
Chapter 87: Formal Party

The days passed normally, nothing interesting happened, they were everyday days like any other, even sometimes I felt that I was bored .... I would like something new and continue with my main purpose at the moment, but I forgot those words and that paper.

In order not to feel listless towards the things I did before, like playing, watching anime of this world, and also not to lose the habit, I had to train in order not to lose the power I reached.

One day a letter came to us, I'm not really into this kind of thing, but because of the boredom that was growing inside me, I decided to give it a try.

"A letter?" Maya asked.

We were all in my living room, mainly the letter came for me, but on the envelope it said that I could invite anyone no matter how many.

『Come on, what are you waiting for, open it』-Sira was excited.

『That was just what I was going to do』( ̄⊿ ̄).

I opened the envelope, took out the letter, Jolt,Flar and Glace peeked out out of curiosity, while the others were still in their places without moving, Estela was sitting in an armchair, it was as if she was here just out of obligation, as she felt neither interest nor curiosity like the others.

『( ̄ω ̄)Haber haber, let's see what it says here』-Start reading it-.

『I formally invite you to a party that will be celebrating an Organization for its 151st Anniversary, there will be a lot of food and also a good atmosphere to be able to socialize, plus if you go, a financial bonus will be given to all the guests. Please, if you have time you can come, here is the date and time it will be held』.

So far it was an invitation for a formal party, it was strange to me that this came to me, but then the following made it all clear to me.

『I've been thinking a lot about whether to write it in this same letter or a separate one, but to save time I'll do it here. I am Lam』

Hearing that name, Estela became very interested, it was as if her mood was back to the usual, she approached me as fast as she could, she became as attached to me as before, but now her eyes are focused only on the letter.

『Mr. M, I hope you remember me from that day, I remember you very well.... I wish I could see you and get to know you much better, as I think we could get along very well, too well if I'm not exaggerating, ever since I saw you, I felt we would make a good couple』.

『(You already made your intentions clear which were already more than clear with your previous words....)』-('へ')I said in my mind-.

『I would be glad and happy for you to come to the party, you have all the freedom to bring with you all the people, friends, relatives. Psdt: Please invite a girl with blue hair and red eyes, her name starts with Este and ends with la』.

That was what the letter said, the truth was weird to read it since halfway through it already let his true intentions show.

"Lam? isn't that the guy you told us about who saved Estela at the mall?

『Yeah yeah!(♡ >ω< ♡) that's him! my prince Lam, you should have seen him, he was so amazing and romantic how he saved me that day (灬♥ω♥灬) we definitely have to go! He even sent me a letter for us to meet again, isn't that romantic?』-Estela was overflowing with love-(♥ω♥♥*).

『(Romantic? (☉_☉) Rather scary, how did he know where we lived, why did he send the letter to me and not directly to Estela? (・・;)Did he investigate us to find out our whereabouts..... I'm already afraid....)』-M was undecided about the letter-

『A party, it sounds like fun to me』-(◕‿◕✿)Sira would go without any problem-.

『Now that I think about it, we never went to one, it would be interesting and curious , don't you think?』-Lea would go too-(ㆁᴗㆁ✿).

『They said there will be food, so I'll go too』-Flar would raise his hand-(●≧ω≦)9.

『It's a good opportunity to talk to people, I think I'll go too』-Latias would also go-o(`^'*).

『A party....I guess I won't have any other but to go,it would be impolite not to go...』-Maya whispered-(^◇^;)

『(I already told you that you should be more honest with yourself)』-M-Maya looked at Maya-.

『They said they'll give you a financial bonus, with that I can finally buy new clothes』-Shizuna would go just for the money-(★^O^★).

『Since everyone is signing up, I have no choice but to go』-Luna would also go-(-‿◦).

『(Truth be told I have my suspicions....but I guess I have no choice but to go too) I'm in too』-Jolt would also go-('へ').

『But I'm still wondering, how did he know our address and why did the letter send it to me?』-M kept looking at the letter-((; ̄︶ ̄).

『Isn't it obvious? Lam sent you the letter since of embarrassment that he sent it to me directly, that he is shy makes it much more tender』-Estela still believed in love-꒰✩'ω`ૢ✩꒱.

