
Chapter 24 Sublimation Incantation (Vote Request)

"Investigator" or "Explorer of Space-Time" is not a special profession unique to Saint Byrons Integrated Academy. Circle Sorcerers who have Core Spirit Runes related to the concept of [Time], or those who have obtained Spirit Runes related to [Time], can use the Relic known as [Time Key], which fluctuates in level from Poet-Level (Level 5) to Angel-Level (Level 1), to travel through time and explore the past before the Sixth Era.

The [Time Key] is a disposable Relic, and different keys open different eras. All Time Keys are connected to the fallen Old God, [Father of the Infinite Tree].

This particularly powerful Old God belonged to the camp of Benevolent Gods. Contacting related knowledge and traces, there is a chance to obtain the golden [Miracle] Spirit Rune. According to legends and some ancient stele records, [Father of the Infinite Tree] fell during the Chaos Age of the Fourth Era. However, He merged His body with the continuous space-time using His "infinite" concept, creating a bridge to the past and future.

The [Time Key] is a Relic left by this fallen Old God. Because the Old God exists within the continuum of space-time, the time jumps that His Relic enables are not limited to the time points before His fall in the Fourth Era.

However, for some unknown reason, to date, there has never been a [Time Key] found that can return to any past point in the Sixth Era. This remains an important research topic for Circle Sorcerers studying time.

In any case, the doctor asked Shard to draw those two Spirit Runes and, while conveying Shard's Core Spirit Rune information to the Academy, he briefly introduced him to this common knowledge.

Spirit Runes belong to the language of the past and are essentially unique with no duplicates. Unless one has encountered Spirit Runes with the same meaning before, it is impossible to fabricate them, so they can serve as proof that one hasn't lied.

But before Shard could ask questions like "How about time stability?" "Won't time paradoxes occur?", the Academy's response had already come back:

"If Shard Suren Hamilton is willing to join the History Academy, History Academy is willing to list him as a key figure for cultivation and will provide him with a Keeper of Secrets Level Relic for self-defense after he joins the Academy."

"What does that mean?"

Shard looked at the doctor.

"They value your talent but still won't change your status as a Correspondence Circle Mage. Being a key figure for cultivation means that you don't have to complete additional mandatory practical credit tasks, and you can also get discounts when you buy books at Saint Byrons. As for the Keeper of Secrets Level (Level 3) Relic... it's literal."

Dr. Schneider shrugged:

"They are always like this, generous to those with talent but absolutely will not break the rules."

"So, should I accept?"

"Unless you have a reason to refuse."

Miss Writer answered simply, playfully flipping her golden hair at her temples:

"Every year there are some key figures for cultivation, but I think there's no harm in it."

Thus, Shard successfully became a first-year Correspondence Circle Mage under the History Academy of Saint Byrons Integrated Academy.

To become a Circle Sorcerer, it's necessary to engage with the Four Elements, and advancement as a Sorcerer similarly requires the Four Elements.

For each Ring, at least one golden [Miracle], one silver [Desecration], one brass [Enlightenment], and one black iron [Whisper] Spirit Rune must be etched onto the Ring of Fate to accumulate enough Spirit for the Ring to ascend.

There is a limit to the accumulation of Spirit at a certain Ring, so etching four Spirit Runes is the same as etching four hundred before ascending—it makes no difference. Moreover, etching too many Spirit Runes is detrimental, because the Spirit Runes necessary for advancement must be etched at that particular Ring.

Under normal circumstances, etching Spirit Runes is no simple task. Properly balancing the number of Spirit Runes with one's study of Arcane Techniques and Sorcery is also very important.

Magicians from First Ring to Four Rings are called Low Ring Sorcerers, those from Five Rings to Eight Rings are Inner Ring, and beyond Nine Rings are High Ring Sorcerers.

This distinction isn't just numerical, but rather at the point of ascension from Four Rings to Five, and from Eight Rings to Nine Rings, in addition to the required four Spirit Runes, the Sublimation Incantation demands that throughout this phase all sixteen Spirit Runes, one from each Ring, must align in meaning with the Magician's Core Rune. This connects to create the "Sublimation Incantation."

In Dr. Schneider's team, only the doctor himself, a Five-Ring Sorcerer, has completed four ascensions.

When he advanced from Four Rings to Five Rings, he used the Black Iron Whisper of the First Ring - [Running], the Silver Desecration of the Second Ring - [Malice], the Brass Enlightenment of the Third Ring - [Hound], the Golden Miracle of the Fourth Ring - [Brightness], in conjunction with his Core Rune [Dream] to construct the Low Ring to Inner Ring Sublimation Incantation—

[The hound of light runs through the malicious dream.]

The choice of Runes in the Sublimation Incantation is not restricted, and the doctor just happened to meet the four types.

If the conditions of the Sublimation Incantation are not met, one can never advance from Four Rings to Five Rings, or from Eight Rings to Nine Rings. Since the four Spirit Runes used must come from different Rings, there is no possibility for compensation.

Moreover, the choice of Sublimation Incantation can be aided by past examples, resulting in the [Sublimation Codex] that consists of thousands of records. Magicians refer to their Core Rune to look up examples and begin preparations from the start of each phase, hence every power cherishes its own [Sublimation Codex] as the most important secret.

