
Chapter 224 - Heavenly Star Warrior and the betrayal (part 3)

"Huh... that guy looks similar to Seth... I wonder if he was a member of the Raging Bull sect...?"

The black-haired man began moving from one end of the painting to the other, stopping and commenting to himself upon seeing somewhat familiar faces.


Around the middle of the painting, he stopped, staring at the image of a strict-looking man in his twenties who definitely tried a little bit too hard with making a good pose for the painting.

But the pose itself wasn't something that picked Zoemi's attention the most.

"...he is similar to George... Alan did say that most of the bodies weren't recovered and George's father was supposed to be a castaway washed up on the shores of the Tencelion's territory..."

Zoemi bit his lips and reached his hand towards the image, but stopped himself from actually touching the painting.

"And apparently George showed up here, but with black hair and black eyes... not something that a dead person should be able to do in the slightest...."

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