
Chapter 102: Ida

I was in a place that was completely unknown to me, the landscape and everything that my eyes could see was totally new to me. I was in a large meadow with forests around it, creatures that I only saw them in manga and anime were walking around the place, moving the wind and bushes with their footsteps.

"What do I do now?

I found myself hesitating and at the same time surprised by the sudden decision someone made me make.

『Since, let's explore a little』(^~^).




____________________________________ ̶H̶O̶R̶A̶S̶ ̶A̶N̶T̶E̶S̶______________________________________

『Your drawings are always well done, you should become a mangaka or even an illustrator, you are very talented』

『Thank you very much, but at the moment I'm not interested in that, just once is enough for me』(^~^).

I was talking to someone who Inter daily was looking for me to buy some of my drawings.

『Well, it's time for me to retire, see you another day』.

I was leaving the park, where I mostly stopped. The money I earned I kept in my pocket.

『Today it's my turn to make lunch, so before I go home, I'll take the opportunity and buy the ingredients』.

I changed my course, now I was going to a market near where Kobayashi's apartment is.

『Let's see.... what can I prepare』.

I was looking at the products in a store, as many as vegetables and other things. I felt like something was coming in a hurry towards the stall where I am, I turned around hoping that nothing will happen to me.


That person pushed me for not controlling his speed and I fell to the ground.

"Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a hurry.

『That's what you should say before you push me....』-(-,-)-『Eh? Tohru-chan?』

It was the green dragon who was the one who caused such damage to my hind parts, to me she doesn't fool me, I think she did it on purpose ('へ'). He was looking at the vegetables and pacing back and forth in a hurry, as if he was competing with someone. His look was one of incredible concentration.

『Is something wrong Tohru-chan? If you're going to buy for lunch, I'm in charge this day....』

He walked past me, to other stalls looking carefully at the products, he was walking fast, I don't think he was wrong, that look was the same as that time we fought, this one competing with someone.

『A..... food competition maybe?』 (.ヘ°)

And before I knew it, he was no longer in range of my sight, I pretended I didn't see anything and continued shopping for not just for lunch anymore, but also for dinner, taking advantage of everything in one go would be best.


『(Perfect, I only need to buy the main thing now, but I still can't decide whether to buy beef or fish....odio when I'm in this position....)( ̄^ ̄)』

I was seriously thinking about which would be the best.

『If you don't know which one to take between the two, how about buying chicken or pork, or even maybe turkey would also be an option, no?』-The salesman suggested to me-.

『Yes, maybe yes but I'm still not sure...(it's the first time this has happened to me)』.

『Ah, M-san, what are you doing around here?』

『Tohru-chan?』-We meet again at the same market-『(How long have I been here thinking?....)( 'ー`)』


We were walking among the city while chatting.

『I see, so you're in a contest with Kobayashi-san』-The dragoness had explained it all to me-『So I was right after all』.

『Had we seen each other before on this day?』('へ')

『So focused were you?...』-(; ̄︶ ̄)-『But that you two fought, that makes you much closer, it means you are both equal』

『M-san, do you really believe that? Having this kind of competition with her, it makes me happy and fun』-His tone of voice became soft and cute from that dragoness-.

『A fight between friends, in many occasions can make the friendship become much stronger, just like in our case Tohru-chan』.

『M-san...(*'-`*)....There was no need to add that part (・∧-)ゞ』

『Eh?.....I thought it would look better my sentence remembering that one, but well, then you want to win, don't you?』

『I need a fruit with the one who will give me victory...』

『(That time, I also wanted to win, why.....why do I want it』

『(Because I love Kobayashi-san)』.

In front of me, Tohru stretched her hand forward, a magic circle appeared in front of her, and suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes.

『Eh? Not this one, what a useful spell she possesses』('へ').

I looked from side to side to see if I could find it, a magic circle I could see at my front , it was shining in small particles around me a green color, I could see Tohru who was also like me. Showing her tail and wings.

『It's a spell that blocks the perception to whoever it's cast, but in simpler terms for you to understand, we are invisible to others』.

『Owww! Awesome, the power that many would kill to have and why did you cast it on me too?』

『I plan to go to my world to bring something back, and well....wouldn't hurt to take you too as a little ride, right?』ミ●﹏☉ミ

『Seriously?!!! That would be awesome, I'm curious to see what your world is like』.