『...If....suppose.....』(; ̄ー ̄川

『So, are you going to the party,M?』-Glace asked me-(^^;).

After thinking about it a lot, and that this is not false, nose, for some strange reason it feels weird to me, it must be because of the big hint to Estela that this letter has.

『It looks like this letter was written seriously and rarely...but I don't see anything wrong in the end, it's just an invitation to a special person, besides I'm worried that something bad will happen to Estela, she's so gullible and easy that anything can happen to her, decided, I'll go too』.

In the end I decided to go too, since for some reason, I feel that Lam is not what I think he is, I hope I'm wrong. Think about it, you get a letter from a guy you only saw days later, inviting you to a party and he specifies without hiding it already, to bring that specific person, how did he know where I live, I repeat again.

『Well, then I'll go too』-Glace would accompany me-.

『Also it said that there will be food and they will give you money, that wouldn't be bad at all』-M I would also go for other things...-(`-ω-'๑)


The days ran quickly, the day of the Formal Party came, we were all ready to leave.We would meet at the reception.

『Now that we were almost all gathered, something came to my mind』( ̄^ ̄).

I stood on my tiptoes.

『I'm the smallest of all....( ̄^ ̄)I already knew that....but seeing this again made me remember it....』-I got tired of being on my tiptoes-....( ̄ ̄).

『Oh! that's right(^~^) I hadn't heard until you said it』-Jolt came up to me-『What's wrong little guy?』(`▽').

That comment and the way he said it, mocking, made me feel angry.

『For someone who is taller than others, they are going to consider them small, for your information my height is normal, I am not someone small』-(-,-)I defend myself-.

『But to me you are someone small』(=①ω①=)-Jolt with a smile says confidently-.

He couldn't respond to those simple words, it was no longer talking, but showing it.

The others watching the scene were talking to each other.

『Uhm, looking at it closely, M is someone small,I don't know why I always had the idea that he was taller』-Muna said while analyzing me-ㅇㅅㅇ.

『Is it bad to be shorter than someone?』-Lea asked.

『Of course it's bad』-Latias answered-『Since for certain actions or goals you must have a corresponding height, either to reach something that is high, or if the clothes fit you big or small, and if you are too small, they mistake you for a child, but, for those who are taller than others, they use it more for.....Burlarse!』(*・`д・)

Jolt had taken away M's red scarf, he raised his hand so that M could not remove it.

『Give it back to me, give it back to me』('ヘ`;)-M jumped up and raised his arm to reach for it-.

『Hahaha, this is fun, come on, come on, come on, oh! that was close』-Jolt laughed while his cheeks were red-(≧▽≦).

『As you can see, not only does he use it to tease, but he also abuses with his height making M have to jump to be able to reach the scarf, you get the nerves and frustration for being able to reach what they took from you and all because of your height』-Latias was saying as he saw the scene-.

"So it's bad to be small』-Lea asks again.

『Of course not, since being small has its advantages, you can get into places that the big ones can't, you can get to complicate someone by being too small, in terms of fighting if we say so, you are more sneaky, and you can also still have the advantages of a child, like still getting candy or paying less because people think you are a child, both have their advantages and disadvantages』-Latias was talking-

『I see, then M has the advantages of being small』-Lea was addressing Latias-.

『He already said that his height is normal, neither big nor small, so everything I just told you, M don't have any advantages╭( ・�����・)و』-Latias finishes speaking-.

『Ow! with that abusing your size,eh?』( ̄个 ̄).

M step to your God Form.

『And now tell me, who is the little guy now?』(-∀-)-M in this Form surpassed Jolt-.

I took the scarf from his hands.

『Ups (Ŏ艸Ŏ) sorry,you are so small I took you off without any difficulty, like taking candy from a child』('~`ヾ)-M was now the one who was teasing him back-.

『But you're only tall in that Form, you're still small anyway』-Jolt tries to defend himself-(^-人-^).

『But tell me, now, who's the bigger one?』( ̄ω ̄)-M was bringing his face closer to Jolt's-.

