
Chapter 64: Sisters

After a serious fight with Lux, I got the Lucarionite, a mega stone to be able to mega evolve.

『Meet Mewtwo, she's going to teach you how to mega-evolve』.

A girl with short purple hair, a matching purple dress, and her tail was what stood out the most.

『Mewtwo....es Mewtwo....(°o°;)Is she going to teach me?』

『That's right, my boy』

She gave me a quick answer to my question.

『Hyya....џ(ºДºџ) She just spoke to me....(ΩДΩ)』

『*sigh*Seriously this is the guy who defeated you and I have to teach him how to mega-evolve?』(--;--Mewtwo turned to his friend-.

『Do you see someone else being here?』(  ̄︶ ̄).

『...I'm only doing it because you asked me to( ̄Ω ̄)Boy, accompany me outside, bring the stone with you, I'll teach you how to mega-evolve on your own』.

『...Lux...I have to go right?』(-@@Д@).

I was still feeling weird and confused. Mewtwo was still going on his way, seeing that I didn't follow him he caught my attention.

『Fast!!!』( ̄⊿ ̄)


『With this he will be able to leave the nest』ɷ◡ɷ-Lux watched as she caught up with her friend-.


We went outside the cave, it was cloudy, the fog was so thick that it didn't let us see the surroundings well. Mewtwo with a simple hand movement, caused a wave expansion, dispersing and making the fog disappear. I was left speechless by such a simple movement.

『Haber.....where do I start』(─‿─).

I was walking towards her slowly, I felt worried.

『I got it, if I teach you this way it will be easy for the 2 of us, come, come closer, don't be afraid』.


『...(-.-;)I notice you are tense since you saw me, just say it at once, what's bothering you about me?』

『I can't hide it, especially if it's you (;'∀`) what was going around in my head was, the current world, of your ideology and philosophy, of how you were affected after this phenomenon that the world suffered, I thought you would be angry at such an abrupt change....』

『Ah, that, yes, I became confused like everyone else at first, I became like the humans who created me And what's that got to do with you? Why would I be angry?』(・∧-)ゞ

『Ahhh...(^^;) Why do you hate humans and would you be angry to be like them?』

When I asked that, she didn't give me a quick answer, she was silent for a few seconds. I thought I said something that would make her angry.

『*sigh*I see you are confusing me with someone else, I am a second Mewtwo created, I am not the Mewtwo you met first, the one who hates and wants to make his philosophy come true in this world, the one who was trapped by a Gym leader and then created clones, I have nothing to do with that, I am another』('へ').

『....Ah...I see, sorry for confusing you, I didn't know there were 2 Mewtwo』('꒳`)『Although I think what surprised me the most was that you were a girl』(*'ω`*).

Mewtwo stared at me for a few seconds, tilted his head slightly and then spoke.

『Easy, sometimes that happens (^~^)』

『Although honestly, I'm glad I could meet you and not the other one, I can tell you are generous and compassionate, you try to help pokémons and humans when they have problems, and you are less harsh, you opened your heart to your surroundings, this phenomenon did some good for you』'・ᴗ・`.

『.....Where did you get all that from....』(;^_^A

『I can feel the emotions of those around me jijiji』( ^ω^^).

『Of course, you've already completely mastered your Pokémon state』-『That will make things even easier, get ready kid, I'll teach you how to mega-evolve』(`・ω・')9.

『Yes, I'm ready』(`-ω-'๑).

That's where my training for Mega Evolution would begin, further preparing me for the encounter with God.


What about all this? What have Syl's sisters been doing? What happened to the sisters after they separated from M?


Some time ago. In the cave.

『Damn it! 』-Luna reflected her annoyance.

Flar with his flames melted the snow that had blocked the entrance to the cave. They all ran to the edge where M fell from the avalanche.

『Will M be okay?』-Lea worriedly looked down-('A`)

『It's a very high fall, we're almost at the top of the mountain』-Sira made a comment-●︿●●.

『He will survive the fall, somehow this one will come out of it, after all, he can heal if he is seriously injured, so there is nothing to worry about』-Maya was the positive one in this situation (`へ′)-.

