
Chapter 339: Intensions


The sky was dark and grayish, from the clouds that covered the entire city, you could notice the first rays of light that hit that great country that seems to never give in to anyone, as demonstrated now, did not take a step back and stood firm until he could get another victory on his list, history will be marked as perhaps the only country that could defeat a God, the only country that saw a gesture of reprimand, frustration and tears of not being able to achieve it. Cliston, seeing that although he had tried everything, remained firm to his position, tried to convince him with his words, even falsely threatening him to comply with everything he said if he deserved it. But still he did not achieve his goal, he got to know again that feeling that no matter how much you do and even decide to go another way, there will simply be people who will not be willing to follow you or listen to you, and why? Because everyone has his conviction and his way of being in life, if that is the way he is and he does not show any change, then nothing more can be done, or maybe Cliston was not the right person to fulfill that role, it was not the right time, luck was not on his side. He just lost without even knowing what he was getting into, he didn't lose a fight, he didn't lose a combat or a war, he lost to his way of thinking and being, he lost to everything he thought he could do, everything he used before didn't work with this person. Cliston walked frustrated to the ship to finally leave Russia, you could feel all the weight of loss, his mouth deforming as he wanted to scream and cry, his arms and legs firm because he did not know what to do with this feeling, his fists making force. It was obvious that this had frustrated him too much and he might even start to think differently.

『(I didn't achieve anything, I tried to be understanding with President R, I tried to be kind even though I hated him, I gave him several chances, I gave him everything I can offer him but he just refused...Like...it's the first time I've met such a person after a while, having compared him to the parasite was true, in this world there are cruel people...and I still can't....)』

Cliston was closing his eyes and you could tell he wanted to keep shedding small tears that came out of his eyes. Mikel who was walking next to him knew what young Cliston was feeling, this was his first loss and he is getting to know his first reaction to this, you could say that he was very lucky in that so far everything has gone his way, he survived many things and with his way of being he managed to change many people's minds. But now he is learning the other side of the coin, both in a distant world and the world where he considers his home, he is beginning to understand that reality is not so far from fiction.

The sun's rays pierced the clouds as if indicating that they should return home, they could already feel an acceptable and pleasant warmth compared to minutes ago. How strange this was, Mikel looked at the sky and it was as if the world was telling them that they have been victorious, but it was the opposite, every step they took was to retreat because they could no longer do anything else, they lost, Mikel lost again, while Cliston.

『It hurts you Giovane Cliston』

『No, it doesn't hurt, it's just very annoying and irritating not to have succeeded this time...』-『Of all the times I fixed it by talking it always worked out, all those missions and people mattered to me and I wanted them to have a second chance...But when I saw it and knew everything about President R, I couldn't help but feel it personally, seeing it made me see my past and the figure against whom I once couldn't do anything. I was upset, so upset that I wanted to win whatever it took to win this match....even threatening everything he wanted and loved he didn't waver for a second...his yelling, his hatred, his denial, his firmness...everything about him was stronger than me...I hate this....』

Cliston tried with his left arm to wipe his tears trying to hide his face, this defeat really weighed heavily on him in his life. He didn't want someone else to see him, he didn't want someone who cares and is important to him, like his friend Mikel, to see him in such a reproachable state as he was now. Mikel tried to look him in the eyes to know what to tell him so that he could recover, he has that ability to please people and to know their deepest desires of the moment. But not at this moment, he could not see anything, he wanted to go the easy way to bring joy to his friend who was having a hard time. But when he finally managed to wipe his tears he could see something different Mikel, Cliston was tired, a gesture of total defeat, a gesture without strength and above all, a gesture that with the passing of time if he continues like this and can not control it, it can turn into hatred towards what he loves so much, Mikel when he saw this quickly thought.

