
Chapter 84: Estela


Estela just kissed M, the boy didn't expect that move from the girl. M stared at him for a few seconds, he was blushing and unable to say anything.

Estela, on the other hand, looked confident, hearts were drawn in her eyes, her look of love and affection did not disappear.

『Take charge....please』

Delicately and lovingly, Estela whispered in the ear of M. The boy did not understand what was happening, the danger of receiving physical harm was gone, for another kind of danger to come with the next move.

『Eh?! Hey?!』 (-゚д゚-)

Estela began to caress M's treasure, her fingers moving gently and nimbly among the boy's treasure.

『I didn't dislike the kiss(-゚д゚-).....I rather liked it....But what you're doing now ミ●﹏☉ミ...Let's at least know each other for a few years and see what happens』-M was in complete denial-.

Estela began to subtly take off her clothes, then lick at M's breast.

『All right!(-゚д゚-) A few months, a few months!!! and then we see what happens』

『You have a body full of scars....That makes you look more manly (ᇴ‿ฺᇴ)』

Estela went on to bite my nipple as she continued with her hand caressing my treasure. M on the beach was with a shirt on, she couldn't play with the others in the water for accompanying Estela.

『OK!(;Ⅲ□Ⅲ;) At least buy me a cup of coffee and we'll see what happens!((;゚Д゚))』

『You've already got it like a rock』 ♡(ŐωŐωŐ人).

『Less listen to the guy you're going to defile!!!』 -(ʘᗩʘ')-『(Again they want to rape me....( 〃..) And this time....if I have no escape)』

Surely many would not refuse such an opportunity, but M is not that he is a princess, he simply wants to become we could say it, pure in "that" sense, for him, marriage is something precious and unique, he will respect that promise he made himself as a child, M is not that he follows religion, he simply wants to fulfill it and that's it.

『(Adios....pureza (T▽T))』


A yellow lightning bolt was coming towards us. It electrocuted both Estela and me, the bucket of water we were in ended up exploding.

『Your screams are very annoying, you look like a princess M』-Jolt appeared in the room-.

Estela recovered and looked at her, she noticed a change the first time she saw her, Jolt now had pokemon ears.

『No, wait, I wasn't going to do something bad to him』-(゚ー゚;-.

『Doing something to him that he doesn't want is considered a bad thing』-Latias appeared behind Estela-(゚゚ー゚;-).

Using Psychic incapacitates Estela, making her unable to move a muscle.

『How good it feels to have the role of savior』-Jolt looked at M cheerfully-.

『Yes』-Latias also looked happy.

With things calmer now, M was completely dry and with his pajamas back on. Latias was holding Estela with Psychic while he finished putting her clothes back on and Jolt would be the heavy hand.

『Tell us, why did you want to rape M』-Jolt starts asking the questions-.

『I already told you that I didn't want to do anything wrong...』-Estela answered without objecting-』.

『But raping someone is a bad thing』-Latias turns to her-』.

『For me not in the situation we are in』-Without hesitation, Estela answers without further ado-『Also I am in my right, since M gave me his vote and acceptance, he was the first to step forward, what I do is to reciprocate him before such action』( ・ὢ・ )

『That's right M?』(๑-́ω-̀)-Latias turns to M dejectedly-.

『No, no ,no ,no of course not, I have never done or said what this broad says』( ̄■ ̄;)-M was telling the pure truth-.

『Like no....don't be a liar』-(๑-̆૩-̆)-『Don't you remember the kiss you gave me?』-I'll pass it on-

『Kiss?....Ah! As I saw that she was drowning, I gave her a kiss to pass her my oxygen, it was just that, to save her』-M explained to Jolt and Latias-.

『Only pure love would do such an action (๑'ㅂ`๑) you threw yourself and fought in order to save me (ง `ω')۶ besides that you healed me, you carried me in your arms while I witnessed such love you had for me, seeing that I wouldn't resist, you gave me a romantic kiss, your strength was running out and it was my turn to save my savior (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑), I believe in love at first sight, M and I are destined to be together, this day I make it clear, M , please be my boyfriend (♥ω♥*)』

Both Latias,Jolt and I were confused at such words from Estela. So much was the confusion that Latias set Estela free.

『.....No comment....』-(; ̄︶ ̄)M didn't know what to say-.