『It would be like a little thank you for everything you've done for us(*'-`*) That's just it, don't get any funny ideas』

『Although it's not like I haven't done much for you either, rather I can't thank you all for taking me on, so would you let me ride you if it's not too much to ask?』('ω`*)

『EH?!!!(�����゚д゚-) I told you not to get any weird ideas! You pervertゞ◎Д◎ヾ』

『(By saying it a male if it's another story....I see)(;・∀・)』-『I mean to be on top of you! On top of you, riding you! Riding you! Riding you! May you make me reach heaven with your body!』

『I get it, I get it! (-゚д゚-) Don't go on that more people are going to misunderstand!』

『(I don't understand why he only gets like that with me...) ('へ')』-『(But at least I was able to push him back from that push)(`∀'))』

Tohru shifted into his Dragon Form, an imposing and extremely powerful creature, which is capable of defeating me in my God Form currently, next to Tohru, I was like a mere ant.

With his huge claw he placed me on top of his neck and took flight. The breeze was different from when I fly by myself.

"Wait, you can also fly in your different forms』.

『Only in my God Form, but since we're like this let it be as it is』(^▽^).

『You're right, it's not like it's the first time you've ridden me』(^▽^).

『We talked about riding riding, right?(-・・-;)』

『You stop the joke it's not funny anymore (-。-;』

A portal was conjured by the great dragon in the blue sky of this beautiful day, a vortex appeared in front of us and without hesitation, we stepped in that I know for the first time, that world of my friends I met.




In a beautiful sky also bathed in a blue color, a portal was opened, out of it came a dragon and a boy on top of her. A huge magic circle appeared in front of us, which undid Tohru's spell.

『Here is no reason to hide our true form, rather it brings us an advantage, no one would approach a powerful and beautiful dragon』.

『Hahahahaha....』 (;'∀`)

We were flying among the sky of this world that was all a mystery to me, the mountains, the forest, small villages that you can see in the distance, and also different creatures that I only saw them in my favorite hobby, all this brought me a new air, a new experience that I would never forget.

『If I had been a typical Isekai, this must have been the first world I would have gone to』.

As we continued our journey, I could see how some buildings were destroyed, only small parts were left deteriorating on the ground, for sure, before being attacked, they were huge and it carried a big role in this part of the world.

『AHHH! A Dragon! Everyone quickly, get away』

We ran into a group of Harpies flying in the same direction as us, seeing Tohru coming, they didn't hesitate for a second to move away and quickly fly away from the place.

『What is that? A human child?』

Said a Harpy upon seeing a simple boy, with an outfit rare to see in this world, on top of a dragon without the slightest fear.

『Oh, Harpies, I didn't think I'd see you again, I wonder how Daddy is doing....』

And not only did I see Harpies, but also different mythological creatures on our journey, Centaurs, Sirens, Lamias, Slimes and among some caves I could see a Dullahan, while in nearby mountains, straining my eyesight, I managed to see an Arachnid from afar.

『Instead of seeing new things, I rather got memories, I wonder how everyone is doing since that time I left, how is Ron....』

『We're almost there』

The dragoness was giving notice of our goal since we came to her world.


Tohru returned to her Human Form, unbeknownst to me, we were in a dark forest, its trees and the air it conveyed was gloomy.

『There it is, that will be what gives me the victory』.

I pointed with joy at the goal of this whole little journey.

A strange tree in the middle of a purple lagoon, which at first glance anyone would think was acid.

『Don't touch it, it can burn you to the bone』.

Tohru stopped me before I even touched that purple water.

『So if it's acid...』

"There it is, the fruit of that tree will give me victory against Kobayashi-san』o(-ε'・+)b『Simple, don't you think so?』

"Well, for those who can't fly, or don't use magic, or don't have great strength this will be impossible for them』.

『But it's not our case, it's so rich fruit that Kobayashi-san won't hesitate to give me victory』┗(`・ω・')┛

『(But I guess it's no good to bring things from your world)』(-.-;).

She made her wings appear and flew to that tree, ignoring all the acid lake around it, on the small land where the tree grew ,she landed and walked to collect some.

『I haven't eaten some in a while, so I'll take advantage of some 』.

She plucked one from the strange tree that had an unusual shape, like a tree shaped like a dog's tail? Tohru ate quietly.

『Is it really rich like you say?』-I appeared in front of Tohru in my God Form-?

『Yes, I don't know how to describe it, but it tastes nice』.

『Eh? Then I'll grab one too』-I returned to my Human Form and went on to pluck a fruit from the tree-『It looks like cotton candy, let's see what it tastes like』.

I took the first bite of this first fruit of this world, to my surprise, if turned out to taste delicious, just like Tohru said.

『Oww! It tastes yummy, maybe I'll take some』(^ω^).

