
Chapter 58: Nekomata Case 10

December 20, ****

Eh...life does come to give you a lot of surprises, eh? Of course it's not like many people think, oh...rather it's my way of thinking, there are bad things and good things in life, for a long time I think that living is to have a lot of surprises on your way, after all it's always a surprise that something happens that you didn't even foresee, it's good that everything goes as one has in mind, but also isn't that exhausting in a way? To be on top of everything so that everything is in order or goes in a straight and simple way... Wouldn't that be boring? It would even make me want to throw a few stones in the middle of the road to see if the person walking down that road would even be surprised *smiles* I don't rule out surprises in life, it's something that's going to be by law, so I prefer to always know what my next decision will be when something like that happens! I have in my memories that a friend of mine said that not doubting is a way to grow, I also think the same thing, if only I had improved his words I would have agreed with him *smiles* I wonder if everything would have continued as it was before, how much would have changed, it would be a great surprise to have lived it *smiles* But what I was saying before, not doubting is a way to grow? What does that kid think? That we are not afraid, or rather, that life is not full of surprises? Of course, even if we get older and accumulate more things in addition to age, we will always have doubts, coming from a guy who used to be fearful to define it somehow, oh? oh? Or did he also mean that you don't have to be afraid in order not to have doubts? ohhhhh... they are really considered children for a reason, the ideas they have have have no justification, and I can't help you with that from my life experience. Of course we are afraid, from the moment we are born until we die we are afraid, it is not something that can be suppressed, to feel fear is a way of saying that we want to live, and to doubt is always a way of saying that we want the best for our life, to make a decision quickly and correctly, without a doubt is something to admire, but someone who thinks about it carefully, is because he appreciates what he can lose. It's as simple as that, that's why I like to make people doubt, to make them nervous with simple issues, it shows me how much importance they attach to it. It's the easiest way to see a little piece of their heart in it *smiles*. There are several types, the expressive ones and the ones that don't react, it's easy to distinguish the expressive ones, they always make me laugh and have funny moments, but the ones that don't react don't mean that they are a stone without a soul, without feelings or anything, just by looking at them I can tell, and seeing that I get to alter us or make them change their mind at the moment, only shows me that I am very good at this, I am able to understand most of the people. Oh, I said majority, of course, because as well as there are people that I like a lot, I know that there will also be people that I won't feel the same, and I even prefer not to get together with them, oh, so you're preferential! We all are, if you're looking to blame someone, then blame yourself for liking that person too much. *smiles* 

But now that time has passed, how many years have passed since then? It is not that I have made a new life after what happened, I will never forget what was dear to me, after all my family has always been home and respects very much, for a long time the feeling that once was lived, we are very much to retain for a long time the love towards a person, that is until we are told the opposite in the face of course, but if it is for ourselves, we are able to spend up to a century continuing to think and being faithful to our love for life, that's why I admire my ancestors a lot, I guess that the love they have ended up inheriting to our present, although we no longer live as long as it was before, what we came to love to other people, could even be said to have increased a lot. ...I...I really want to see you all again and know how you are, I won't be able to go on living the rest of my life peacefully, just as our affection lasts for a long time, something that can have an impact on us is also capable of lasting for decades and decades... We will continue with that thought until we are told otherwise...So...don't worry friends, I will dedicate the rest of my life to continue loving you *smiles* and also wherever you are, be happy as far as you have come, I...I want the best for everyone.


It seems that it was not necessary to overthink it too much, before I had the worry that everything was perfect, I wanted to reach a fixed and clear goal, and for that everything had to happen as I had foreseen it, thinking about it so much led to show me a part that even I did not know that I had. I didn't care about anything else in my life, I just wanted to be on my own without anyone bothering me, although the only one who dared to destroy my peace of mind was Kyto, for me it was also a big surprise, because in primary school he really was a little devil in miniature, the times when we got into trouble because of him, so when we were growing up, I know that it was also a bit of thinking and looking great more than anything else. But when we got to Secondary School, that phase of even sounding like the counsellor and even the wisest of them all, it was a huge surprise to me, he wanted to have a change of scenery? did he want to have another personality? Be that as it may, it didn't turn out as I expected, since it's impossible to hide how you really are, he told me that I'm very fearful and nervous, now that I see him interacting with Ema, I can say with what right he told me before? If I had found that out about you earlier, you wouldn't have made fun of me, would you? Although she would have teased me anyway, and I would have teased her back, and so we could continue *smiles* Actually just as I was told, it's better to wait for things to happen normally, forcing something to happen in the end just ends up being too obvious and scares away opportunities, now I can understand that I myself was the one who kept Ron away from getting closer to her, but since I start to see her as a friend as such, we have become closer, if before I was envious that Ron only sat on top of Jun, now it is her who does it on top of my head, I will not be demanding or forcing anything else, if you want someone to love you and get to show you a lot more things to you, just act normal, it will only show you who really wants to be with you, as they say! your true best friends! *smiles*