『You're right, if he's even on the verge of death he just needs to heal and the next day he'll be as good as new, there's not much drama』-Jolt was looking peeking his head from the edge-(-∀-).

『It's my Onee-chan, she can survive this high』(^▽^)-Flar was the one who felt the calmest-.

Glace was apparently the only one who was truly worried about M.

『We have to go look for him, he's probably scared, I doubt if he's really ok....』(ノ﹏ヽ)

『As Glace says, we have to go for M, we shouldn't jump to conclusions before the end』-Luna raised her voice in encouragement.


Maya, Jolt, and Flar raised their hands.

『.....You shouldn't raise your hand after saying that.....(;・∀・)』-Sira looked at her sisters-.

They came down from where they were, the sun was setting and it started to snow, they just arrived at the place where M was supposed to have fallen, it was already night and the snow didn't stop falling.

『This is where M fell, but I don't see any traces of this being the end』-Luna looked around-('へ').

『I told you, he survived and walked away』-Maya was most calm-(-∀-).

『But if he walked.... Where could she have gone?』-Glace turned to look at her sister worried- (ノ﹏ヽ).

『Maybe she was sent back to the cave, he'll think we're waiting for him to come back』-Lea deduced that- (꒡ꜙ꒡).

『Yes, it might be that, the boy would definitely do that』-Maya was calm-( ̄⊿ ̄).

『He said he wanted to train, so climbing this would be like his training for him』-Sira was making a comment-( ̄⊿ ̄).

『Entones we're waiting for!\\٩( 'ω' )و /// We have to go back to the cave to meet M (^ω^)』-Flar with their cheers was in getting on-.

They were retreating from the site, as it continued to snow on this night. The reality is that M if you remember, he was sleeping and the snow began to cover him until it covered him completely. They were closer at this time and didn't even notice.


In the early morning.


Flar entered the cave very cheerful.

『He's not...('ヘ`;)』

Flar's spirits disappeared instantly.

『M won't be here yet, we'd better wait for him』(^^ゞ-Maya felt calm-『Meanwhile I, I'll get some sleep』.

『We're tired from the journey, let's rest, when we wake up for sure M will already be here and calmly tell us why we slept』(^^ ).

Luna was talking to keep the others hopeful, exhausted the others did the same as Maya and went to sleep.

『We're waiting for you, M』

Luna looked from inside the cave to the outside and then went to sleep.


A few hours passed and M didn't arrive, time passed, and M still didn't arrive, it was already lunch time and M still didn't arrive, the sun was setting and M still didn't arrive.

『M is taking too long to come don't you think?....』-Jolt sitting leaning against the wall ,said dejectedly-('_`).

『*tsch* It's so hard for him to climb the mountain again』-Maya monstraba her annoyance-.

『When we all climbed the mountain, M needed our help to do it, maybe now that he's alone, it's complicated for him』-Sira was making a comment-.

"I don't like this at all, we have to go out again and look for M』-Flar stood up and said worriedly.

"Maybe what I said yesterday, I was wrong, maybe M is missing or maybe he's even...』-Lea felt guilty.

『No, he's fine, he must be fine, just now, he doesn't know what to do』-Glace raised her voice a little to express what she was feeling- 』.

『I'm going to go get him, you guys stay here, I'll be back with him on my way back』.

Luna got up and was leaving the cave. A cold air entered the cave, it was so sharp that it made the girls' clothes move.A strong storm had started in the place.

『Damn....』-Luna shielded her eyes with her arm-『I'll be back in a few hours』.

『No』-Glace grabbed her sister's arm-『No...』(⋟﹏⋞).

Glace apparently wanted to tell her sister something. Luna stood still waiting for her sister to tell her.

『Please..... find out, okay? She must be having a hard time.....』(つ﹏<.)

Glace asked her sister to find him. She felt helpless and disappointed.

『Glace....'・ᴗ・` Okay, leave it to me』

Luna patted her sister's head, the older sister proceeded to look for M in this cruel snowstorm.

『I will find you M, all of us, we are worried about you, especially Glace』.