『(He has the same expression as Fari...Cliston has just entered the stage of which path to choose in his life, all the factors were given, he knew the luck, he knew the bad luck, he knew the good, he knew the bad, he knew that his beliefs can save others and he also knew that there are those who will not accept his person, he knew the destruction he loved so much. ...I wonder what will become of Cliston if he continues with this journey, at the end of the trip what will end up changing him will be his own world that he decided to ignore at the beginning, or maybe not and he is simply giving it too much thought, the only thing I can do at this moment is)』

『If it had been Mama Lucha in my place, I'm sure she would have convinced President R to stop all of this...』


From what they were walking calmly towards the ship, with the track wet from the melting snow, Cliston upon hearing Mikel's answer ended up staying still in the same place. And with the same animosity, he refused to Mikel.

『Yes, I'm sure I would have succeeded』.

『No Giovane Cliston, I wouldn't have made it』

『Yes...If I would have made it...』

『I wouldn't have made it--------』

『I would have made it!!!!!!』

Quickly you could notice how Cliston, seeing that Mikel was giving him the opposite thought, ended up getting so angry that he gave off a strong gust on the spot. It could be clearly seen as the puddles of water that were both on the track and on the grass, ending up splashing and fluttering on the spot. Cliston would see Mikel with the same look as before, the same look with which he looked at President R, because again they were giving him the opposite to what he believes so much, at this moment I feel that they are offending not only him, but his whole family and what they were all this time. Mikel could see it clearly, again that face repressing all the hate he had, if something is not done with all that strength something bad could happen or something tragic could happen to make all that hate disappear.

『Listen to me Giovane Cliston, what I am going to tell you is not an offense neither to you, nor to what you believe nor to your family, it is only my humble opinion and advice to you』-『If hypothetically Mama Lucha would have made it, yey! war is over, maybe a change in President R to a good way could have happened, but you know what all that would mean, it would be an achievement, one more achievement for Mama Lucha, not for you, it would be a step of growth for Mama Lucha, not for you, she would have become a better person, this for Mama Lucha, not for you. I am not saying that it is wrong for you to receive help, I myself was the one who gave you a hand and we supported each other to get here, but what I want to say is that do not forget what is important in this journey. All this adventure is your growth Giovane Cliston, if your rhythm is to receive help and advice from people you trust, that's fine, that's a good friend who wants to see you grow. But if that person does everything for you and you do nothing, that is not a good friend, he only wants you as you are, he does not want a change, he does not want an improvement, he wants to stop the time and that you are as he prefers. Tell me Giovame Cliston, doesn't your family want the best for you? Don't they want to see you grow and what you will be in the future? He wants your happiness and for you to become better than yesterday, I am very sure that someone in your family or your whole family was opposed to the idea of you being a Hero, it is a dangerous job, you are the first in the world to fulfill such a role worldwide. I would also be very worried if my son went out into the world to embark on a one-way journey. But I would still accept it, let him embark and learn more about the good and the bad, so he will realize that his journey was not a waste of time, he will grow, learn, teach, it would hurt me more to hold you to a crystal sphere than to give you the opportunity to improve』-『This is your own journey and no one else is going to take your place, forget that if this person would have done better, forget that if this person would have made a better decision, the moment has already happened and you can't change it, it's your own discovery of yourself and accept the defeats as well as the victories, all this will help you later on not to make mistakes anymore, because yes, life is a place where the less mistakes we make, the better it will be』

-『You were the one who was here, you tried and you lost, learn from all that, don't get frustrated for being your first defeat by returning to your world. Besides Giovane Cliston you are wrong, you don't need another person to make the others change, you already achieved a change in everyone, I am sure that here also one happened, at least a small one. Because that's also what you decided when you made this one year journey, you will take the role of accomplishing everything you set out to do, I'm so glad you feel frustrated *smile*』

『!!!....How do you know about the one year role...ah, that power you have is very annoying *smile*』

『Don't be discouraged Giovane Cliston, your life stopped the moment you decided to ignore all the bad stuff, but now with that frustration and from long before it turns the hand again, don't forget, to grow you also have to suffer, although that sounds very masochistic, no no better forget the last thing 』