I was now in a place where I had been wanting to go for a long time, I remember that among all my plans to spend time with Ron, this one was clear to me from the beginning. I am referring to the Distant Duo of the North, a quiet area in the middle of nature that lies among the hills of our region. Of course it's touristy, it has its own path up into the hills for anyone who is determined to come here, although first tip I'll tell you, I had no idea it was actually deep in the forest, it's even a bit too high to be real. If it hadn't been for my stamina in my legs and the good lungs I have as a species, I'm sure he would have been totally knocked down with one foot in the grave by now, I'm not implying that Kyto is dead or anything like that, he made it...just barely but he made it, right now he's lying in the middle of it all to recover, although those rolling eyes tell me otherwise, good thing Ema is very attentive to him, I hope that when it gets further, it's not Ema who keeps doing most of the things.

But it really is a place that at the beginning when it was discovered would have been very difficult to access, those of today we have it easy to not get lost, with how high it is, it is not surprising that in winter time the lagoon that has the Dúo Distante, it gets to freeze by the temperatures that are achieved to reach. In its twin brother it must be the same, in the Dúo Distante del Sur, it is also very deep in the forest, the little human intervention has achieved that these two beautiful landscapes of nature have been preserved until today. 

Right now I am very warm, it is already December and it has started to snow earlier than expected, although we are lucky, spending Christmas is more beautiful when everything is covered with snow, and for brave people like us who decide to come here at this time of the year, we can also see this landscape in this season, which if you ask me, is one of the most beautiful that the Distant Duo can have.

Snowflakes, snow as it is, all the beautiful cold that Winter offers in our lucky country was falling at this time of the year. It's a nice way to bid farewell and welcome a year that comes and goes, that is until the snow has to be removed from the houses and slopes...but let's skip that one. But coming here and just watching is a reward for our efforts. 

『It's really beautiful here 』

Jun had appeared next to me, who was also looking at the lake, along with the surrounding cherry trees, which were all covered in layers of snow that made them look even more beautiful than they already were. We were quiet the two of us watching this, there was nothing else to say, it was just peaceful to be quiet while we were smiling at that moment.

『Thank you so much for having the idea to come here, I've come here before with my family at other times of the year, mostly in Spring to see the cherry trees, but I didn't know how beautiful it was in Winter, I appreciate it Giji *smiles*』.

Originally the idea of coming to the Northern Distant Duo, was for only Giji and Ron to come here, maybe everyone coming would be something that wouldn't be in the plans, keeping in mind how they were all months ago, they would have surely created times for only Giji and Ron to be alone, that is well known.

『So don't worry Giji, we'll give you your time alone with Ron so you can move forward with your relationship with her, it's always been like that, hasn't it? *smiles*』-『Now I understand why you wanted to come alone with Ron in the first place, it's a perfect place to make something happen 』

Jun said this normally, always calmly and with a smile on his face, supporting his friend Giji, whose face seemed to change at that moment, he wasn't smiling anymore, he was hesitating at that moment, he was thinking about being alone with Ron, but now that they are all together, it's better to keep having fun like this...or even better...to try to continue where they were having fun with each other before.