Luna was descending the mountain in this strong storm, her conviction and strength was stronger, she couldn't fulfill what her sister asked of her. In the cave someone was making a comment.

『If you want to say you want to look for him, just say so, you are the most suitable at this time because of your type, Glace』-Jolt looked calmly at his sister-.

Maya clenched her fists as she looked at her ice-type sister.


The next day Luna came back, she was head down, she couldn't find M, the others felt worried.

『*tsch*(But what are you doing M....)』

Maya's annoyance was growing even more.

Hours passed, or rather, days, and M still did not return, the supplies had run out, they were still waiting in the cave and were interspersed to search the mountain for M, but they could not find him, he was not here, they had to advance their way, they went to the nearest mountain town. Where they stayed there for a long time, looking for M, making pamphlets and asking people if they saw the boy, they called the police to help them, they were desperate and worried looking for M.

At a Motel in the City.

『We've already been for days and there is no trace of M,in the mountain we already searched and he is not there』-Lea was putting the pamphlets in order-('_`).

『The storm may have covered up his body, the police are already on it』-『But if they find his body, that means he's dead』-Sira was speaking sympathetically-(◕︿◕✿).

『I've said it many times.....(つ﹏<.)M is not dead, he's going on his way so he can keep on living and get stronger.....(┳◇┳)don't say M is dead.....please』

Glace was the most affected by all this. When it came to sadness, she couldn't hide it.

『He could have gone back to the previous city, we have to alert the authorities if they saw M out there ●︿● let's not lose hope, we'll find him』

Luna was trying to cheer up her sisters in this situation that was getting even more and more down on them.

Maya was clenching her fists, and clenched her teeth tightly, she was trembling.

『Sister are you okay?』ο('・ω・`o).

Jolt noticed and asked Maya. She just ended up exploding.


Shouted the purple sister, all the others were left confused and worried.

"Calm down Maya, you don't have to get angry』-Luna spoke to her.

"Can't you see that?! Let's stop it, let's not put more hope on someone who's dead』.

Glace reacted with a worried gesture when she heard her sister.

『Recognize it once and for all, M is gone, he's gone..... he's dead』.

It made her feel her annoyance at last Maya, she was saying what the others didn't want to believe.

『May---』-Jolt tried to talk to her but was interrupted-.

『How can you say that! If you were saying from the beginning that M was fine, that M is alive, that M would come back to us』

Glace stood up and faced her sister.

"That's right! I had hope and I was sure that M was alive, but as time went by ..... it's more than obvious...Why don't you want to accept it! Say it out loud that M is dead! Say it out loud! .... we lost someone very important to us again.....』

Maya started to scream and get upset, she was holding back her emotions again, until they completely overpowered her.

『I didn't believe that about you sister....』-『So little hope you have.....simply that you are someone depressive and negative, you suck.....』

Glace in tears, insulted with her last sentence to her sister. Maya was silent and shocked.

『You are someone who leaves others if this one doesn't show results, someone who wants everything fast, someone who wants everything to go his way』.

Glace didn't hold back, and for the moment she would say what she thought of her sister. Maya didn't hold back anymore and also attacked.

『Don't give me that.....I don't want to hear that from a shy little girl who always wants to be protected!』-『At the slightest mistake and you start whining, you're so fragile, when we lived together we were always there for you WHY! you never stood up for yourself, being strong you didn't use it for yourself Learn to do things for yourself you damn brat! Just because you're delicate and cute you think everyone is going to take care of you! That other people will do whatever you want for you! Cut the crap, I hate girls like you who have no initiative』

Maya unleashed all her anger at her sister, Glace was shedding tears, words are stronger than blows. Glace ran out of the room while crying.

『Glace!....』-Luna shouted from the door-.

『Glace....』-Lea was worried-『Glace!

『I'm going to go get Glace, you guys stay here』.

Luna ran after her sister who kept crying.

But they couldn't pay attention to what their sister said, the discomfort of the environment affected them, being with Maya at this moment was not the best, the others left the room little by little, slowly, at the end they left Maya alone.

Flar was the last one, before leaving she spoke to her sister.