『She is the typical girl of the one who believes in true love....』-Jolt looked worriedly at Estela-.

As everything was already cleared up in some weird way, Jolt let his guard down and his pokemon ears disappeared, Estela noticed this and kept thinking carefully.

『Well, since we know what was going on.... we should go to sleep and talk about it better tomorrow』-(^▽^;)Latias and the 2 of us, we wanted this day to just be over-.

Latias with his Psychic powers, took all the water , molded it and carried it to the bathroom.

『Thanks Latias, cleaning all this up was getting lazy』-M thanked the legendary-.

『(Latias....?)』-Estela looked curiously at the legendary-.

『By the way, where did you get the water from?』-M asked-.

『From the bathtub』(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ-Estela answered without further ado-.

『I'm getting really sleepy already, after all this, all I want is to keep sleeping』-M was wearily going to get into her bed-(◎'〇`◎).

『Yeah, I'm tired too, what better to end the day than sleeping with the guy you love』-Estela was following M to his bed as she was taking off her clothes again-(◎'〇`◎`◎).

*PAMM* An arm blocked her way.

『It hurts, hey, where are you taking me?』.

Jolt was taking Estela away so she wouldn't cause trouble.

『I'll take care of her, you can rest easy M』-Jolt was carrying Estela on his back-.

『Good night』-Latias was saying goodbye to M-.

『Hey, hey,(* >ω<)=3 the first couple night should be special, let me ٩(๑`н'๑)۶』-To a kicking Estela-.

『Hey Jolt!』-M yelled-

The yellow one turned to hear what the boy would say to her.

『You saw me the treasure, right?』- ( ̄ω ̄)The boy started to tease her-.

Jolt became confused and shocked at such sudden words coming out of M (-゚д゚-).

『What?!!!what....what...you...say.....of course I didn't see...ミ●﹏☉ミ』-She turned her head nervously and shyly-.

『(ΦωΦ)Tell me.....isn't that the greatest treasure you've ever seen?』-=^∇^*=M kept teasing her-.

Jolt was retreating without further ado with red cheeks and head down.

『I could even touch him (灬♥ω♥灬) Damn, why did they have to show up(;_;)』-Estela was talking while being carried away by Jolt-.

『(...I could see it too(。・・・。)....)』-Latias was leaving without saying a word from the room-.


M was waking up after that past night.


Turning to look beside him he saw that there was Estela, her eyes were shining, in her hands she had water that molded him and levitated him with Psychic.

『....Good morning(^ω^)』

After a silence as we looked at each other, Estela was the first to say hello, you could hear the water being thrown.


『Latias is taking a while to come』-M was in the living room, sitting on the couch-.

『One second less and I would have had you....(-д-;)』-Estela was sitting, depressed on the couch too-.

M was able to transform into his Lucario Form and escape Estela's clutches before the water reached him.

『She falls asleep very early, because of what happened last night , I think she will be a while』-M was looking at the door from afar-『Good, now tell me the whole truth』.

M turned to Estela.

『Truth? but I already told you the day we met』(๑-́ω-̀).

『I'm not as much of an idiot as I look, moreover, if I believed that, it's like me saying my parents are Teletubbies』.

『Of course...I'm not good at lying, I just didn't want them to feel sorry for me』. (◕︿◕✿)


『My parents are dead...』-Estela began to relate-『On my college trip we went far away from the city where I lived, everything was laughter and joy, my classmates and teachers had a good time, so the days went by..... until we came back and saw that our city, has been destroyed』-『God chose our city for the Battle Royale while we were away, the inhabitants were forced to fight and kill each other, my parents. ...died in that scenario, we were all left without the people we loved and homeless, many of my classmates were welcomed by their relatives, their uncles, grandparents, cousins, I went to live with an uncle, at first he treated me well, but I realized that his affection, was actually desire, and. .... he raped me』-『My parents, since I was little they told me fantasy and fairy tales, that true love exists, that a prince will arrive at the most critical moment and save the princess and they will live happily ever after, that happened to my parents, the first time they saw each other, they made a click, their love was pure, innocent, warm and calm, it was love at first sight, but at the same time they told me, that I myself, should be the one who realizes the fairy tale』