Tohru looked sideways at me, while she finished eating her fruit. A bark, I suddenly heard, made me curious, as I wanted to take another bite of the fruit, a mouth appeared to it and it started barking like a dog, because of my carelessness this live fruit managed to kiss my mouth.

『Ah! M-san, I didn't tell you before, but these fruits have life』.

The fruit wouldn't let go of my lips and kept kissing me nonstop, I decided to grab it by its stem and pull with all my strength, it was a hard battle for my little arms, but I managed to free myself from the dog fruit's kiss.

『You should have said that before, now on my list is that a fruit kissed me with tongue and all, but it's not that bad either』.


『Look at him, he's like he's a dog (^▽^) and he seems to like me a lot, ya ya, you're a good boy』 。^‿^。

I started petting him as if he was an animal, a pet, the fruit was left , he was noticeable happy with just the gesture of his mouth and barking he was doing.

『But what a nice.....creature?....fruit?....And this tree produces them, I would like to take them all and raise them properly』.

The other fruits that were still on the tree listened to me, these woke up and started barking, they were overflowing with love and affection these...creatures?.....fruits?

"Oh! You want some too, I see, I see!

I caressed the creatures one by one with my hands, it was like a pack of dogs loving their owner and vice versa.


Without me noticing, a fruit bit my clothes and brought me very close to the tree, now I was surrounded by all the dog fruits, that's what I call them, they were caressing me with their bodies, licking and kissing too.


I was silent about everything that was happening to me.

『(Ah! I should release him, maybe this ended up annoying him after all)』Tohru would be about to attack the fruits-.

『.....I've never been so loved before!!!(T▽T) Thank you for making me live this moment!!!༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽』


M's sudden words, made Tohru stop himself from making a massacre.


We were now walking in the middle of a beautiful forest.

『Well, now that I have the fruit, let's go back at once』.

『Eh? So fast, I want to explore more, see a realm of humans, meet other creatures, or even other dragons, I want to explore this world』.

『Hey, one thing strikes me as odd』-Tohru took a serious tone-『In that sinister forest, your attitude didn't change at all, especially with the tree, you didn't hesitate to eat the fruit and when it started kissing you, your reaction was totally opposite to what I expected, you took it well and cheerfully, you even became friends with that tree, any human even those here, would have been scared or surprised, and would have denied them, but you....tell me why』

『Eh? It's not obvious, I can't judge someone without even knowing them, just as before, there are humans who are more monsters and monsters who are more humans, I think that's enough to answer you』

『.....。^‿^。You are a really interesting guy』-『Well, now if we go back home』

『Ehhhh???....(υ'Д`) Well, it's okay, I have to make lunch after all.....Ah! I forgot what meat to buy!』

I was with the shopping bag on my arm.

"How about you stay for a few hours and I'll pick you up later? Do you want to?』

"Can you do that? Yes! Please, a few hours will be fine』.

"Perfect, then we'll meet here when the sun goes down』

『Then I'll leave you everything I bought and I'm sorry, but again you're going to have to take up my labor』-I was handing him all the purchases I had made-『But there's still the meat thing...which might be perfect. ....( ̄^ ̄)』-While thinking, I looked at Tohru's tail-『(That's it!) (`-ω-'๑) How about for meat we use your tail, for lunch you can use any meat, but for dinner yes or yes we use your tail』.

『My tail? Are you sure about that, if Kobayashi-san finds out he's not going to want to eat』

『That's why I say it will be for the night, if we join our skills, we'll surely make your meat edible for humans, no....you're guaranteed』.

『Kobayashi-san eating my tail?』(⊙_⊙).

Tohru started to imagine Kobayashi-san eating her tail without any problem, even complimenting her.

『Tohru! But what a tasty tail you have!』

『Jajajabababababajajajajajajajajajajajajaj...(*'﹃`*) It would be like a dream come true, done deal, the 2 of us will join together』

『For Kobayashi-san to eat your tail』.

And that's how the 2 agreed, they will join their skills to make the mistress of the house, Kobayashi-san, eat and like Tohru's tail. Both , human and dragon shook hands as a sign of trust and success.


Tohru switched to his Dragon Form, opened a portal in the sky and left to come after some time for M.

The wind blew in this meadow surrounded by woods, where creatures roamed the place and the sun bathed like every day this world.

"What do I do now?』-I looked at my surroundings-『Let's explore the area a bit���.

I walked among all this area from where Tohru left me, I looked at my surroundings, my excitement and curiosity did not disappear.

『Should I switch to my other forms? Or is it fine in my Human Form.....uhmm....si, a strange creature they never saw before, I would stand out more than a human in strange clothing, I will only use my other Forms to defend myself if there is danger』.