『Jun...we can...』

『....!!!! It's really cold!!! And even though I'm very warm, it makes me shiver all over!!!!』

『Eh? Cold? 』

『No, I'm dying of heat, of course I'm dying of cold you idiot!!!!! It's beautiful scenery and all, but withstanding the temperature is proving to be a challenge!!!! And you Giji! Since we came here I haven't seen you succumb to the cold!!!! And that's because your wings are unprotected!!!!』 

『Eh? ahh, it's just that the coat I have that covers my chest does keep me warm, while my wings, it must be because of my feathers...ah!!! Once Kyto once commented that birds' wings retain heat, uhm....he said that my feathers have an insulating effect and that they prevent heat loss...something like that he told me one day...』 

『You should have said it before Giji!!!!!』 

At that moment Jun was freezing to death, from what Giji was explaining, he couldn't help but be surprised by what happened, his friend quickly went to hug him, although more specifically to take one of his wings, he was holding his face very close in order to get warm, Jun who was starting to turn red in his cheeks from the cold, his breath was smoking from the cold, he was pulling himself together to help his friend.

『Awww...que warm is *happy*』 

『Eh?.....(EHHHHH!!!!!!!!!) Hey....! Jun!!....*nervous* *red* Don't you think...*shiver*』 

『Let me stay like this for a while longer while I get my energy back 』 

At this Jun became more attached to Giji's wing, who this one became even more nervous and redder than he already was, he didn't expect this surprise, his friend Jun if she gets to be direct many times, when it comes to her friends she doesn't have to hide anything, she acts like she normally would, there was no shame, there was no shyness, she didn't doubt it, unlike Giji who this one even looked like he was dying at that moment.

『(Why!!!! Why is this happening!!! I didn't even feel this way about Jun from the beginning!!!! I even really felt confident because she acted like a boy!!!! But now that I've been getting to know her, I can tell and feel that she's totally a regular girl and that's what she's like. !!!! From the way she dresses to the way she talks...everything about her is very feminine to me. !!!! That she does this kind of thing without taking into account that she is a girl...makes me even more nervous!!!!!)』

『.....*uncomfortable* How is it getting hot anymore? Your wings went from being warm to starting to boil like hot water...』-『Is something happening to you Giji? 』

『Ah!!...ah....ahh!!! No!!!...I just...I'm going to leave for a little while to .....』

At that moment when he wanted to leave, again he felt that someone was attached again but this time with much more strength, when Giji looked surprised at his face, he realized that it was Jun who hugged his wing even tighter, and with an annoyed but determined expression at the same time he said to him.

『Tell me what's wrong, I won't let go until you tell me *annoyed* 』 

Jun knows that his friend Giji is more about hiding what's wrong with him, he learned from Kyto that it's better for him to make him spit out everything he's thinking instead of just being overwhelmed all by himself. Of course he did it his way, he wanted to look like his usual tough friend, but by that time, even if he looked as manly as possible, Giji could only see how his friend was holding him back as if they were a couple...Where....


『Eh?....Ehh!!!!!!!!!!! Hey!!! Giji!!!!!!』

At this Giji couldn't take it anymore, that he ended up falling down in the snow because of all the warmth it's giving him, wait, is that possible? Between all the cold, he's more likely to get a fever than the flu? Although I think you get both when you're exposed to cold temperatures, but you know what I mean anyway. !!!!!

At this Giji was reopening his eyes to find out what happened, where he ended up finding that.

『Ah! Giji! You woke up buddy, don't worry me like that again! Are you prone to falling ill my friend?』

The first one he managed to see was Lain, who was tending to him in a tent they had set up just after arriving at the Distant Duo of the North. Giji was with a cushion to lay his head on, a blanket to protect him from the cold, while on the other hand, as soon as he woke up, Lain was commenting on whether he was going to continue sleeping or wake up.

『I'm feeling better now, I'm not sick or anything like that Lain.』

『Really? I'm glad, we also recently remeasured your temperature, you are now more normal, but at the beginning you had a high temperature, why was that? 』

『*laughs* Well...I got hot...*shivering*』

『That's strange, but better safe than sorry! I'm heating up the soup we had brought for lunch, I'll bring it to you right away *smile*』

At this Lain looked attentive and caring to Giji, who, seeing the good intentions towards him, took it as something normal so he thanked him for being so good to him, where Lain replied that he will always be good to someone if that person shows him to be good to him as well.

『A coin is paid in kind! *smiles* 』 

Lain withdrew with a smile as he was confident with his belief, where Giji was calm, this tent that they have also made and put up also looks cosy, it seems that this time Lain is in his Lizardman Form, I wonder if he kept improving that metamorphosis he was practising, when it was Halloween if it really surprised me a lot, he achieved a great advance in so few months, could it be that the Species now have that new ability or characteristic? Do they even have it that much easier? If Ron has been able to perform that metamorphosis with ease since she was a child, now that Lain is achieving it, and it seems that she is older than Ron. She is managing to achieve the talent that Ron was born with by sheer effort....