『....(〃艸〃)(You're too close.....) Eh?....but like I told you, you're someone small』(。・・・。).

Unbeknownst to me, Sira stepped behind me and squirted me with a stream of water. Thus returning to my Human Form.

『How? ahh.....that's not fair....』-M was totally wet, because of the water and the surprise, I ended up falling on the ground-(-д-;)

『I told you, you're someone small』-Jolt was pointing his finger at me, his smile of joy, and how his cheeks wanted to turn red-(=ↀωↀ=)

Without her expecting it, I start sucking her finger, she quickly takes it away from me, nervous and blushing she asks.

『Why did you do that!』(-゚д゚-)- Her cheeks were red and her eyes nervous-.

『I can't be the only one wet, at least your finger is also bathed』(^~^).

M ser laughed gleefully at what he did, Jolt was already calm, but his cheeks were still red from seeing his finger.

『Ahh...I'm totally wet, why wet myself to make a joke, now I have to change』(-,-).

I looked at Sira, she just laughed.

『I'm home, sorry for the delay('∀`;)....eh?(-.-;)』

Maya just arrived, we were all waiting for her to leave.

『Are they not going to go with a suit or dress?』(・・・;)

She said seeing that we were all in our usual clothes , she was the only one in a dress.

『I'm comfortable with what I'm wearing』-Lea said-・・・.

"This is the most elegant thing I have』-Flar said.

『Do you have to go with a dress?』-Luna said- 『You have to wear a dress?

『I'm just going for that, to buy a dress』-Shizuna said-.

『I don't know much about what it's like to go elegant』-Glace said-.

『Dress? nothing better than to go with the clothes you like the most』-Sira said-.

『I think my usual clothes are the most stylish thing I have』-Latias said-.

『I don't really like to go in a dress, so I'll pass on that』-Jolt said-.

『Me too, it's very uncomfortable for me to be in a suit』-M said-.

『But .... but ..... it's a Formal Party ....』-Maya whispered-『Then what's taking me so long』

『Pity your normal clothes aren't like Estela's, she looks like a princess already without getting dressed up』-M I looked over at Estela-『She was excited outside the building.

Estela was excited outside the building.

『Then I think....I'll go change....(-∧-;)』-Maya was going back the way she came-.

『I'll go change too, because of someone who wet my clothes』-I looked at Sira out of the corner of my eye-(¬▂¬).

I ran to catch up with Maya who was in a pretty purple dress.

『Yes you like the color purple』-M said as he saw her-『And one more thing, you look pretty』(^ω^).

Maya sped up her walk.

『Hey! Don't leave me behind』-I also happened to speed up-.

『We have to hurry(๏д๏) or else we'll be lateミ●﹏☉ミ』-Maya was red-cheeked and nervous-.


Already at the Party.

The party was held in a castle, it was brought out like a fairy tale, guests were arriving and entering, everyone was well dressed.

『In the end..... ended up being the only one of us who went with a costume....』(ーー;)

Since I had no other clothes to wear, I had to come in a black suit.

『Ahh....is very uncomfortable this...but at least if it's a party, that relieves me』( ̄□ ̄).

The guests recognized us when they saw us arrive, who quickly went to greet us.

『You are the ones who defeated God, it's nice to meet you』.

『Please enjoy the feast』

『It's not too much trouble, but ....please give me your autographs』

『Unbelievable, I can't believe you're here』

『They came in their usual clothes even though it's a Formal Party, really nothing stops them』.

People came to greet us pleasantly, everyone was happy with our arrival.

『Ufff....(-.-;)rather they didn't say anything to us for not coming formal』-Maya calmed down-.

『You are M, right? we all thank you for sparing us from God』.

The few people who came to us, suddenly came a sea of people, they flooded us all with questions and blessings, they were something nice, I won't deny it, but it's not something I like, I felt drowned and without freedom of movement.


A loud applause was heard , this resounded for a large area.

『I'm glad you came(^^ゞ』-Lam was the one who gave the applause-.

He was coming down from the stairs, just like Estela, he had no need to change, as his usual clothes are those of a prince.

