

Roran was walking through the wastelands, hurrying to gain some distance before setting up camp. The two gold coins gifted by Jordis were spent just two days ago, in Arém, for food, water, and other necessities.

"I should stop around here," Roran thought aloud. He laid down his supplies, and then stood silently. He looked around, and the slowly started to raise his hands. The earth around him suddenly rose, following his hands' movements, creating walls of pure stone. When the walls reached a height of around two meters, Roran stopped. His Mana is close to running out. Then he sat down, rested for a minute, pitched his tent, and walked out of the walls.

He was going to walk around and do a small sweep of the area to make sure there aren't any dangers.

A clatter in the distance caught his attention. He crouched down, gripped his sword tightly, and then slowly sneaked forwards. After only a few steps, he saw it. It was a large sSpartoi, a skeletal warrior raised with blood. It was gleaming white under the falling sun of dusk. In its hands was a claymore, which looked as if it once belonged to a soldier from the royal army. Around the monster were carcasses of animals which have been ripped to pieces.

Roran considered about what he will do. Either go and kill it, or risk it approaching his camp at night. He decided to finish it now. Jordis had also advised him to kill some more monsters.

Roran approached the monster with care. He closed in on its back, and then using the sword, swung down ferociously. The steel bounced of the hardened bones, achieving barely a scratch. However, the brute force of the impact had unbalanced the Spartoi. Roran moved, strafing to meet the front of the Spartoi, so that he could see its deadly weakness – The Hellfire that burned inside its chest. The Hellfire is fire from hell, as the name states. It is fueled by death and blood, and it is what gives life to all monsters. But it can be destroyed. Pure steel will dissipate it into the air, while Magical Crystals can absorb their power and store it for later use. Roran just so happened to have a Magical Crystal embedded into the crosspiece of his sword. He will try to absorb the Hellfire and store it for emergencies, when he must use a lot of Mana.

Thus, Roran thrusted his sword in between the Spartoi's ribs, and then stabbed straight into the Hellfire. The Boreal Crystal, sensing food, instantly reacted. It glowed bright yellow, and the Hellfire was sucked straight towards it. It tried to struggle, but the Boreal Crystal's grip was iron-hard. The Hellfire melted into the crystal and was purified into Mana. The Spartoi, now dead, collapsed into a pile of bones. Roran picked up a few of the bones, and then returned to his camo, worn out by the effort. He checked his Boreal Crystal. It was only one thousandth full, but the amount of Mana obtained is approximately twice the amount of Mana Roran regenerates in a day.

Roran was satisfied and settled himself to sleep.

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