『Then I...』

If instead of a wing, he could transform it into a human arm...the things he could do would be many and incredible, being able to hold various things with ease, as well as manoeuvre them, there were also times when the size of his wings along with his feathers took up a lot of space, that problem would also be left behind. While his legs...it doesn't make much difference whether he keeps them or switches to a human one, it's better to have Harpy legs, they give you a greater advantage both physically and in terms of endurance. But if he managed to change his wings to a human arm, to a hand...I know he was held hands many times with Ron...but you could even say holding hands...it's better to say they were holding his feathers....

『If I had a human hand...I could hold Ron's hand, I could fist bump Kyto every time he's disrespectful...I could shake my hand when I say goodbye to Ema...I could hold Jun's hand tightly and ....*red* 』

At this he was looking at his wing and all the things he could do with his friends, there was the possibility, if he also makes an effort then...At this Giji was determined in this fantasy, but looking so much at his wing, he didn't notice that it was covering the view of his forehead, and when he realised, he lowered his wing at that moment, so he could notice that all his friends that he just named, were in front of him. Where no one said anything at that moment, only with their expressions it was as if they were saying everything, Kyto with a playful face and that now he is going to give him a blow. Ema with an innocent smile on her face, as if thanking him for thinking of her, Ron was staring, but you could tell she was happy by the way she was wagging her tails, while Jun, at first was shocked to hear about holding her hand tightly, but quickly her red surprised face changed to one....

『What do you want to hold me tightly for? Don't you want to get away from me or what Giji? *snicker*』

To this Jun said it as a joke, taking it as he normally does with his friends, but without hesitation Giji responded in a quick manner.

『That's right, I want to hold your hand tightly...so you won't walk away from me Jun...』

When he said it without hesitation and without hesitation, Jun was surprised, we could even say that by the expression he made, he was happy that his friend had said that, they are very direct words...can you say that to a friend? No...more like things you could only say if he sees you as a friend. ....

『I also want to hit Kyto hard every time he says something stupid, so that he'll notice that I disagree with him』.

『Hey!!! If the one with the most piggish mind of the 2 is you!!!!』

『I also want to be able to wave my hand back and forth like Ema does, how to say it...it's reassuring everything that comes from her...So she can keep in mind that I can be reliable too』

『*smile*With how reliable, it's the first time I've been told that, I'd say you're already getting it Giji 』

『And lastly, to always be able to give Ron a hand, to help her and accompany her at all times, so that she won't be lost and that she always knows that I will be with her』.

At this Giji said last, where Ron's eyes became...soothing...she doesn't talk much, but she doesn't need to, her expressions are more than enough, everyone started to look at Ron at that moment, because really just by talking, she made Ron's pupils dilate like never before, as if indicating that she was going to take him at his word every time. She even looked restless at that moment, wagging her tails and hips as if indicating that she's going to throw herself straight at Giji, where in the end it seems she only stayed in that same desire.

『Really, since when did you have such a change? What you said about us, it makes me appreciate you a lot more too Giji *smiles*』

To this Jun gave her a smile at that moment, where Giji to this happened to look at her friend, where with embarrassment but this time being able to control it, she only smiled in the same way as if saying she is right that she can't believe it. 

『Ah!...Can I come in now? The soup is already served, I didn't want to interrupt so...』

『I'll deliver it Lain, thank you very much for your attention 』-『Take it Giji, recover because we have even more things to do *smiles*』

At this Lain was outside waiting with the hot soup, where he seemed to overhear what the friends were talking about, not wanting to interrupt. Where Jun was handing the soup to his friend, he was receiving it calmly, but of course, now Jun could notice the difficulty that Giji was referring to, something as simple as holding a cup was too complicated for him...So....

『I'll give it to you, you just open your mouth *smiles*』


At this Giji listened to her friend, who was giving her a drink in a calm and even affectionate way. Kyto commented on this in the back.

『Uy Giji, he's treating you like a baby, and I see you're liking it *grin*』.