『It's an honor that you have accepted and come to our party, please have a good time while you are here』-Lam knelt in front of me, speaking respectfully and subtly-(^^ゞ

『With that he is Lam』-Maya said as she saw him-

『I can tell from here, he's someone strong』-Luna said as she looked at him.

『Lam』-(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)Estela made her way so she could see him-.

『.....Estela....I'm really glad that you came too(^^ゞ』-Happily and with a smile, Lam answered Estela-.

『(Of course, how could I not come, if the letter was meant especially for Estela)』-I said to myself in my thoughts-(-,-).

『Please come with me, I see you have never been to a Formal Party, I knew it right away when I saw you, follow me please(^^ゞ』-Lam would kindly lead us-(-,-).

『Yes, it will be an honor for you to accompany us』-(●'艸`)ヾEstela walks beside Lam-.

We, just as he said, have never been to or been to a Formal Party, so we don't know what to do or how to act, we walk behind him for guidance.

Already inside the castle, in the main hall was the center of the party, he explained to us how normally one has to behave, but he told us that we could behave as we normally are, as there is nothing better, than to be yourself in everything.

『You should behave as you are, so it will be much easier for you to get out of trouble and solve it as you want, just do and be what you want, I always told myself that』(^^ゞ

With those words from Lam, we parted to do whatever we want, many of us moved out of curiosity, seeing and exploring the environment, while others came just for a purpose.

『This is really tasty!!! what does the food of the rich taste like』-Flar ate, taking out portions from the eating area-ー(  ̄▽)_皿~~~.

『Ah, that's true, but I always wondered, why do they serve so little?』-Jolt tasted the food-( ・・)つ-●●●●●●●

『It's so you can eat different dishes to savor each meal, but being honest, I like M』-Maya said with eating-.

『Ehhh...with that M』-Sira approached him-( ̄ω ̄).

『Your food! (-゚д゚-)I said your food, that I like your M's food, that's all!』-Maya replied nervously to Sira-『But since it's a feast, you can serve yourself and not little as they usually do...Eh?!』(〇o〇;)

Maya watched as Flar and Jolt were ravaging the banquet food.

『Hoygan! But don't be so free either!』-Σ(꒪ȏ꒪)Maya called their attention-.

『But who knows...when we'll eat food from the rich again』-Jolt with his mouth full tells Maya-(○^ω^)_旦~~♪♪

『You're right...』-Maya passed by to look at the food in front of her-.

She also happened to eat everything from the banquet without holding anything back.

『Hey, you look strong, would you like to fight me?』( ��̀ᄇ- ́)ﻭ✧-Luna said to a guest-.

The guest didn't know how to respond, he was left sweating and at a loss for what to say.

『What's wrong? Isn't this how one socializes?』(・ω・)v-Luna said to herself in confusion-.

『Hahaha, of course not sis, that's only what you think, what you have to do is』-Lea went on to talk to the others in a really elegant and fine way, the guests were amazed at how her Lea's speech is-『And that's how you converse』.

『Owwww! Amazing sister, your socializing level must be 8 mil』-Luna was amazed at her sister's ability-┗(`・ω・')┛

『Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?』-Latias asked a guest.

This one replied in a friendly and respectable way to Latias.

『Thank you very much』-Latias passed by to thank him-『I did M。^‿^。I didn't stutter and I didn't get nervous』-Latias was pleased-

『I'm happy for you』』

『They have a fountain! Look, a fountain inside the castle』-Shizuna stared at the water fountain-(ꉺᗜꉺ).

Near the fountain I saw Lam and Estela passing by, these were chatting most nicely, you could see how these were laughing and smiling.

『Ah, how can I help you Mr. M(^^ゞ』-Lam said to me when he saw me approaching-.

『Could you drop that Sir('∀`;)I feel old....although technically I am an old man....just don't say it again』-M would decline when someone called him sir-.

『Haha, okay(^^ゞI won't say it again, so how can I help you?』-Lam was looking down to see me-

『I have some questions I'd like you to answer, could you?』-M was in serious mode-('へ').

『No(๑♜д♜) that would mean taking me away from Lam and I don't want to, I want to use all this time to be together with himʕ→ᴥ←ʔ』-Estela hugs Lam's arm-('へ').