『It wasn't for you to tell her that.....』

『She started it, I was just defending myself』

『We're sisters, we're going to have fights, it's inevitable, but what just happened, it can't be considered that....』

Maya was left alone in the room, Flar closed the door.


Maya hit the floor angrily, she also started to cry.

『M.....I'm a fool.....』(;へ:)


Glace ran crying through the city. She covered herself with her arm so people wouldn't see her tears.


Glace collides with someone's back, she fell fell backwards to the ground.

『Are you okay?』(・・・)

A blond boy offered her his hand to get up, he spoke kindly to her, he was cute the young man.

『Uhm.are you crying?』(』(^^;))

The boy noticed this.

『...No it's nothing, it's just that.....I had a fight with my sister.....』-『Thank you for helping me』(◕︿◕✿).

"『If you need anything, tell me, I can't let a girl cry, tell me what happened and then maybe I can help you, okay?

The guy smiled at her and offered his trust, Glace was in pain, that any help at that time she would accept.


In a cafe.

『I see, with that happened, to be honest, I also believe the guy is alive, your sister is wrong』.

『Truth! 』۹(ÒہÓ)۶.

Glace suddenly reacted, she stood up and brought her face close to the guy. She then sits back down, she was embarrassed, he just laughed.

『If what you said about him is true, then it's more than certain that he's alive, I'll help you look for him if you want』.

『Enseriously (^ω^)』

『I will ask my friends to help us too, they are also good people, the police now don't search as they should, with us we will make you reunite with the boy』.

『Thank you very much...This....(〃'∀`)』

『Frilo, that's my name』

『Thank you very much Frilo』。^‿^。

『(Sister is right, if indeed the guy fell from a mountain, he is most likely dead, I will take her to the others, she is cute, and from the way she acts she must be a virgin, I will sell her very expensive)』-『Come on, the faster the better』(^ω^).

Meanwhile, Luna and the others searched for Glace everywhere in the city, shouting her name to see if she would answer.

『Could you please put this on?』

The guy pulled out a scarf, an eyeglass, and a huge hat. Glace calmly put it on without asking.

『Yes yes, you look very pretty, I'll give it to you if you want』.

『Enseriously (^ω^) You're helping me a lot, you're good people』.

The 2 left the cafe, and walked to a place in the city, they would go to the outskirts of the city.

『(In this job you always have to be cautious, mostly there are people who would recognize them) This way, this is where we are going to meet(^v^)』


At the Motel. In the room.

『*sigh*I went too far with Glace. I shouldn't have reacted that way, M already told me many times, I shouldn't hold back my emotions, by not listening to her I caused a fight. When Glace comes back I will apologize, although she started first of course....(๑-́ ₃ -̀๑)』

Maya peeked out the window, she saw a blond guy walking down the sidewalk, accompanied by a girl with a scarf, glasses and a big hat.

『.....Wow....but how cautious and sneaky...( ̄ー ̄;』-『Wait a minute....She's not.....Glace? What's she doing with that guy? Glace blindly trusts people, whatever she's up to, that guy is going to see them with me』.


The sun was setting and in no time it would be night, the 2 of them were outside the city ,in a forest.

"Oh! You're here, Frilo』

A guy was waiting.

『Yes, and here I have one to help us』.

Glace took out everything Frilo had given her.

『Ouu, she's cute, and tell me is she?』-The guy looked at Frilo-.

"She is』d(-_☆)

『Ehhh, then you'll make a lot of money with it, we're no slouches either, look at all we got』.

The 3 of them walked through the bushes, until they finally arrived, there were more guys and girls there tied on their hands and feet, with tape on their mouths so they wouldn't scream.

『I'm sorry, they're cute business』.

Frilo put a cloth with chloroform on Glace's face, Glace fell asleep quickly. Ah she also had her hands and feet tied. Before they put a tape over her mouth a voice was heard.

『Wow wow, I was already getting suspicious. Don't lay another finger on my sister』.

Maya was on top of a tree, on top of a log, the guys were confused.

"Who are you?』

"I won't tell my name to people who are worth less than garbage』.