『*laughs* Thank you very much Mikel, I think I feel better now, although I still feel a little nervous...I don't know if this is weird for you, but do you think we would have met if you Mikel, had lived with all the happiness in the world』

Cliston's question was that if it had happened and Mikel had never had such a tragedy happen to him in his entire life. If his home had never been attacked and he had never been away from Didiel, as his life would have been back then, he most likely would have grown up with his family until he came of age. His family would have kept the fact that the world was at war from him, they would have kept him in a glass sphere inside everything. Didiel would have done the same, he, knowing everything about the outside world and seeing his innocent friend without knowing anything, would not have told him anything and would even have spoiled him in many things to preserve his childhood. Mikel's father suffered from a post-war disorder that would be cured thanks to Didiel's father, but in return he would be very careful with his son and his main joy and happiness in the world. Having so many people who only want him for themselves, Mikel would certainly not have grown up in the best possible way, knowing nothing, knowing nothing, with no aspirations or goals. He would only be waiting for others to make him happy like a little boy who is spoiled by his whole family.

Mikel looked at Cliston for the question he asked him, the old man knew the answer himself as it was too easy to find him. Mikel would place his hand on Cliston's head and would go on to caress him gently and then do it with strength just as Fari did with him, and with a smile he would say to him.

『But what are you saying Giovane Cliston, if the life I took is the one that brought me the most happiness *smile* 』

『*laughs* I can feel your hand bones Mikel 』

Both of them were laughing because of the situation of the moment, Mikel accepted all his life and all that he took advantage of it to not feel hatred or retaliation, it would have been another thing if his life had taken him with hatred and blamed everyone for his misfortune. But no, everything he experienced is what brought him the most happiness in his innocent time, he just hopes that his words and advice could have helped Cliston that he should not feel that his life and experience is hate, what matters for many is the end of the road, how you will define yourself with this journey, and Mikel can see it by seeing through Cliston's joy, he can be seen that he got the best result in the end to continue his life peacefully.

『Hey Mikel, I was so strong?』

『¿? What do you mean, you were?』

『Well all the power I showed earlier, I can't imagine that I did all that, creating that energy sphere didn't cost me anything and my attack could quickly pierce space, my shields feel more resistant and lately when I fly I reach my destinations faster』.

『I guess it's because of your training Giovane Cliston』.

『To my training? But at no time do I remember training in my God Form, everything I did is in my Base Form』

『So we were right to train you like that, that means as your Base Form gets stronger, your God Form will get that extra training and thus get stronger. But I think you want to take it separately, I think yes, your Base Form is one and your God Form is another, both are separate but united at the same time, just like the previous example I think you can't do it the other way around. If you train your God Form, your Base Form doesn't get stronger, it still remains as a human, and if it didn't, you could use all those abilities in your base state, which you can't right?』

『No, in this state I can't fly, I have no strength, nor can I throw energy, but the only thing I can do is generate slight air currents』-『But if I bring up a bit of my God Form to my base state, yes I can do everything I said before and my air currents also become more powerful』.

『It's a very interesting topic, bad luck that I don't know about those things, but Antartida does, I'm sure that with it you will learn more of your abilities and even get to control them better, but giving a correction to what I said before, it's not that your Base Form and your God Form are united, they are separated and it's like at the moment of transforming you acquire all the hidden power. Mmmm...Will there be a way to unite both Forms into one I wonder...』

『.....mmmmmm!!!! Oh, I remember! When Yashiro and her companions were fighting against me, I remember many transformed into something that gave them more power. The parasite that controlled me got to know what they were called, they were called Liberated Form and from what little he could deduce in the middle of the fight, it's like the energies they had started to work together, not become one, but become stable and cooperate with each other with each other, or something like that I remember, maybe 』

『I understand, with that several energies cooperating with each other to become stronger...*smiles* That means the more powerful you make your Base Form and at the same time you also make your God Form more powerful, and if at some point you make them stable and cooperate, you'll still become stronger!』

『Yes, something like that, I think, although I don't think I have a high percentage of my God Form's power unlocked and having to train to acquire it is...I'm kind of getting lazy already』.