『I see you two are already getting along quite well(゜.゜) come on Estela, I need to talk to him』-I would insist-(・・・).

『That no』(* >ω<)=3-Estela leans more on Lam-'s arm.

『It's okay Estela,(^^ゞfor sure M wants to have answers to questions that are troubling him, then we don't see, yes?』-Lam steps in to accept-.

『It's okay.... if you say so』(๑-́ω-̀)-Estela ends up going-

『Seriously? What an easy girl』-( ̄^ ̄)I said as I see how if she pays attention to Lam and my non-.

『Well, tell me whatever you have to tell me, if I know I swear I'll answer sincerely』(^^ゞ

『First is the matter of the bandits, days ago I was at a police station, I asked them if you came to leave the bandits to him, but, they replied that no one came, I thought then that you left them at another police station, but upon investigation, I learned that that was the only police station in the city』-M began to speak-『Tell me, where are the bandits you took』.

Lam looked at me seriously, we looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds, he sighed and went on to take out his cell phone. I watched as he maneuvered his cell, apparently he came across something and showed it to me.

『Enseriously?』-That was the first thing I said when I saw the picture-『Now they work with you?』-It was a picture of some bandits that he took, they were with Lam, the bandits were in suits, they looked happy and with a smile-『Well, they were with Lam, the bandits were in suits, they looked happy and with a smile-『Well, they were with Lam, they were in suits, they looked happy and with a smile.

『That's right, I thought it would be better for them to work with me than to be in prison, I took care of all their problems, they swore they wouldn't do it again, I also found out that was their first attempt, life treated them badly and they only had the option to steal, now they are happy working』-Lam went on to tell-.

Who exactly are you?"『-Lam asked.

『Besides being the best swordsman in the world, I am the Head of a large Organization that is mainly in charge of helping against evil』.

"Evil?』 -I caught my attention.

『Since the "Awakening of the Metamorphosis" there have been people who used their powers to cause evil, steal, kill, kidnap, destroy the world, so my grandfather founded this Organization already 151 years ago, which fights against those people who use their powers for evil, since long before that phenomenon, there have been people who already did evil, my grandfather wanted to do this for a long time and finally succeeded, my father was the former Chief but he was cruelly killed, he was pierced through the chest, no one knows who killed him, that's how I was the next boss since I was young, I was training and polishing my skills, not to end up like my father, and even, I could avenge him if I meet his murderer, I was since I was little fighting with villains, I never had a normal life, neither as a child nor as a teenager, that's why, I could not help God, he was the being who terrorized the world and the main objective of my grandfather and father』

『(I see he's telling the truth.... why do I have my doubts with him?...the only way to get it off me is by doing this)』-M was going to confirm it-.

『Lam!!』(>』(>﹏<)-Estela appeared, she threw herself at Lam-『I didn't know you suffered for that, you must have been under great pressure, relax, I'm here now, you won't be alone anymore, I will accompany you,I will take your burden so you can have a life as you would have liked』╥﹏╥.

Estela was crying on Lam's chest, never before had someone said this to Lam, her red eyes shone.Suddenly, Estela felt a warm feeling. Lam was hugging her, he also wanted to shed some tears.

『Thank you..... Really....thank you so much』-Lam was shedding a few tears-.


A few minutes passed, they were already feeling better, Estela said that Lam would need to be in a place with few people, so she took him to the garden behind the castle.

『I didn't really expect this, Lam, he is someone strong and with a great skill with the sword, he has his unique personality because of what he lived, he is very tall and the Head of an Organization, that makes him someone rich and of a good status among the society....He looks like a protagonist of novels from America, I don't know but...he reminded me of #0 S#mb5A$ from G%3y.... but I still want to confirm it』

I was about to go spy on them, but I heard a voice I couldn't ignore.

『M....Many people are gathering on me』(ノ﹏ヽ)-It was Glace's voice.

A lot of people were approaching Glace, they wanted to chat with her as they were attracted to her a lot, certain parts and besides Glace's personality which was kind of shy and nervous, they at the first time I saw her, they also believe that Glace would be the perfect wife.