At this Giji scowled at his friend as he continued to receive attention from his friend, who Ema at this commented to Kyto that.

『And wouldn't you like the same thing to happen to you Kyto?

『Eh? The same thing? Well, I've done it many times, in the past with someone close to me *smiles*』

『Eh! What! With who!!! Tell me!!!』∑(ΦдΦlll

'Well, in Primary School at snack time, Giji was often not able to eat his lunch, so as a good friend, I would feed him both food and drink in his mouth, thanks to me I can say that what he is able to hold with his wings, is thanks to my instruction! I was like his mother!』

To this Kyto commented with joy, she really looked like a proud mother telling how she raised her only child. At this it seemed that Ema's expression did calm down a lot, as doing this kind of thing mostly happens between couples or special people, but by someone close she meant Giji...At this Ema turned around and with a pout looked sideways at Kyto to tell him.


『Eh? Well now! What did I do wrong? Ahh...are you jealous? Do you want me to give you food in your mouth too or what? 』

At this the surprise didn't take long to come, Kyto said it quietly as if he was expecting that to be the reason, but when Ema heard it, it really took him off guard, just imagining Kyto feeding her in her mouth, it just...At this Ema didn't answer anything, rather she became all shy with a red face, where Kyto could understand it, since it was the first time Ema didn't have an answer to say and even seemed to be hiding from him.

『Do you want me to go faster Giji or is it okay the way I'm going?』

To this Jun commented as he was slowly feeding Giji the soup, where Giji couldn't respond because he was drinking, but to this Ron appeared on the other side of Giji, who seems to have the cat-like look as always and in his simple style, he removed the cup from where Giji was drinking, where before Giji could speak, Ron shoved a piece of mochi all over his mouth, which was not surprising since he did it before.

『Yes...thank you Jun, Ron, but for now I don't want any more....』

At this again Ron did what he wanted, where he again put another mochi in Giji's mouth, and then another, and then another, and then another, he was stagnating it with mochi Giji's mouth, she seeing that Jun was giving Giji to drink, the cat also wanted to do it but still better!!!!!! At this Giji was trying to swallow it all, where Ron to this was with a smile and twinkles in his eyes for having done a good job, but quickly Giji had got stuck by the mochis, where.

『Quick!!! Have some more soup Giji!!!!』

Jun shoved the whole cup into his mouth to make him drink more, and as Jun was making him drink more, Ron saw this as a challenge and...What Giji could see in front of him, was how his friends were about to kill him with food in his mouth, where now instead of hot or cold, he felt more like fear at that moment.

It was really being a lot of fun inside the tent, you could hear it even from outside, where Lain had prepared and set up a small fire where she heated the soups and for sure the other food they brought. Hearing how much fun they are having, this made Lain smile at that moment, where....

『Lain! We've already brought more wood for the bonfire 』

『Meow? What's going on inside? 』

『Mr. Fuu, Mrs. Yume, thank you very much for bringing the wood, ahh, looks like the kids are having fun inside, Giji fell down a few minutes ago, but it seems it was just a scare, he's feeling better now and having a good time with his friends, they really love each other *smiles*』.

At this, the 3 adults looked over to the tent where the children were playing, and they were all happy about it. Actually seeing the youngsters having fun brought a lot of peace to their lives, and Lain would also invite Fuu and Yume to sit on some logs near the fire to warm up with some soup. He was not only attentive to the children, but also to the adults.

『It's very good, did you prepare it yourself Lain?』

『Yes, since I came to the city and started living alone, I had to learn to subsist with what I have, I had never touched cooking before, I did it more out of necessity than anything else, but thank you very much, I will continue to improve my seasoning *smiles*』

『I could even ask you to teach me how to cook, in fact, I could teach you too! Then we could both improve together, what do you think? *smiles*』

『Really?! That would help me a lot! I'm even excited about the news *smiles* 』 

『Then I'll teach you how to cook too Lain, my feline skills I'm sure will come in handy *smiles*』

『Seriously Mrs. Yume? I'd be enca---』

『*cough* Yes, it would be nice, but not to put you down or discredit you Yume...but...ah...*glance*...your food...only I'm able to eat it...*nervous*』


From what Yume also wanted to join the kitchen, Fuu quickly gave a stop to this, he himself knows that his wife is not very good at making food, she is more about making good cuts, being agile and so on, he even thought that she is more specialized in fighting than anything else. While in creative things well...To this Fuu looked at his wife hoping that he had used his words well, where Yume...