『But someday you will, now I'm more confident that if something threatens us, it won't stand a chance against you *laughs*』.

『Yeah, but I'm too lazy to train twice as hard』

『Don't be lazy Giovane Cliston』.

But quickly from what they were talking Mikel had a call on his phone, quickly the old man's expression changed to a worried one that Cliston didn't know the reason for this. He would go on to answer Mikel where this in the bottom of his heart he was wishing it wasn't what he was thinking. He listened to the call for a few seconds to get the context of the situation, where at the end he could notice how Mikel told Cliston to accelerate to get to Brucelas as fast as possible, they both started to walk as fast as they could and Cliston kept telling him what was going on. The ship took flight and did not hold back, Mikel demanded the ship to go as fast as possible to reach its destination.

『Mikel! Hey Mikel! Mikel!!!! Hey Don Ramon!!!! What's going on!!!!』

『A terrorist attack Giovane Cliston, that's what's happening』

Hearing Mikel's answer, Cliston froze when he heard this, he quickly said where the attack was happening, the young man quickly said names of countries such as the Middle East, that was the image he had from the experience of months ago. But it was nothing like that, Mikel quickly replied that the country that was suffering a terrorist attack was Belgium, Brussels. Cliston was left without reaction, he quickly imagined the worst, how could a terrorist attack in the middle of a city? Is that even possible? Cliston was learning more and more that reality was overcoming fiction. He couldn't help but remember his whole past and even worse with the experience he had before with President R who was more present that whole tragic moment.

『No...it can't be...how is it that something like this happening...』

『It's all because of Acel, he's the one who started the attack and he was preparing this plan for a long time, did you really not realize Giovane Cliston? He was even telling you his true intentions to your face, I'm sure he started saying it because he knew somehow or other that I can see through people *smiles* And that's what will finish it off』


Hours ago while Mikel and Cliston were still in Brucelas. They had already decided to go to Russia in order to make an agreement with President R, but also hours ago while he was reviewing the reports, he realized that he could take this opportunity to finally get rid of that pimple on his face. That danger that was always present but he could not face it, either because he was friendly with everyone and made a name for himself in town. Mikel knew of Acel's true intentions and that he was planning a terrorist attack, but of course, when it would happen. While Mikel was here Acel could not do anything since he would be easily arrested, it is a bomb that at any moment Mikel himself must activate, if he does it and stops him he can put him behind bars and finally get rid of that fear of years of that guy doing something.

But what scares him is all that he has achieved all these years, he has won the affection of the people, he has gained their trust by doing many works and all for the good life of his people, the charity and that he always supports those who need it in what is considered the heart of terrorism, Molenbeek. For some time now, he has also started to adopt children and to integrate them into the families that Acel had previously helped. Everything seemed to imply that he wanted to improve the image of the town and not to remain a bad place. But Mikel knew it, he knew that this was just a bluff, but still seeing him that he was good and that his actions made others happy, maybe at some point he will forget the idea of his original plan and just take what he already did, although it seems that he will not do so since here several terrorists gather to have another chance.

『Oh! Good morning Mikel, Cliston』

『Acel, good morning to you too』

As soon as they left and walked through the streets, they quickly met Acel who was resting in a nearby park. They were quietly greeting each other both adults, but it was obvious that this was not simple coincidence, Mikel was looking for Acel while the latter always those encounters are to keep himself informed of his friend.