『M....help me....』(⋟﹏⋞)-Glace couldn't raise her voice because of her nerves-.

『Hoygan hoygan!( ̄⊿ ̄) She's coming with me, I see she's feeling hot, she must have a fever, so I'm taking her』-Pass to my Forma Lucario and pass to carry her in my arms-.

Glace was surprised by that action of M, she didn't expect to be carried, she became too red and was blowing smoke from her head.

『(Wait....-does he really have a fever?)』( 'へ')-M was leaving the place while carrying Glace-.


Time was passing, the guests who wanted to talk to Glace didn't give up, they were following us for a long time, the others were still at the party,doing what caught their attention the most, which is eating.


『Uffff....(-.-;)they have finally given up, well, I wonder if they will still be in the garden, the sun is already setting, I must go quickly』.

I was on my way to the Garden to confirm once and for all, whether Lam really is what he says, or is he hiding something.

『There they are....』-I hid in the bushes in this huge garden-『What are they saying? I can't hear anything?』

I could see them but I couldn't tell what they were saying because of the distance, but I could tell they were having a good time, they were having a nice flowing conversation we could say, they were laughing and smiling, they kept looking at each other.

『Ah, how silly of me, I forgot to switch to my Lucario Form』-I switched to my Furra Form so I could listen to what they were saying, but they remained silent and just looked at each other-『Enseriously? come on, talk, I want to listen』.

Without me expecting it, they bring their lips closer and closer together and end up kissing each other. The 2 of them had red cheeks , the Sun finished setting quickly bringing the night.

『That I did not expect...well yes....es Estela, as I said, is someone easy....Bueno, to confirm』.

My sensors were raised, I closed my eyes, I could confirm it, Estela did feel pure love towards Lam, it was the purest love I saw so far with my sensors.I looked at Lam now, to my surprise, he also gave off pure love towards Estela, I didn't notice a hint of evil inside him which was what I expected. They were as if their feelings embraced each other with all their love and danced together.

『*sigh* I think I suspected too much, the party ended up being real and Lam was not what I imagined, I think my boredom I'm going through made me imagine and think things that are not, I'm really happy for them 2, they found their soul mate, but I'm still thinking. .... isn't it very fast? they only saw each other twice, the one at the mall and this one, well, if Estela asked me to marry her 2 days after meeting me, how could they not become boyfriend and girlfriend on their second meeting, maybe it's something of their breed, isn't it? to fall in love quickly』.


It was already evening and all the guests and we were retiring.

『We'll meet again』-(^^ゞLam was saying goodbye to Estela-(^^ゞLam was saying goodbye to Estela-(^^ゞLam was saying goodbye to Estela.

『Yes, we'll meet again』(*'∀`*)-Estela was bursting with joy-.

『I could do nothing but ask,confirm,and escape from a crowd....』-M walked dejectedly-『You guys what did you do?....』('ヘ`;)

『I spent it eating』-Maya replies-.

『Eating』-Jolt replies-.

"Eating』-Flar responds-

『Eating』-Sira responds-

『I guess eating too』-Lea replies-.

『Well...mostly eating too』-Latias replies-.

『Since no one wanted to fight, all I did was eat』-Luna replies-.

『I also ate when everything calmed down』-Glace replies-.

『AGGRSMMNIVIIDOIGNGOIDRNGD』-Shizuna had food in her mouth-.

『Enseriously they just ate?』-I asked them confused-.

『Then why would we go to a party if not to eat?』-Jolt answered me-.

『.....You're right, but there are other people, who go to parties, for another purpose』-I watched as Estela came down the stairs happily-』.

At the party we found out more about Lam, and that Estela now did find her prince charming who accepts her just the way she is, for someone who didn't receive love since she was little, she found it with someone who overflows with affection.

『Obviously I'm talking about the money, why else would I have come?』-M had some bills in her hands-


M already in his bed was thinking about that topic again.

『I just recently compared it to that novel, I just hope it doesn't end in a toxic and inhumane way like that story, really, who finds that story beautiful...no offense to those who liked it, but if you think about it, it's one of the worst relationships there is in all of humanity, I'd better drop it, to mimir』

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