『No one will save you』『You are only my bitch』『True love? here is your love verdadero』『Príncipes in this world?』 『Stop living in a lie』 『This is the reality,if truly your life is like a fairy tale,tell me,why no one saved you? 』『Your parents died and now you are defiled all the time,you are nobody's princess, there is no your prince charming, to end.... all you learned from them, it's false』

『Fatigued by my abuser's actions, I decided to run away and live far away from everything. I cried, not because what my parents told me was a lie, I cried because I couldn't live what they lived, of not being able to find the prince charming who would rescue me from tragedy』-『I lived traveling from place to place, receiving food from good people, I don't know how much time passed, I arrived at a forest, there was a lot of fruit and the place was quiet, I decided that I would stay to live there, I had to get stronger, so I decided not to use my powers, everything would be achieved with physical effort, I climbed up to a branch to pick a fruit, the river was powerful, the branch broke and I fell into the water, without me noticing, a Sharpedo attacked me and dragged me deep into the water, I wanted to fight, but after what I lived, I just didn't want to suffer anymore, I just wanted this to end』-『But, I always believed in what my parents told me, I never doubted that, just as I was told, the prince arrived at the most critical moment, making faith and hope return to the princess, and as in every fairy tale, the prince kisses the princess, sealing their love eternally』-Estela looked at M-『You are my prince, you saved me from my torment, thank you for appearing』.

『...I thought you were just a liar and wanted to rape me, you can't judge anyone if you don't know them well』-M approached Estela-『There is also something else that princes do』.

M hugged her with all his might,Estela was shocked and confused at such an action that she still saw coming.

"You're safe now, everything is going to be fine』

M said those words to him, Estela reacted upon hearing it, her red eyes were trembling, she smiled and also moved to hug him.

『(Dad,mom, I already understood, life is not a fairy tale, but what it is, are these little moments in life, which resemble pure affection)』


『(What he lived through left scars on him, what he did last night is proof of that, I'd like to fix that too) Could you tell me what your uncle is like?』-M I ask him-?

『My uncle is a Gallade, his name is Elfran, currently I don't know where he lives, since he commented that he would move, for being of the 2nd Generation, he has blades on his arms, and one on his head, and also this thing we have on our chest that sticks out, well, although I don't have it』-Estela counted-.

『2nd Generation? What's that?』-I was curious when I heard it.

"You don't know? It's very strange that someone doesn't know in the year we're in』-Estela looked confused.

『Sorry, it's just that I'm ignorant on that subject, could you explain it to me』(^~^).

『Since the "Metamorphosis Awakening" phenomenon that happened 150 years ago』-Estela started counting-『Half of the world was affected, giving a strange and sudden turn to everyone who was affected, out of nowhere, in the morning, many humans were Pokemons, and Pokemon into humans, no one knew why this happened, but many said it was an evolution after so many years of living together, so they called it "Metamorphosis Awakening" because everyone dawned changed』

『(Now that I remember, when I woke up, I was also already a Lucario)』-( ̄^ ̄) M recalled something from the past-.

『Those who were affected were called Generation 0, the most outstanding thing about this generation, is that the Pokemon could talk, it was not expected, since they were human before, the Pokemon that became human, had to adapt to human life, although they could no longer use their powers, although some, with much effort, showed that if they could use them again』-『Then would come the 1st Generation, which would be the children of Generation 0』

『Wait wait wait, did you just say children...so.... the Pokemon and humans of Generation 0 have copulated.....?』-M was surprised, curious, and weird at the same time-.

『Yes, that's what I said, since there have been many cases where one of the couples was affected, while the other wasn't, and well, love won in all aspects』-Estela counted while M didn't want to understand-『How nice is love, isn't it? 』-『Well, let's continue, the most characteristic of the 1st Generation is that they are humanoids, they are Pokemon with the appearance and characteristics of a human, have you ever seen one?』

『No....but I can imagine what they look like...』-『(They are practically furro pokemon...)』

『These ones became easier to activate their powers, they didn't have to try as hard as the Generation 0』-『Now would come the 2nd Generation, which are the children of the 1st Generation, here they already look more human, leaving the Pokemon appearance, but, still talking about Pokemon characteristics, whether they are horns, ears or tails, an example would be Shizuna, the Dragonair, they can use their powers without any problem, they even receive more power than the old generations』-『Then would come the last Generation, the 3rd Generation, which already look completely human, they no longer have the characteristics that they are Pokemon, since, in all these years, they have been combining and improving this new race, instead of having horns,ears, or tail, those factions merged with our body, for example, I am from the 3rd Generation, and as you can observe, I am a Gardevoir, my hair resembles the head of a normal Gardevoir, no? 』

M touched Estela's short blue hair, it was soft and like any other hair.