Low Ring, Inner Ring, High Ring—these three phases can all utilize the same Core Spirit Rune to string together the Sublimation Incantation. Therefore, having multiple Core Spirit Runes only increases the options available without substantially affecting the difficulty of advancing.

If one does not wish to rely on examples of past Sublimation Incantations, or if their Core Spirit Rune is extremely rare with no examples to consult, then one must try on their own. With enough luck, one can always satisfy the conditions for ascension.

However, Shard will only qualify to view the Sublimation Codex of Saint Byrons half a year later to determine the most important Spirit Rune for his First Ring. The Academy worries about the reliability of Correspondence Circle Mages and also wants to confirm that the Correspondence Students who have become Transcendent beings will not have a change of heart. Besides, advancing as a Sorcerer is inherently difficult, so half a year isn't considered a delay.

Although there is no limit to the number of Spirit Runes within each Ring, acquiring Spirit Runes is quite difficult. To advance in academic grade at the Academy, not only are mandatory credits from study exams required, but also practical credits from Academy tasks, along with the prerequisite that one's academic grade corresponds to their Ring level.

Therefore, it is rather normal for someone to spend two or three years in a grade, and if they can't find the Sublimation Incantation Spirit Rune sequence they had planned on during the Four Rings, even if they meet the condition of the four types of Spirit Runes, they would still choose to postpone their promotion.

Of course, regarding textbooks, basics courses for Circle Sorcerers, Keeper of Secrets Level Relics promised by the History Academy, and investigative tasks from the History Academy, these matters would be discussed after three days, once the Academy has organized Shard's textbooks.

At that time, not only will there be teaching outlines and cultivation plans given by the Academy, but all four members of the same group will be present to give Shard advice.

Thus, after confirming his joining the History Academy, Dr. Schneider announced that Shard was free to leave.

"Leave now?"

Just a second ago, Shard was still memorizing these essential pieces of knowledge, so he asked with some surprise.

"Is there anything else you need?"

The doctor asked in surprise as well.

"I mean, since I've joined the Academy, there isn't..."

Miss Luisa, still a woman, understood what he meant:

"Mr. Hamilton, the enrollment process truly entails only these aspects. Let me repeat what the doctor said, please remember that we are Correspondence Circle Mages, and our contact with the Academy is not close. We cultivate ourselves, we extract knowledge from the Academy, and the Academy assigns us practical tasks to fulfill credit requirements. We are merely correspondence students."

"I see."

Shard, who had been sitting for almost the whole afternoon, stood up, and both the doctor and Miss Writer got up to see him off. The latter had matters to discuss with the doctor today, so she could not leave yet.

As Shard was about to reach the room's door with the two of them, the doctor suddenly added:

"Also, there are two taboos you need to remember. Saint Lawrence Integrated Academy stipulates that all its Circle Sorcerers are prohibited from setting foot in the New World; this is a taboo of the Academy. A universal taboo among Circle Sorcerers is the prohibition of suicide.

Setting foot in the New World would be considered by the Academy as forfeiting one's student status automatically, while a Circle Sorcerer committing suicide could at least trigger a crisis not inferior to a Keeper of Secrets Level Relic running out of control."

"New World" refers to the geographic discovery made fifty years ago, lands found beyond the current "Old Continent," somewhat similar to the geographical discoveries of our past world. However, the New World is devoid of humans, yet is extraordinarily rich in resources.


Shard asked, puzzled.

"We don't understand the rules of the Academy. As for the prohibition of suicide..."

Miss Luisa looked at the doctor:

"The doctor believes that it probably has to do with 'another self.' If we commit suicide, the other self might do something."

Doctor Schneider shrugged his shoulders:

"That's the situation for now; we haven't encountered a Circle Sorcerer who has committed suicide.

Shard, remember to come here after three days, which is Wednesday morning at ten o'clock. Aside from the Academy's matters, you'll also need to be acquainted with the regular study gatherings within the group, as well as our fixed annual tasks. Oh, speaking of which, these next few days, you can try exploring your Spirit Runes on your own; this notebook is loaned to you."

It was then he remembered and reached to unlock a drawer on the desk, from which he took an old black-covered notebook and handed it to Shard:

"Concerning the development of Arcane Techniques from Spirit Runes, you can give it a try, but as you've just acquired your power, it's unlikely to be smooth. Your most important task over these three days is to rest. Inauguration as a Circle Sorcerer is harmful to both spirit and body, so use these three days of bed rest to read through the notebook. You'll probably sleep till noon tomorrow... See you in three days, just remember you need to return 10 pounds within the month."

The farewell seemed somewhat abrupt, but Shard knew he had overstayed his welcome, so he organized his cluttered thoughts and said earnestly:

"See you in three days, Dr. Schneider, Miss Luisa... Thank you."

"No need to thank me; I was only here to act as a witness today,"

Miss Writer said, though she seemed to be in good spirits.

"And you needn't thank me; as I've said, I was merely eager to find a fifth member for our group,"

the blue-eyed doctor said to Shard in a very soft voice.

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