『You know, I helped another needy person, I gave him new clothes, food and right now because there were no more houses, he is living with me, he is still a young man, but when there is another family I will try to tell them to accept the boy, it would make me happy that he has a family to trust again *smiles*』

『You always have this mania of picking up people in need and sending them to families that you yourself made and helped before *sigh* I just wanted to greet you and tell you that now Giovane Cliston and I are going to leave the country for a few hours, we are going all the way to Russia to talk to President R』

『President R you say? *smiles* That guy who doesn't mind starting a war and getting other people's lives killed and destroyed...you know I hate people like that, I wish I could punch him in that smiling face, really how come he can feel that everything he does is right...he's like a shadow that stalks the weak and unfortunate, you understand me right Mikel, my way of life is better than his, right?』

『I wouldn't be so sure, because from a very young age I learned to differentiate between shadows』

『Hey stop looking at me I'll take your comment wrong』.

『That's why we will do it, we will be there for a few hours, don't you think it's incredible that they give me permission to leave the country even temporarily, I will do everything possible to solve all the pending problems, you also do what you have to do Acel, the time has come, we just need to see how everything will end, let's not delay it any longer』

『Already how old are you Mikel, 80 right? how much longer do I have to wait for you to not be here anymore, if 5 years or 10 more years pass I think I'll stop being completely me if I don't do it now, everything I did these years if wrapping me up, and I'm afraid to deny in the future everything I believed *smiles* I'll wait for you with a big surprise Mikel, I hope you'll like it』.

『I'm glad you're finally doing what you have to do too, I promise you that everything you built all these years won't be in vain』.

Mikel and Acel had a conversation where they didn't hide but nothing, they both know perfectly well about each other. Mikel knows from seeing through him, while it's still a mystery why Acel knows so many things about Mikel and that's because he didn't dig too much into his private life. Both adults were going to start moving their pieces, and as usual Cliston to their conversation this one failed to understand anything, this annoyed Acel so much that he would pass to see Cliston as he was with a smile seeing that they had a nice friendship.

『Hey Frenton, you'd better stop being nice to everyone, because the moment you want to kill someone, you'll only end up doing the opposite』.

Acel said that to Cliston who took the advice and thanked him for his words. Now with everything agreed both Mikel and Cliston were leaving to take the ship. Acel remained seated in one of the seats of the park while he looked at his surroundings, the people that passed by greeted him, the children that he saw playing also thanked him for his kindness and treatment towards them. Acel waved his hand smiling as he thought that if he was really determined in making the plan he had years ago, today is the time but....

『I can do it?.... end up with what he believes and the trust people have with me, this place was very different when I first came, and all I did these years is to change my mind about this place, but...*sigh* I guess I must do it, if that is my father's wish, I as his son, I must fulfill it *smiles*』

Acel would happen to walk through the streets while when he saw a very trusted acquaintance of his who helped in the past. He would talk to him calmly and it even seemed that they were saying a password to each other, quickly all the adults who heard the password could see a gesture of sadness on their faces, but still they know that everything they have is because of Acel and they owe him a lot, they already knew about this, they are like Acel, they came here, they asked for help here, the heart of terrorism. Firmly they all accepted to comply with Acel's plan and that today the chaos would return again. But just as there were acquaintances who had told them the plan, there were others who had another role in all this, it could even be said that it is one of the most important in case it fails, which is most likely, Acel would take advantage of everything, even small children.

『Brother De Vos told me about a bakery that prepares delicious cakes』.

『Is it from the same place where he brings us all those goodies? they're very tasty, so let's hurry to the De Vos Brothers' school to ask them for money for the cake *smiles*』.

Two small children were walking through the streets quietly, where one of them was Étienne and he was happy that finally the elders had become a couple, or at least that's what they thought. While they were walking calmly chatting about the party, Acel quickly approached them from behind, frightened they turned back where Acel quickly lifted each of them on his shoulders, and between laughter and joy asked them where they were going.

『Good morning Acel, right now we are going to the bakery, but first we must go to the De Vos Brothers' school so they can give us money to buy the cake』.