At this Yume didn't take long, she threw herself at her husband while rubbing herself on his chest, both of them fell into the snow, where Yume was very happy for what her husband said.

『I get it!!! You don't want someone else to eat my food! You want to be the only special one who is able to eat it!!!! That makes me so happy! I always thought it was exaggerated what you said to me that day, but now you're telling me again that it was always true. !!!! I love you so much Fuu!!!!! *happy*』

At this Yume kept caressing herself against her husband's chest, her tail and ears wagging with joy, who was also happy about how his wife expressed herself, so he caressed her head and ears as well. Where she replied to him.

『I love you very much too Yume *smiles*』

Where she said it with a smile without hiding anything, where Yume to this made her very happy that she became much more attached to her husband, to this Lain saw and said to himself that it is amazing that they have no shame in doing and saying that kind of thing, that they are a very strong couple. But it seems that Yume's emotions were too much, when she loves she does it with everything she has, so !!!! 

At that moment Yume started to take off the clothes he had on, he took off all the first coat he had, where the only thing that was visible, luckily for everyone, was a jumper, sweatshirt, sweatshirt, as they say in your country, where Fuu being under his wife, could notice that if...Yume is developed in that part....

『Eh!!!! But what are you doing Yume!!!!! 』

At this Yume happened to look closely at her husband, face to face, and whispered in his ear.

『Isn't it obvious, darling *love*』

『Ahhh!!!! But not here on this familiar ride!!!!! It's always the same with you Yume!!!! Since you were young you don't give up this mania of being like this!!!! I thought it would at least help but!!!!!!!!....I hope our daughter won't become like that in the future....』-『Ay ya! I'm going to dress you up Yume, we have to go back to being straight with you!』

At this Fuu took all the clothes that Yume took off and as if he had trained her, or rather coordinated, Yume raised her arms to put back on all the clothes she had taken off, where after several minutes Fuu went on to scold, no...more like a wake-up call to his wife, who was quietly kneeling down listening to everything. It really was a strange and confusing moment, but even with everything that happened, Lain still thinks that...

『Yes, it's a perfect match *smiles*』.

When the kids finally came out of the tent, it seems like it's been a while, as Yume was greeting everyone again and announcing that they came back, it's weird, but being of the Neko Species, it kind of naturally makes you more expressive than others. It really gave a warm motherly atmosphere to everyone.

They decided to rest a while longer by the campfire, especially Giji, who first wants the food to go down well so that he can walk around the Distant North Duo for a while. To this Lain was very attentive, he didn't miss the opportunity to distribute the food that he brought, where Fuu also saw the time, maybe it's time for them to have lunch at once. The obentos that Lain brought were also incredible, and the children were amazed by this and by the fact that Lain was the one who prepared them. 

『Oh my crocodile, you're losing a fortune! You could open your restaurant with this flavour!!!!! 』

『*tsch* As a woman I feel defeated, your food is very good, Lain』

『This is really good Lain! If I had known that you cooked so good, I would have asked you to bring it long before!!!』

『I'm glad to hear your comments, Kyto, Ema, Jun, what's up Giji? aren't you hungry?

『No...yes...can I at least have a bite...』

To this Jun was attentive, where he was giving her to try a piece of fried chicken, where Giji to this took a bite, and yes, it was totally delicious all around. Even Ron who at first was hesitating whether to eat or not after knowing that all this was prepared by Lain, but at the first fried chicken he ate, he stopped caring much and kept eating.

『Well, what can we talk about now?』

Jun commented at that time, where many gave their proposals, Kyto asked if there are any animals living around here, where the most would be some rodents and nothing else. Ema at this looked at the stage all white, and along with Jun they said.

『Something romantic would be nice』.

As connected friends said the same thing, where Kyto to this didn't care much to talk about it, where Giji also commented on what kind of romance would be talked about. While Lain...

『Me!!! Me!!! I do want romantic stories!!!!! It would do me a lot of good!!!』

『Would you like a crocodile? Come to think of it, I could use it too, maybe I'll start reading romance manga... 』

To this where there are perfectly the right ones if a romance story is to be told. Where while they were eating, these ones put their chopsticks aside and....

