do I talk like that? Because. He had a different thought and result than Nushi, we could even say childish because recently Nushi explained to him the real consequences of an eruption in Antarctica, but well, nobody wants to go into it too much. Cliston comments that if the problem is that it expels wind, then the first time it did so because of Nushi making him record that video, maybe that also triggered the awakening of the volcano?

『No but almost, that time you expelled wind outside and not inside an enclosed space, your wind did not cause an earthquake but it was wanting to cause anomalies, especially in the chasms of the mountains, fortunately it was not a movement that shook the whole earth but only shook it slightly in the heights, it was not enough to cause avalanches like now』.

『I understand (I don't really understand)』

It seems that there was nothing more to talk about, they had already agreed on how they would go along with all the materials and products needed for the exploration. Nushi reminded Cliston to keep praying for the ship to arrive in the morning, where Cliston seems to keep praying and having faith in the ship's crew. At that moment when there was nothing more he was going to tell Cliston to show him in more detail his Thread of Wind, but in that Cliston remembering that today will be his last day so to speak, he wanted a little reminder, you know, a before and after.

Svein after almost 1 hour was finally returning to Nushi's home, this one thanks to the fact that he stayed a while longer with his boss managed to get some information that may be necessary for the exploration. And this one being used to enter his home without knocking first, he would open the door where he would find a scene that....

『Come on Nushi!!!! One doesn't do anything wrong!!!』

『I already said I look ugly and I don't like pictures!!!! 』

Cliston was running around Nushi with his phone in hand, while the leader of Antarctica seemed to escape doing everything he could not to be with his partner. They were like a game of cat and mouse, where although Cliston was much more agile than Nushi, the latter slipped and knew the shortcuts in his house, he really looked like a cat Nushi as he moved from one place to another, and when Cliston finally had him for the taking, Nushi with his bites defended himself to avoid being caught. When Svein saw this he didn't know what to say or how to react.

『You're here Svein!!! Help me catch Nushi, we have to take a picture the 3 of us together now that we are reunited』-『Come michi michi michi michi I'm not going to do anything to you or was it ps ps ps ps ps ps *smiles*』

『Don't treat me like an idiot cat!!!! You are the cat! That's why I'm telling you Maao!!!』

『Huh? Maao means cat in Chinese.... michi michi michi michi michi come here *smiles*』

『Stop calling me like that!!!』

This was a little weird to see, but Svein seeing that they were having a good time and it was fun, a smile was marked on his face and together with Cliston he also made Nushi call out.

『Come here Katt *laughs* Katt Katt Katt Katt *smiles*』

『Beggars you imbeciles!!!』

It took about 2 more minutes for Nushi to finally be caught, it really seems that he was too runner and did not let himself be caught at all, his instinct to dodge things as scary seems to be a new mechanic that we discovered from Nushi. Who not only ended up poking Cliston all over his body with his needles, but Svein also got those affections that some people consider from cats. In the end it seems that his resistance ended up winning since Nushi ended up getting tired after 2 minutes, where when he finally had him in his arms, Svein held him like a real animal, both Svein and Cliston were spurting blood from their bodies because of the stings they received, and when Svein found out how long they lasted chasing Nushi, he commented.

『Only 2 minutes? That was too soon Nushi, you should have held out longer』.

『Why do you say that as referring to something else, I already said it's because of the cold that I get tired fast....』

At the end, wanting but not wanting, the 3 friends positioned themselves for the photo who Nushi was in the center, and with the help of Loquendo he took the photo where the 3 of them were smiling, or at least that would have been incredible to happen, but only Nushi was with a serious gesture on his face. Cliston was happy and said that when this whole trip was over, he would print all the photos and keep them in a photo album. Nushi was getting tired and could hardly move, he explained to Svein and made a quick summary that they already had everything for the exploration, but then Svein gave them the information he had recently obtained.

『What didn't you feel that happened one day?』

『That's right, my little boss said that he didn't feel like he was in for a day, but rather for hours, and that the strength he thought he had just after he came out felt like his whole body automatically shut down as if asking for a mandatory rest』.

『That is new information...he is the first one to report such an event...』

『I still believe that everything is a product of ghosts and supernatural things that make you lose track of time and the environment, yes, there are definitely some shamucos on the loose here』.

Svein seems that no one is going to take away his imagination that there are incredible and out of our world things inside the Abyss, Nushi did not care about the latter but what interested him more was how the Chief of Norway perceived the time, of course, between the fear and the adrenaline out of his body, there were factors that did not make him notice the time, this was much less but....

『So he fell asleep because he was so tired that he didn't realize it himself?』

『That's Cliston, that's how he said it himself 』

『So the disease is able to alter your brain in the same way that you don't feel that you are getting more and more exhausted until when you go out you feel sure that nothing is going to happen to you anymore....ya see ....*smile*You see brats, even fainting has a scientific logic to it, curses and ghosts HA! You see they are still a 難以置信的』.

Nushi to this at the end felt like superior and even let out a loud laugh to his classmates, who seeing Nushi's unexpected reaction, their responses were too.

『Eh what? Don't say it again or I'll bust you Nushi!!!』

『What did you say Yushi? In these cases the normal response is 』-『Your mom XDXDXDXDXD』.