『It's that Mikel and Vie have finally become a couple! The other kids who stayed at the orphanage, they are arranging everything for a party when Mikel and Cliston come back, you also want to go Acel, you're invited *smiles*』

『That sounds great, I'd really like to go, and so there will be no need for you to go to the De Vos Brothers' school to ask them for money *smiles* Here, with this very thing go ahead and buy the cake 』

Acel gave them money in a bag, where accompanied also told them to give him all the money when they had to pay, that he also knew the bakery where they were going to go to buy. The children opened the bag and saw that there were only coins in it, no wonder it was full and they could hear the coins clinking together. This was amusing to Étienne who would go on to shuffle the coins around in the bag. But quickly Acel would approach them to say.

『Go quickly and pay with the money, there is even plenty of it, distribute it among the citizens if you want, all this is so that we have the cake already ready for your return from both of you *smiles*』.

『Thank you very much Acel! You really are a good person, see you later! see you at the party!』

The children were running off with the bag of coins in hand, where Acel was waving his hand with a smile plastered on his face. But quickly his face would change to a not so friendly and one might even say somber one. He began to make the fingers of his hand ring, to stretch his body to feel relaxed and with strength. Since he knows he will need them for what he is about to do.


It was a quiet and normal day in Brucelas, in this time that passed, the adults went about their normal day as well as the children. They shopped for lunch and dinner, stopped by to buy some gadgets and gizmos they needed. Even as learning from Acel's good faith and willingness, when they saw a needy person, they told their little children to give them some coins to help them with something. Yes, everything is circulating as it normally is and there was nothing unusual. The children were happy because they were all out shopping with their families, but the adults had a fake smile on their faces, because of the wallets and briefcases they were carrying with them. They quickly pulled out guns and in the middle of the street started shooting at everyone around them.

The people, not knowing what was happening, began to run for their lives, but unfortunately many lost their lives to the undiscerning fire of the couple. You could see how the woman from her briefcase took out grenades and threw them into the stores and stalls in the streets, the explosions did not take long. The man with his briefcase, when he saw that he was running out of ammunition, would quickly recompose them to continue shooting. All this in front of his adopted son, who watched in shock as his parents shot and killed without hesitation. He really could not cope with this, a scream was also heard nearby, it was the homeless man who was given money to help him, he quickly escaped from the place but the couple did not pay attention to him, they simply let him go while finishing here and seeing that everyone escaped, they would quickly decide to go to another place, of course if they could do it.


The voice of an elderly woman was heard on the scene, but quickly no shot was heard as it was silenced, but quickly the man fell to the ground and I could notice how his arms and legs were losing strength. He had been hit with a tranquilizer dart. The woman was on guard watching where the shot came from, she was with her gun nervously watching where it was coming from. Where immediately without being noticed, Vie had appeared on her back in her maid outfit and shot her in the back with the tranquilizer dart. The woman quickly began to stagger, dropping her weapon to the ground. She was trying to struggle but she couldn't handle it. Quickly Vio looked around and could only see dead bodies and a pool of blood, this also made her very sad and frustrated for not acting sooner and having to see this scenario again.

『Why did you do it, answer me at once』.

『This is our way of repayment for everything Acel gave us, all of us escaped from the Middle East, even though we tried to have a normal life, we just couldn't, we are true to our being .....』

And with that she ended up falling asleep in the middle of the street, no matter the reasons, Vie was very upset with this and wanted with all her strength to hit this woman and her husband. But she knows that by doing that she won't be able to solve anything, she would only be venting her hatred, it would be like going back to the past, she would only take refuge by helping when the damage was done. But not this time, she has what it takes to try to protect everything she loves, she won't let her new home go through what she went through.

Other special men entered the scene, it was quite a movement, they quickly blocked the way so that no one else could enter. Vie here acted late because she was undecided whether to do it or not, she also wanted, trusted, prayed that all those people who had another chance will not leave him just to meet someone else, or maybe as she said, they are true to themselves.