Maya rushed to attack them, the guys pulled out their guns and started shooting at her, the sound of gunshots could be heard in the distance.

The bullets stopped in front of Maya.

『What.....?』-A confused guy reacted-?

Maya had made a net with her threads in front of her, these protected her from the gunfire.

She started to pull her fingers, pieces of rocks from behind the men were attacked, only a few could dodge this.

Maya kept stretching her fingers, now the trees that were there were being knocked down to crush the guys. The guys fell, but they didn't stop, they kept firing at point blank range.

『But they were so loud』

Maya stretched out her fingers, all the guys' weapons were snatched away, absolutely all of them, with the net protecting herself she wrapped the snatched weapons.

"Stop! If you take one more step, I'll kill her!

Frilo had a knife, this one was going to cut Glace's neck who was still asleep.


Maya exchanged positions with Glace, she delivers a hard punch to Frilo's face, he falls down defeated. Maya would proceed to finish off the other subjects that were there.

『Glace ,hey Glace, Gla-ce des-pi-er-ta』◙‿◙.

Glace was opening her eyes, she was in her sister's arms.


『I'm sorry for what I said to you!』-The two spoke at the same time-.

『(^v^)Let me speak to me first, I'm sorry for saying all those things to you, I was wrong and I know it, I didn't control myself in that instant and I hurt you, the truth was I didn't mean it, this was my fault for keeping what I feel, I'm sorry little sister』.

Glace stared at her sister warmly.

『Hahaha, you don't get to apologize sis 。^‿^。 I'm sorry too, I got carried away, and went into despair, besides I was the one who started it, forgive me』

The 2 stared at each other, and in the end just laughed.

『Do you really think I'm depressive』(^▽^).

『Yes, I still remember the time you cried the first few months when we broke up, you called each of us all the time』(^ω^)『Do you really think I'm someone cute?』

『That's not what you should be asking, silly (^ω^)』

The 2 laughed, they had already settled their sisterly quarrel in such a simple way, just as out of nowhere it starts, so out of nowhere it ends.

『But what is this?』

A guy with a beard appeared.

『They finished with those who were going to sell us the girls, they are still tied up some, quickly take them』.

The men accompanying him were going to pick up the girls who were still asleep. On their way they were opposed by Maya and Glace.

"We won't let you take them away』-Maya spoke seriously.

"We will finish you off』-Glace shifted to a defiant look.

『If that's what you want, then I'll come with everything』.

Cars were coming, people were coming, a big crowd of people had the bearded man. it was like a small army of 50 men.

『I'm going all out from the start』.

"Do we do it』-Maya asked and looked at Glace.

『We will』-Glace replied to Maya.

The 2 were prepared and ready to fight them.

But apparently there is a bucaque in the back part of that army, the men were flying, they were being finished from the back.

『But what's going on back there』

The bearded man saw, he made effort to see, it was like someone blue was attacking everyone there, there were a lot of them, he was just finishing off his small army of 50 men.

『Fast! I won't let that guy beat me』.

The guy got into his car and went after the guy in blue. The sisters were left not knowing how to react.(・・)

The car where the guy went was thrown towards their position, it fell close to them, the car fell face down, on top of it was the blue guy who ended up with all that little army.

『Hello *sigh* I asked one of the men what they were doing here, he said they were dealers, so I just attacked them』-『A long time ago, Maya, Glace, I came back』(^ω^).

I had returned after a long time, the first ones I meet were Maya and Glace.

『¿?....¿Eh? Is something wrong? (ΩДΩ) Wasn't my entry amazing? It's my first time making one so I don't know if it's ok or not』. ('w`*)

The sisters didn't respond , they were silent, after a few seconds they reacted.

『¡M!』 (●●>ω<●)

The two of them rushed at M, he fell because of the sisters' strength. M did not understand what was happening at this instant, but he was being hugged and loved, so this one simply let go.

『I thought you were dead』 (⋟﹏⋞)

Glace was shaking her head in M's fur.

『I thought I'd never see you again』 (;﹏;)

Maya was also crying on M's chest.

The people who were most worried about M, finally managed to find him, they felt joyful at that instant, the reunion and the journey continue.

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