『If you want to hear some romance, then today is the perfect day』-『Today Yume and I celebrate *happily* Our wedding anniversary 』

To this Fuu said happily with a smiling face, where upon hearing this, Jun, Ema and Lain quickly became very interested in the topic, they did not avoid blushing at what they heard, where they quickly wanted to confirm it by asking if it is true, where Yume sitting in her place with a smile said.

『It's true *smiles*』

『Ahhhh!!!! You heard that Ema!!! Its anniversary!!! It's today It's today!!!! *shrieks*』

『Many congratulations Mr. Fuu and Mrs. Yume, but is it okay to spend a special day for the 2 of you with us? 』

『Ah! Thank you Ema! Many congratulations to you 2!!! Fuu!!! Yume!!! May your love last!!!!』

『Thank you guys so much, and don't worry about it being a private thing, we decided to spend this day together with you since...』

At this Fuu looked at Giji, who this was not surprised by the news, since as you know, the one who arranges these days to go out lately is Giji, so to invite Ron days before, as you know she doesn't talk, so mostly and better communication better to talk directly to Ron's Parents, where just the date to come to the Distant Duo fell on their Wedding Anniversary, so they decided to spend it with them.

『I see, no wonder you weren't surprised, compared to Kyto who...』

Kyto was surprised, or rather, it seems that his face and even his character were deformed. He was very surprised that she was sharing such an important moment with him, with the one who keeps making jokes, with the same married couple who months ago acted so disrespectful. She was finally able to come to her senses that...

『.....Happy Anniversary and sorry for the inconvenience....』

He said it bowing to show respect, where to this Fuu reassured him that now it was all quiet and in the past. He even commented that it's different from the first time he visited him at home, Kyto because he was still nervous, he couldn't take that praise well.

『Here, 14 years ago, on a day like today, December 20th, that boy who welcomed me to his house out of obligation, I still remember his face when I was exchanged to this country and that he would be my caretaker, he really saw me as a problem. Meow, what memories of that Fuu *laughs*』

『I was very young, I was only focusing on my studies, and I understand, Nekos for a long time have a reputation for being very nosy and are very hard to put up with, they are either very playful, very aggressive or very affectionate, and I'm not saying it separately, it's all in conjunction with each Neko, imagine having to live with someone who is a bomb of feelings ,expressions and emotions, the first few days I wanted to kick her out of my house』.

『But you didn't *smiles*』

『I didn't, in the end I kind of got attached to Yume little by little in the face of all the chaos she generated...I ended up getting attached to Yume *red*』

『*proud* We Nekos are irresistible!!!』

『I learned to live with her, but of course I wasn't the only one who had to change, Yume also had to do her part, if we want this living together thing to work, we have to have certain rules with each other 』-『It was hard but I managed to get her to calm down and be cool, I lowered the problems she was causing me, although now that I think about it, all those times you got on my nerves it was ----』

『It wasn't that I was missing something, I just wanted to cause you trouble and seeing your reactions, seeing you focus and all your attention going to me, it made me very happy *smiles*』

『I knew it...We spent many years together, we learned to love each other as time went by, I cared about her and she cared about me, I even remember it like it was yesterday, when I finally got my first job, I had to go away for a whole week or that was the idea, I left everything ready for Yume to live in peace for that week, but the situation got complicated and I ended up staying for more than a week, I couldn't go back home』.

『That time...I remember it perfectly well too, the moment you left, no...from the moment you told me you were leaving, I felt very lonely...But nothing was going to happen, he was going to come back, whether it was in a week or a while...but since the couple of hours I couldn't see him again, I really got an agony in my chest...』-『Why do I get like this because of this guy!!!! I said to myself that time, I just liked to tease him, that's how it always was, that he noticed me and nothing else, there was nothing else on my mind. But when I was alone for those hours, days...weeks...』

『When I was in that exploitative job without being able to go home...all I could think about was Yume and wanting to see her again....』

『What is this pain in my chest? Strange...it's not excitement or fun...it's something much more important and I didn't know the reason for this loneliness....』

『Why do I want to see that stubborn girl? She's just an idiot that I had to take care of by a law...then why....』


And when Fuu could finally return home after a long time, when he opened the door what he found was Yume, who was waiting for him at the entrance of his house, and just by looking at each other, without saying anything to each other they found their answer.