『Quickly arrest all those who were helped by Acel from Molenbeek, let's no longer doubt whether they will do it or not, to all the fallen ones....I'm sorry for believing that they wouldn't these people....』

Vie communicated with all the special men who were scattered throughout the city of Brucelas, because all of Acel's followers were scattered throughout the city. They had them marked and ready to intervene. This was just what Mikel talked to Vie earlier before leaving, he told her that he would take advantage of this to incite Acel to fulfill his plan, that they could not put this off any longer. Mikel was confident that Vie would do a good job, plus she had not only worked hard to become a great servant Vie, but she had also prepared herself to be ready at times like this. 

Quickly to all Acel's followers before making any suspicious movement, they were intervened by the special men who acted as civilians, before they drew their weapons they stopped them already making keys or simply putting them to sleep on the spot. The people who looked on were confused, out of nowhere special men were arresting simple people who were quietly spending the day with their families, the children who accompanied them told them and shouted to leave their parents alone, that they had done nothing wrong. But it was obvious that no special man paid any attention to them. All was confusion and strangeness in the atmosphere in various parts of Brucelas, until one blurted out a comment.

『Those guys are terrorists!!!!!』

One guy shouted as people gathered to watch as special men arrested people who seemed to have committed a great crime. But at the comment everyone turned to look at the guy who shouted, why was he saying such a thing in the first place?

"Isn't it obvious? Just look at them! Even though they dress normally there are still outfits and items that give them away, look at the necklace, and the bracelets, also by their features and skin color! It is obvious that these people come from the Middle East! I bet if they speak they will be identified by their native accent!!!!! We know very well what happens in the Middle East, it's controlled by terrorists and there are constant wars!!!! Many escape to countries like ours, they gather like rat holes saying they are going to change but they just go back to their ways because of their stupid belief, DAMN TERRORISTS!!!! I HOPE THEY DIE FOR ALL THEY MADE US SUFFER!!!!!』

You could tell with the hatred he said it, he really had a great negative feeling for all those people, either from his own experience or from things he heard from others. But as if it was a chain reaction and because it was a continent that in the past suffered a lot from these attacks. More people and more people began to react in the same way, that they were tired of these attacks and it was good that they already had them on file, these people must have them under control so that they do not do anything bad or anything good. Listening to how everyone hated and reproached the couple, this for them was annoying but they felt hurt for some reason. They know deep down they didn't want to do this, but they did it anyway because that's how they are true to themselves and besides a promise always has to be paid to whoever helps you.


Their adopted son ended up screaming as he could no longer stand how other people treated them as terrorists and the worst thing in the world. This was heard loud and clear by everyone present who ended up staring at the little boy who was in tears.


He began to scream in order to defend his parents, quickly before the boy's action, the parents who also heard and saw this, how their adopted son whom they cared for and raised with much affection was defending them despite their history and what they were going to do. This hit them so hard in the heart that they really both felt sorry for what they were going to do. They judged each other on whether what they have is worth losing to remain themselves. No, what they are now can be considered a second chance so.

『Poor kid, they manipulated him when he was little and now he trusts them』『What a disgrace that your parents are terrorists』『I'll take care of adopting him to raise him properly, far away from these damn terrorists』『You're so little, I'm sure you had a hard time living with them, relax I'll take care of you』

What was this, people quickly felt sorry for the child and quickly noticed the different treatment that there was, unlike his parents, the child was from Europe, you could see both in appearance, gestures, features and accent. The adults quickly felt sorry for the boy for having had such a bad luck in his life, they were going to support him in everything, but the boy was confused, why is this happening, why do they feel sorry for him, because his family hates him so much. So much was this new experience for a little boy that he would end up screaming at the top of his lungs.

All over the city of Brucelas, in different locations they were arresting all the followers of Acel, and in many of them the same thing was happening, they were making comments about their origins, R comments, they were reproaching these people just for getting an idea of the past and not trying to see the present. It didn't matter, though, because if they were right, they were about to commit terrorism.

『It was only in this area that we had casualties』

『That's right Commander Vie, in all the others those involved were arrested and detained』.

