
Chapter 73 - Before the shopping trip (morning -part 2)

Zoemi considered following after Teo, but ended up staying and finishing preparing the meal – he set out a portion for the brown-haired girl and even delivered it to her, but she asked him to leave it under her door without showing him her face.

"Just remember to go see Burushi for healing and consult a teacher about the earing."

The black-haired boy said instead of goodbye and went to Miriette's room as he always would, carrying the tray with breakfast.

Although, once he arrived in front of the dark-haired girl's room something out of the norm happened.

"Oh? Are you alone today?"

"Yes, Teo isn't feeling well so she asked for a day off."

"I see."

Miriette opened the door after the black-haired attendant knocked on it and closed it after he entered after a brief conversation...

"My lady is there something...?"

Slightly confused Zoemi turned to her with a question.



And was suddenly hugged in response!

And not a friendly, hello, kind of hug either!

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