It seems that Nushi wanted to have fun and noticing that these 2 did not understand what he was saying, he would go on to vent as never before with his 2 companions, maybe we do not understand and it only remains in our imagination, but Svein did not want to fall many times in this so he also made the counter to Nushi with his native language. And as if he had forgotten, Loquendo reminded Cliston that he can activate the translator function, Cliston listened to this and when he set it up in this way, what he found seems to be not from God.

『I see you are still a ------------ didn't they teach you anything in your school? piece of -------------- besides you are also a -------- and a head of ----------- your attitude and imagination I better suck my ---------------- I will show you with bases how your -------------- is supported imbecile of --------------- face of ------------- and that all your family is worth ----------------』 to me.

『I don't know what you are saying, but I want to make it clear that you are a ------------------ and you smell like ------------------------- your canned food tastes like ------------------ you have an attitude of -----------------orders and orders, few are the thanks I heard from you, slimeball of ------------------- you are also a malicious freeloader of ------------ojala your ancestors you -------------------- your arrozillo is a--------------- and you don't deserve to get a gift at Christmas!!!! You are a childish child of ---------------』

When Cliston heard this he was literally speechless, as he took off the glasses he was now integrating with the audio to hear the translation, he could only listen.

『愚蠢的 白痴 你媽媽太胖了,需要兩艘船才能帶她來,你這個混蛋.』

『Du er en dverg som bare gir ordre, på toppen av det er du liten, lær av mitt folk som måler deg til månen!! Selv om det er det argentinere er, ah det er ikke nesen deres』

They were literally 2 different worlds when you can understand something, clearly both Nushi and Svein did not understand what they were saying to each other, if it had been another World Leader who can understand and speak all the languages this would have been over, but Nushi did not bother to learn those languages and only stays with what he knows. But ....si all the time Cliston was with the translator disabled, how did he manage to communicate with everyone? Easy, they all spoke the same language and that's why they understood each other. Why? Why yes, don't look for logic to everything and just let your imagination fly, or are you going to start fighting like these two idiots that are here? Cliston would better tell Loquendo to deactivate the translation and in a not so discreet way he would take a picture of his friends, who seemed not to notice the fight, while Cliston was smiling.


While at last the last day has passed and finally the exploration group was at the entrance of the Abyss. Nushi was as always taking the lead and watched in the background as Cliston and Svein were coming with their huge backpacks equipped for everything necessary, they were talking with laughter and excited with each other, especially Svein who commented that he wanted to see with his own eyes all that the abyss can offer, whether good or bad, he will not regret what he will live in there.

Nushi remembers this perfectly, as also on the first day the whole group was at the entrance of the Abyss, each with their luggage and well implemented, they thought they were carrying what they needed, I wish they had carried more, each with a backpack equal to those of Cliston and Nushi. As if it were a real memory, he watched as each of the members of his exploration group entered the Abyss, all with a spirit of coming out victorious at the end of the day, all with a story to tell when they left. While Nushi looked up to stare at the ceiling, he didn't follow his companions, he just kept waiting as if for someone to appear beside him, and as if it were real, Nushi turned around and saw his mother Meilin, smiling and patting him on the back.

『You do look good in that hat *smiles* Although it doesn't take the seriousness out of your face, but at least you look charismatic 』.

She was calling her son to her so that together they enter the abyss that looking at both sides, the mother's more like a different abyss where the wind was hitting hard, while Nushi's was all calm with no intentions of moving. He kept looking at the ceiling where the mother was also looking at the ceiling and commented.

『I hope when we go out we are greeted with all its warmth by the sky, I think I will miss it *smiles*』-『Let's go Nushi, to see with our own eyes the truth of the world』.

Li Meilin would extend her hand with a smile that seems to keep her warm, where Nushi for his part, lowered his head to look at his mother, he didn't say anything, just stood still for a few seconds, but seeing his mother that he really wanted to go with him and enjoy this adventure. Nushi stretched out his arm to tell her.

『Please don't come in....don't come in....Mother.....---------...』

And as if it was a reality check from the imagination he was in, Cliston and Svein moved to replace the position where his mother was, and Cliston would look at Nushi as Nushi was with his arm outstretched and even shedding a small tear, quickly Nushi realizing this would move to take out his toilet paper to wipe himself but.....

『Nushi *smiles* Let's get in and out of here, nothing is going to happen to us so you relax, when we get out, let's go back to looking at the sea horizon in the mornings』

Cliston was reassuring him with his words, he was trying to make his friend feel good, and even his smile was different now, really if you saw him you would fully believe in his words, that everything is going to be all right. But Nushi hearing this, he looked at Cliston and Svein who was further behind, first his mouth trembled, he seemed not to want to say what he was about to say, but with seriousness and a sigh he made up his mind.

『Go back home, if you don't, I won't carry your words with me, you heard』.

They were straight and too serious, that was his way of encouraging his 2 companions who are about to make perhaps a journey of no return. Who Cliston hearing this, was with a smile and would pass to only waving his hand to say goodbye. He rejoined Svein who commented that if Nushi had cried for a second, he wished he had also taken a picture. While Cliston remembered Nushi's last words, and he could only think to himself that.

『(Carrying our words, I don't think you can carry my weight...I've said it from the beginning and I'll repeat it to myself until I'm tired, I'll go back home)』

With a huge decision, the two companions finally entered the Abyss, they will be a total of 20 days where their mission is to get the curse safely out of the abyss, where Cliston also has planned in the process, stop the catastrophe that can cause the volcano, Cliston certainly wants to save everyone, while Svein, he just wants his imagination to show him a path that he will not regret in his life.

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