『Good job』-『But still...I have to report to Mikel』

Vie stayed in the area where there were dead because of his bad decision to have intervened earlier. He quickly took out his phone where he made a call to Mikel and told him about what had happened, he listened attentively to how all this ended and that they had already put order and stopped Acel's plans. Mikel also told Cliston how everything ended up, saying that everything was under control but he still wanted to hurry because he felt that something was not right here.

『With that lives were lost....』

『Yes...but the good thing is that they weren't as many as expected, we were able to stop most of them before they opened fire, take it as a win instead of a loss Giovane Cliston, that's how war works』

『Yes...but I....』

『But even so I knew how to put everything in order because I knew Acel's intentions when I saw through him, this whole plan was simple, and that's why it scares me...it took him many years to do something so trivial...that's what doesn't quite add up for me, if to do an act like the one he did, you don't need people's trust, or adopt children, become known in the area. All that must have a great value for what he really wants to achieve, but...what is ....』

Mikel was confused by this, since he had seen Acel several times he knew how his plan would work, it was always the same no matter how many years passed, he always stuck to it. But this time Mikel was wrong to rely so much on his power that he didn't decide to think more and go deeper. Acel knew of Mikel's ability and used it against him to make it all go well. So it was simple, he would make him see a falsehood in his heart, the whole plan of the adults and the gun attack through the city, it was not the real objective to bring terrorism back, it was just another step to hide what he really wanted to do. It made him look like it was his plan when in reality it was something else.

Acel on top of a tower having a great view of the whole city of Brucelas, he was with a calm gesture, he had to eliminate all the feelings he had built here to do what he had to do. And in his hand was his phone where it seems to have a special application on it, you could see how lights were marked from red to green and above them a button to press. Acel looked at this and he would know that very soon as he already showed his intentions they would go to stop him but first.

『It's all over now?』

The homeless man who had received the coin earlier returned to the scene of the attack to see that everything was over, quickly Vie did not know how this guy was filtered. But most likely he ended up escaping and hiding somewhere before the perimeter was closed. Vie saw him and told him to help him too, the homeless man wanted answers anyway, he asked what happened and why this happened, he looked worried about the lives lying on the floor. He was looking among the bodies for something to really take.

『Don't do that, you'll only fall lower than you already are, leave everything you stole, we'll help you』.

『!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!』

Vie quickly sent special men to take the homeless man to a safe place, while telling him that from now on he should thank Mikel, since he will be the one who will help him to have a better life. The homeless man that no one in his life helped him since he fell down, was thankful for this and thanked the special men, he was with a big smile on his face saying things like.

『Then I can eat 3 times a day? and a bed!!!! Roof! No more cold and no more rain!!!!! Really?...Really?...Are you going to help me?....Yo...I...I...really thank you very much men in suits *smiles*』

『Thank Mikel, he is the one who follows Didiel's footsteps to bring a peace to the world or at least to our continent of Europe, although many countries disapprove of him, many also support him, and among those countries are us, Mikel is a true Leader』.

『Mikel....I don't know who he is or Didiel either...but...bring peace *smiles* This seems like a dream, but if it is I would never want to wake up 』



It could be heard as someone pressed a button and quickly took the homeless man to have a better life, in the middle of them there was an explosion that none of them had foreseen. Quickly the sound and the roar caught Vie's attention and he went to see what happened, when he found the scene, he only saw 2 dead officers and a homeless man completely lifeless. He wondered how this had happened if there was nothing, a mine? a bomb? it doesn't seem to be anything like this.

Acel sat on the tower and swung his feet, and as if a little boy having his device to squeeze and amuse himself, he would finally initiate his best true to himself.

『Well, let's have the time of our lives, I hope what I do makes you happy father』.

Again he had another red button that would turn green, that meant it was ready to detonate at any moment. Just give it a touch and it would do it, and with a slowness that would take forever, the explosions all over the city would start.

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