『『Why did I end up loving this person』』

They both knew that since that meeting, Fuu never worked for that exploitative company again. As if he had a lot of things to do, a lot of things to give them all an answer to, one day in all the snow there was, they both walked, and walked, walked, walked up holding hands. Where right in front of this lake, right in this winter. Fuu ended up confessing to Yume that....

『I love you Yume!!!...Please marry me!!!』

『Yes...I love you too Fuu...』

Fuu determined and even shouting his love, while Yume happy but crying at that very moment, both of them had found their answer to everything they were feeling and living together.

『While we went to collect wood we had our moment alone, we just do that, we walk around the Distant Duo, every 20th of December, when the snow falls, when everything is finally covered with snow, we come here to declare again....』

『Our love *smiles*』

At this both of them were connected, they were really happy the 2 of them, it's weird...it's not a youthful one, it's not a married one, it's like a love that you know it's real and the other understands it, anyone out of this understands that they love each other very much. Fuu and Yume put their heads together to show that indeed, that love is still alive and will be for a long time to come.

At this the children were surprised, they were speechless for that moment, even Jun was the most shocked, because... as we could imagine, she also wants a long lasting love with the person she is destined for. To this Giji also remained much more determined at this moment, then to what Fuu and Yume experienced, it wasn't always perfect, of course there were doubts, but they were completely cleared by meeting again, he also needs a situation where it is clear what he feels, whether it is Ron, Jun, Ema or Kyto, he loves them all very much but....

『They are a big family, Nekomata Fuu, Nekomata Yume, Nekomata Ron...really, really with all my heart, I wish them the best in their lives, that nothing bad happens to them...whatever difficulties happen to them, they can overcome it with great determination...I...*sad* I want their love not to disappear...』

At that moment Lain started to cry after finishing his words, he looked sad from the beginning, I didn't think I would see him cry because of this. At that the Nekomata Family looked at Lain as if regretting what has been happening and what will happen, where Yume at this looked at the ground, but determined then told him that.

『Of course, I'm going to fight for what I love the most *smile*』

At this what Yume said, Lain could not take it anymore, she kept crying even harder, as if Yume herself knew what is about to happen in the days to come...The year is about to end, today is the 20th of December, then it will be, 21,22,23,24 Christmas Eve...and 25th Christmas...A day where happiness should reign in all families. But also on important events like these, there are other parts where they also have their own celebrations...


In an airport were waiting 2 guys, an Elf and an Oni, it seems that they are about to receive someone important, they looked like normal civilians, dressed warmly, drinking a cup of chocolate both, it seems that they have one more to spare, both were watching how a plane just arrived, and as if they already knew it all....

A man dressed in a white suit came out of the passenger area, looking confused as if looking for someone. He looked elegant, how old is he? He can't be more than 25, and you can tell by his build that he's thin as a thread. But ....

『Welcome Sir to this land, how was your trip? 』

『It's you, uhm, I don't like the word sir, it makes me feel old, Lordy is better, I've told you before, how was my trip? Well, it was boring, I spent the whole day with my butt in the seat, I had no freedom to move around, I even had to share a seat with someone, which wasn't bad now that I think about it, I talked to that person, he told me that he was going back to his homeland to spend Christmas with his family, which I think was great, spending Christmas with my father was really beautiful. Let's see if the trip back will be better』.

『By the way, Child, why did you personally come to this country? When you sent us you said that we expressly bring you your order』.

『Being next to you makes me feel like a dwarf, looking up is bad for my neck. And what do you mean, Child? *sigh* Why do I come here? It's obvious, just like an expert chef checks his products directly from the market, I have to check my quality products from their place of origin, so...』-『Let's personally confirm what that guy...She calls herself Lain right? Just once I see her, that first Interspecies will be our 』-『By the way, that glass of chocolate you have left over, is it for me?』

『I was looking forward to it from the beginning, you were craving for it a lot Sir? It occurred to us if you'd like to have one *smiles*』.

『Chocolate in winter is a tradition, and you call me Lordy! And you stop calling me Child!!! Give me my chocolate and thank you for being attentive』.

More than a lord, he is a young man, walking calmly guarded by an Elf and an Oni, who each seem to have an important role to play in what is to come.

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