『You're right, it's amazing, I didn't know all this, really』-M was surprised.

M removed his hand from her hair, Estela looked happy.(๑-́ω-̀)

『Those of the 3rd Generation can already use their powers from a young age, also these are stronger than the previous ones, having even improvements』-『But your case really surprised me, just like the yellow one』-『A human that can transform into a Pokemon by its own will is something incredible, it could even be a 4th Generation』

『No no no, I don't think so (rather it must be because in my case it's something special)』 -(^~^)-『(Syl must have been from Generation 0, so that makes me Generation 0 too)』

『But in the case of Jolt....he may have his characteristics returned by will, the ears that appeared and disappeared from him prove it』 -『It's a bit confusing actually...』

『(I think that's more because of his Released Form than anything else...)』-『The others can do it too, except Shizuna, and I think Latias can do it too』-M turned to Estela-『But, looking at them, they would pass for being Generation 0 or 3rd,right?』

『That's impossible』-I was quickly denied by Estela-『Since everyone from Generation 0, now they are old』-『So maybe they are an intermediate between 2nd and 3rd....or maybe an evolution....it's confusing this....』


『Yes, old people, since the "Metamorphosis Awakening" happened 150 years ago, for some strange reason, our longevity now is more, reaching to live more than 170 years, many said it is because of why human and pokemon life merged because of the phenomenon, it is another question they are still investigating』

『(Getting to live more than 170 years?....maybe that's what Estela said, or maybe it's also because of the "eternal essence" that was spread with the explosion....this topic is difficult, I'd better not touch it)』

We may never know the reason for this phenomenon of life in this world.

『So, you must be the 3rd Generation improved, and you must be even much better than that, since you are my prince hahaha』꒰✩'ω`ૢ✩꒱.

Estela was attached to M very affectionately.

『(Well, that she came up with all that if you give me to understand that she was in college)』

『Sorry for the delay!』-Latias was knocking on the door and enters as if it were his house-.

『Okay, it's time to make breakfast, rest assured that you'll be delighted』{・ω-*}


While they were eating.

『Don't tell her that her food is tasty』(-,-).

Latias was whispering in Estela's ear.(゜.゜)


After a long time, M returns to help in the Organization, going to distribute groceries to people in need.

『Well, in order not to lose the habit, you must when in when I have to do this』.

M was at the organization station, there were many cars ready to help and deliver groceries to all the people.

『Let me help you M』-Estela attached herself to M-.

『Okay, then you could help too』-M agreed with a smile-.

M put on a cap with the organization's logo, Estela also put one on, and together with all the other cars they set off to deliver the groceries to all the people.

They went from place to place, first to the orphanages and day care centers, then to the schools and hospitals.

In the orphanages the children were happy to see how the workers with a smile gave them sustenance to be able to live. Yes, workers, M and Estela are workers right now. They also left toys for the children and some money to help the director in charge.

In the nurseries, the children looked curiously, the babies, some cried and some laughed, we also gave them toys, groceries and financial help to the manager.

『Yes yes, take here children』-M threw from afar a bunch of stuffed animals to the babies and toddlers-.

These stuffed animals fell on top of the children without hurting them in any way because of how soft they were.

"Why do you throw them at them instead of giving them to them normally?』-She asked-?

『I don't like children very much....the babies...I prefer to have my distance from them』-M looked at the children in the same way with a smile, but this one was a fake smile :v-

『You are very tolerant M, just as I expected from my prince』-Estela looked with much love at M-.

『Ah, look, there's a stuffed animal missing』- she picks up a stuffed animal from the floor-『Take it!』

M throws the stuffed toy forcefully to a small child, Estela was surprised and frightened by that sudden action,the stuffed toy fell down revealing a happy face, the baby was laughing in happiness.

『(Deep down he loves babies)』(๑'ㅂ`๑).

