
Chapter 55: Final Confession

As he saw these popups, Seiya widened his eyes in utter shock. Whatever the magic is, he didn't know but he could feel foreign energy keep burning in his body. Although it was a little painful, Seiya was fully focused to assess this energy.

"Kanie-sama, are you okay?!"

Seiya then heard the worried girl.

The girl he had once promised to save her. A sense of Déjà vu hit him as he recalled a distant memory where the 8 years old Seiya could be seen extending his hand to help a blond-haired girl.

It was then guilt hit him. His first kiss has been stolen by a total stranger, not the girl he loved!

"Arg, what the..?" Seiya groaned and stood from his seat. He clenched his head and looked at Latifa with furious eyes, "Don't you know that I have a girlfriend?!"

"I-I am sorry Kanie-sama! Please, you have to listen…" Latifa tried apologizing but Seiya already started walking out.

"There is nothing to listen to. Darn it!"

He had a mix of emotions.

He was confused as to why he didn't stop Latifa from kissing him. From mental resistance, he should be able to resist the seduction but he didn't and let the girl kiss him.

He was also angered that his second date with Utaha was also turned out to be another disaster. He was partially blaming his system for issuing such a stupid mission.

He was also feeling guilty that he had committed a crime. He just kissed a stranger when his girlfriend was craving for his affection.

He was saving his kiss for Utaha and to make it with her on this night but even before that, he just kissed another girl.

However, all those emotions were ultimately directed to himself as he knew that he was a sinner who just betrayed a loving girl's feelings behind her back.

Both dates have been ruined with Utaha, the girl who loved him. Maybe he shouldn't have approached the girl and made her his girlfriend. Maybe he was meant to remain single.

Whatever the cause might be, the real question is how he is going to explain this to his girlfriend.

Isuzu was sitting with Utaha when she saw Seiya leaving the castle.

"Kanie-kun, what happened?" Isuzu asked.

This time she was a little scared as to what caused Seiya to leave with such anger on his face. His eyes were red while his expression was dire.

"Utaha, let's go." Seiya didn't even consider Isuzu's presence and walked towards his girlfriend. After waiting for a while, he picked Utaha on his back and started walking out.

Confused, she rushed towards Latifa and found her sobbing on a chair.

"Your highness, what happened?"

"I-I Isuzu-san… I think... I think there is no hope for us to live…" Latifa replied with a smile on her face and tears flowing from her eyes.

They then now knew that there is no hope for them to exist in this world.

Seiya finally reached Utaha's apartment.

"If you are done snuggling them you can't walk now. We have here." Seiya dryly said as he knew that his girlfriend was only pretending to be asleep.

This lazy girl was just sniffing his back while her hands were all over his body. She just doesn't mind harassing Seiya so openly.

"But I don't wanna…"

Seiya sighed.

He wasn't the type of person who spoils others but just for her, he felt like he could do anything for her. The part was his guild and the part was his genuine feelings.

After a couple of seconds, Utaha yawned and got up from his back.

Seiya then entered with her and then spoke as he put an apron on. "Take a bath. I will prepare dinner."

Utaha noticed that his mood was down for some time.

She stepped forward and kissed his cheek, "Something wrong, my boyfriend?"

"Just go."

"Okay, okay. Jeez, I just want to ask if you want to join me." Utaha smiled and then kissed his other cheek before running to the bathroom.

Seiya also smiled. He was a little down but now, he could release some tension.

He then retired to the kitchen.

30 minutes later.

Both of them were silently eating their meals on a table.

The quietness was unusual since Seiya usually likes to brag about his looks and skills during meals.

Utaha, suddenly dropped her chopsticks, "I lost my appetite."


"Because my boyfriend is torturing himself by keeping things in his mind and feeling guilty, for some baseless problem that has no surface, than to talk things out," Utaha replied and folded her arms.

Seiya doesn't easily talk about his problems and usually keeps to himself because of his pride. It was his only weakness but doing so also hurts Utaha too.

"It is not baseless. I just kissed someone behind your back." Seiya revealed the incident.

"Was that a French kiss?"

Seiya groaned and stood up, "Come on, I am not joking. It was supposed to be our date yet and our time yet…" Seiya sighed and sat down on the bed with his head down.

He was just frustrated and didn't know how to overcome this matter anymore.

Just if he had watched anime, he could have handled the situation better. Maybe he shouldn't have approached the heroine of another show in the first place or if he could have just refused the date. Maybe if his system hadn't issued such a stupid mission in the first place.

There were so many things that he could have done but he messed up.

Utaha sighed and sat beside him.

"We both know that silence is not the answer." She then smiled and rubbed his back, "Let's talk."

"Very well." Seiya nodded and explained what happened at the castle.

Since Utaha already knew about magic and some other stuff, it didn't take long for Seiya to explain the entire incident while keeping his system a secret.

"Seiya-kun, when you said about making me your family, were you bluffing?"

"Of course not. I was positive about that. It's just…"

"That's why I love you. Seiya Kanie might be a massive narcissist but for me, he is a caring and lovable boyfriend. I seriously don't know how boring my life could have become without boyfriend-san."

Seiya widened his eyes when he heard Utaha's warming confession. Is this girl a lazy angel?

"Do you love me?"

Seiya didn't reply but softly nodded with pink cheeks. Because of his narcissist ability, he couldn't just confess directly but he also wanted to convey his feelings.

"Then it's all good. Freaking good grief, I have to burn so much of my energy just to cheer you. Now don't whine and be grateful."

Seiya couldn't help but burst out into laughter. He just couldn't believe that his girlfriend can also act like a narcissist. Was that the effect of living in his air?

"Well I appreciate your efforts, Girlfriend-san but might I ask what you are doing?" Seiya asked as Utaha started to open the belt of his pant.

"Taking your 'thing' out, duh!"

"Wait, calm down." Seiya tried to domesticate this dark-haired girl but to his surprise, she had already turned into an apex predator of the highest lust chain.

"Calm down? Our two dates were already a disaster, you have turned yourself with a celebrity, a chick, who could pull a musket from her ass, just threatened to go on a date, and then a princess just kiss you! Now before someone steals your virginity, I *want* that dragon in your pants to destroy my cherry city. So stand up, cut the bullshit and drop your pants!"

Utaha roared with her hand tightly clucking Seiya's crotch. Even with the lair of his jeans, she could feel the height of the 8thwonder of the world.

Seiya sighed and then suddenly lifted Utaha from the floor and dropped her on the bed. He then leaned on her and looked into her eyes.

"When I said calm down, you must calm down."

Seiya said looking deep into Utaha's eyes whereas the girl could only nod.

"Because it is now my responsibility to satisfy my girlfriend. Utaha Kasumigaoka, let this gentleman show his affection."

Just as he told those words, his lips dived down and touched her soft lips.

So there shall be no more hurdles between then and let the curtains rise because, at this point, Seiya realized that monster called 'Love' is much more complicated than he thought.

However, he must show love with his actions.

So the two engaged themselves to each other's warmth.


Volume 2 already has been already started so check out new chapters here:

https://www.pat reon.com/J_Titan

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