I came across a waterfall as I walked, as the water fell and splashed upon impact.

I continued on my way quietly, through a nearby forest.

『Maybe I will meet an elf, or an undead, but an elf if would be more awesome, although I don't know how is the relationship between humans and elves in this world, 1 of 2, are they enemies to death or are they friends at heart, I hope it's the second, an elf in the harem wouldn't be bad, yeah yeah 』ɷ◡ɷ.

In the distance I could hear a scream, it was like a monster's. I ran closer to see what was going on. From the bushes small creatures were escaping that I had not seen before.

They were apparently running away from someone. From the bushes came out undead, skeletons with weaponry and guns were the ones terrorizing this quiet forest.

『What bad luck, I encountered undead first, and it seems they have no intention of stopping』.

One of the skeletons without hesitation came to attack me with his sword. Without any detour I ran towards him, with speed I managed to hit him in the skull, I was in my Lucario Form. The undead remained static, and after a few seconds it broke and its whole body crumbled.

『Come on, since I'm here, I won't let you damage this peaceful forest』.

The skeletons seeing this, did not hesitate much, and among those that were left over they decided to attack me without hesitation. I created my weapon , a Bō with my aura and started to attack as well, I could block them and attack without fear of getting hit, these skeletons were weak compared to me, with strength and speed, I ended the threat.

『Ufff...I already did my good deed for the day』.

Taking a good look, I noticed that the bones of those skeletons started to move, some kind of smoke or magic was coming out of their bones, all of these started to merge into one, flames made an appearance, a skeleton fire spirit made an appearance.

『Perfect, at least this raised the level a little』.

That skeleton fire spirit, they started shooting flames towards the trees.

"Do you think I'll let you allow it?

M went to the direction of the attack, swinging his weapon blocking and dispelling the fire.

『I am your opponent, just look at me』.

The skeleton summoned fireballs and threw them at M, M without hesitation decides to destroy those attacks that it was throwing at him, because if they were to be deflected , they could cause a fire.

With an Empty Wave he attacked the fire being from afar, it was seen that this affected him, without holding back, he launched a sea of flames directly towards M. Where he created an aura field to protect himself and the forest.

It runs towards him with great speed, using its clones to confuse him and attack him from different sides. To defend himself, the being of fire, invoked daggers of fire around him and attacked the whole place. The clones that were going to attack him changed course, barely managed to reach the fire daggers with their bodies, they used themselves as a shield so that there would be no fire.

『I've had enough of you, I told you I'm your opponent, don't involve third parties!』

Quickly, the fire daggers joined together and created a large fire sword, the spirit swung it with great force towards M. But M managed to dodge it in time and stepped in front of the spirit.

『The fire, it is finished with the wind』.

I embedded my hand inside the being, the fire was burning at a great temperature, ignoring this, I created an Aural Sphere inside it, the sphere I started it spinning at a great speed, creating and provoking a powerful wind. As in the case with the fight with Lux, that time I absorbed her rays with my Aural Sphere and unleashed everything against her. I am absorbing her fires in my Aural Sphere, her fires were compressed in my attack until they disappeared completely, the bones, some were destroyed and others simply fell to the ground.

My Aural Sphere turned from a blue color to an intense red color, I pointed to the sky and unleashed the power I had accumulated. A sea of flames with my blue aura went straight into the sky, a spectacle of the attack could be seen at a great range.

『That's all』

I unleashed all the power until there will be nothing left, I think I exaggerated that I also released all my power from my Lucario Form, I fell down sitting on the grass, the forest was safe from those undead. But my right arm was totally burned and I couldn't stand the burns anymore. I lay down and closed my eyes, my body was glowing a blue color, I was healing.

The creatures of the forest were watching how this creature saved them and now he is sleeping without worry. An owl who also watched from the beginning, flew off to an unknown place.


"He is the one who saved you and the forest?

A faint female voice I could manage to hear.

『That he puts himself to sleep after a fight, that makes him look carefree too』.




『Eh?...it's already nighttime?.....』(*-ω-)-I was waking up after healing myself-?

Squinting my eyes, I saw on my sides the little creatures that had escaped from those skeletons.

『Thank you so much for protecting the forest』.

In front of me, a girl was standing, she had a horn on her forehead and a watery tail, holding a trident in her hand.

『How could I thank you young dog.....』

As I was still sleepy, I returned to my Human Form without thinking about it.

『Young Human?....』-Confused I changed her words-.

『Eh?.....You're not.....Elma?...』(◎'〇`◎)

『Eh?』-(.ヘ°)-『(How do you know my name?』

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