『*tsch* Damn, he's not crying ಠ_ಠ』

『Or not?』(・・;).

In the acyls, the grandparents were happy to see the workers, here we took time to be able to talk for a while with the grandparents, since of some, their relatives did not visit them, with us they can tell us and even give us their love that originally was for their families. As always, we gave them food and economic help, and as a surprise, we gave each one of them jelly so they could taste it.

In the hospitals, the happiest are those who work there, since we give them help, again I repeat, both as food and economically, if I came across any wounded, well, I cured them.

『This time there were only 5 (^▽^;) the previous time there were 50 (_ _||||)』.

To finish, we toured the houses, buildings, apartments to help people and families who also for us are not forgotten.

『Okay, you start here and I'll start here, got it』-M pointed with his finger-』.

『Yep』 -Smilingly Estela replies.

*toc toc toc toc*

『Here's the monthly help』(^▽^)-Estela says as she opens the door-.

『Eh?』-The person looked confused-『Estela?』

『Eh?...(^▽^;)...』-Estela began to tremble because of the person in front of her-『Uncle Elfran?.....』

『Ha....I didn't think I'd see you again after you ran away from home, look no more, fate wants us together』-The older uncle said mockingly-.

『...What are you doing here.....?』

『UHM! this city is peaceful and you can live well here, look, just because I recently moved in, the idiots help me, the kindness of the locals is silly』-The uncle was mocking- 『No, what are you doing here?

『Don't say that....』-Estela's eyes were downcast, she was whispering-

『What, you keep talking low that you can't even be heard, since you're here, I'm going to take everything they're giving me』-The uncle grabbed Estela with his arm-『And everything is everything』.

Estela pushed and broke free from Elfran's arms, she stepped back.

『No, I don't think you'll do those things to me again』-Estela trembling refused-『No, I don't think you'll do those things to me again』.

『Those things? you don't mean....sex』

The guy was slowly approaching Estela,with the blade on his arm he was threatening Estela.

『Come, I'm not one to threaten with this, but seeing that for the first time you object, you leave me no choice』-The guy was licking his mouth as he got closer and closer-.

Estela out of fear of her past, closed her eyes, while trembling more and more and more.

『(Come on, fight, fight back, don't let him do those things to you again, fight, fight, fight,fight)』-In her mind she kept repeating the same thing Estela-.

『Excuse me, I see you are bullying my partner』.

M appeared in front of Estela to protect her.

『Who are you? get out of my way, this is between me and her』. -Uncle complained.

『(Blades on both arms, one on his head, that protruding thing on his chest, a Gallade, and the name "Elfran" on the mailbox...).... So it's you...』-M looked around-.

『I told you to back off! If not, then I'll have to finish you off first!』

Elfran lunged with its blades to attack M, M quickly switched to its Lucario Form , using Osseous Attack molding the weapon into blades, the 2 attacked, a light was seen in the transition. The 2 were on their backs.


Something fell to the ground, heard these things fell, the guy started to scream in pain, his arms blades have been cut off.

『From today, the organization will no longer send you anything, if you want something from this city, you will have to get it by yourself, and if you don't want to do it, you better get out of here』.

M looked with hatred and seriousness at Elfran. M walked towards Estela, while the guy was screaming in pain desperately going back to his house, M kicks him.

『This is your fault you fucking bitch!』-The lord yelled at Estela-『JAJAJAJJAJAJAJA, now what are you going to do?! you got what you wanted,they spotted someone living and traveling from city to city like a vagrant, I know it was you, go back to living on the street like the bitch you are!!!』

『Shut up you damn being!』-M spoke-『Estela if she has a home, she will live with me, I will give her all the love she wanted, I will be her family and I will watch over her well, I will make what she lived with you, just a bad dream』

M turned to look at Estela, she was crying with happiness, so much was her joy that she could not contain it, she, all this time, also wanted to hear those words.


『He got what he deserved that guy, don't worry Estela, there are many free apartments here, you can stay in the one you want, sorry to say that, but I like my bachelor apartment hahahaha』

The 2 of them were in M. Estela quickly knelt down in front of M, grabbed his hand, M was confused, but, one thing was for sure, what M heard, he had never been told before.

『M...』-Estela looked up-『Marry me please!』

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