
Chapter 33: Encountering most tragic Kohai


Seiya yawned as he was walking towards the school.

Seiya was still a little tired from yesterday's fatigue. First, the training with Yoruichi then writing the novel all night long, he was thinking about learning Shadow Clone Jutsu so that he could avoid this school till he tidy up his schedule.

Well, he has already finished making this year and other year's quota of his novel so he won't be writing anything for a while.

On the other hand, training with Yoruichi would be waiting after school.

"Someone please tell me why I am going to school again…?" Seiya yawned and asked particularly no one but one person who was walking beside him with her eyes glued on Seiya's face.

"Because it is necessary to fit in a colorless group of people called 'society' by providing us a parchment called 'certificate' issued by the end of the high school year even if you are be going to be a burden to the society in the end."

It was Utaha who didn't take her eyes off her boyfriend.

"Say… is there something wrong with my face? I know it was only natural for a handsome guy like me to be stared at and admired by masses but you might stumble on something if your eyes and attention are focused on me." Seiya said and pulled Utaha from stumbling on a pole.

Utaha blushed as Seiya saved her from an accident. But she can't help here since her boyfriend seemed to have changed.

"I don't know but I can't take my eyes off Seiya-kun. Somehow, you have become even more charming." Utaha smiled.

In addition to Seiya's clear change, he also has this mysterious attractive aura surrounding him. If previous Seiya was just a narcissist about his looks then this Seiya is just blessed by Venus Goddess of beauty. Even every step he was taking seems like a calculative part of his life.

"Well, what can I say? For me, it is only natural to grow handsome and charming day by day or how could I maintain my figure as a talented genius all the time?" Seiya said and flicked his hair.

He was not sure if the impurity removal drug has changed his looks but he was sure that Utaha might be pointing at his charisma as he got a significant boost in overall stats. Not to mention the inclusion of so many skills and abilities in just one night.

"Be serious, boyfriend-san. Your growth is alarming. Say, did you shake hand with a devil or find a master to train in the mountains?" Utaha asked.

Seiya flinched for a second. He can't deny any of her questions as Yoruichi was not less cunning than a devil and was also his martial art teacher.

"Or is it that you are seeing someone else to practice 'that'? For your information, I am pretty healthy and confidant to take my first time." Utaha added.

Seiya smirked, "Girl, you are mistaken. Well, I do undergo a change but it's none of it. For your information, I am a certified virgin and why would I see another girl if I have you as my girlfriend?"

Utaha widened her eyes with rosy cheeks. She can't help but feel more attracted to her boyfriend. As his girlfriend and after what happened on their last date, Utaha had some insecurity and concern for Seiya but seeing the narcissist growing positively made her heart light.

She was also a little shocked that Seiya was still a virgin. Well, considering his looks and talent, a boy like him must have done it multiple times but she knew that, according to Aisu, Utaha was the first girl Seiya has developed this kind of relationship that also made her happy.

"O-okay I understand. Don't use such kind words in public or I might jump at you and then you can guess the consequences!" Utaha stuttered with a blush.

"Yeah making out in public is the last thing I want. At least I want our first time in a closed room with no one to disturb us." Seiya whispered softly.

"Please stop spouting such words in daylight. I don't want my stocking wet with dirty juices." Utaha said and then both of them laughed ignoring every single burning youth near them.


"This is the end of the lecture," Mafuyu announced at the end of the period. She then looked at the two laziest students, Utaha Kasumigaoka and Seiya Kanie, dozing off in her class and sighed. She didn't know why both of them are so indifferent in her class. She can't really berate them as they both show great performance in surprise tests.

"One last thing, you are all second-year students but I think not all of you are part of any clubs. Our school doesn't force anyone to join a club but those who aren't part of any club should at least try to tour the clubs. You may find it interesting." Mafuyu announced. This time Utaha listened but Seiya was still dozing that kind of pissed her off. "Class dismissed."

Shiro then shook Seiya to wake him up after the teacher was gone.

"Oi Seiya… You shouldn't sleep in her class. She looked kind of pissed off."

"Yawn* Nah, she just has a crush on me. After all, no girl could escape my charms."

"You should… consider her before saying that…" Shiro scratched his cheek and pointed at cold glares Utaha.

"What are you looking at? Got a problem?" Seiya also shot a cold glare.

"Ah." Utaha widened her eyes then blushed, "I-its nothing."

'Seriously? What the hell is wrong with their heads?!' Shiro's eyebrow twitched as he wondered if both of them have cracks on their heads.

"So you wanna try out any club?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, I guess I should try out. Plus, I have promised to try out archery club so let's go there." Seiya said and got up from his seat.

"Boyfriend-san, isn't it rude to not visit your girlfriend's club first?" Utaha raised a brow.

"Nope, I would rather avoid acting for now so drama club is a no for me," Seiya said and nodded with a win.

Utaha smiled and shrugged her shoulder. She was aware that there are many things that Seiya would avoid and acting comes on top of that list so she was okay with his decision. Besides, she only writes play for drama club as a hobby and nothing more.

In the end, she also decided to tag along to keep unwanted bitc- I mean girls away from Seiya.

They then exit the classroom and start their walk towards the archery club.

Shiro was excited to take his friend and his girlfriend to his club. Only he knew that both, Seiya and Utaha, are authors so they had little to no time in the past week. Even though they look like a narcissist and coldly aloof, both of them are hardworking… nerds.

He was especially happy to invite his friend Seiya who treats Shiro kindly. Even though Shiro knew that Seiya was kind of problematic, he was eager to see how Seiya would display his skills.

"So your club also aims for nationals?" Seiya asked casually as he walked towards the archery club room.

"Well… we do compete for tournaments but most of the students come here to calm their mind." Shiro replied, "But if you are asking a competitive club then basketball is most famous since they always qualify for local tournaments."

"Want to try that sweating sports?" Utaha asked. She was curious to see Seiya in sweats and sport shorts.

"Yeah, with your height, it would be easy for your to make your way easily," Shiro added. Seiya was a tall and pretty fit guy befitting for a basketball player. He wondered if Seiya also has skills in basketball.

"Well… I will visit that club but I don't think I will join them." Seiya said. Besides acting, basketball would come second he would rather avoid. He didn't hate that sport; it's just that he had a bad history with it in his junior high where he was a captain in his second year.

While casually chatting they entered the archery club. For Seiya, it was a far better and wider place for a club, unlike the archery club of his old school. It was well furnished and kept clean. Anyone could tell that budget would probably be very high for them.

"Ah, senpai!"

IT was then a girl called them and ran towards them.

'Now why her…?' Seiya frowned internally as his eyes fell on a cute girl.

She had long purple hair tied with a red ribbon on the left side and also had matching purple eyes. With chest plate covering her 85 cm bust, which was biggest for the first year and was carrying a cheerful and lively smile.

That's right, another cursed character detected and she was none other than Fate franchise's one of the most tragic deredere heroine called Sakura Matou.



Name: Seiya Kanie

Age: 16

STR: 34

AGI: 34

STA: 34

INT: 100

WIS: 60

CHA: 56

LUC: 60

Innate Ability: Natural Narcissist.

Other Abilities: Exercise, Skill Maker, Appraisal, Inventory, Mystic Eye (left) of Life Perception

Skills: [Mathematics (Invincible) +], [English (Expert) +], [Literature (Master) +], [Science (Advance) +], [Cooking (Advance) +], [Basketball (Advance) +], [Mental Resistance (Invincible)], [Teaching (Advance) +], [Management (Expert) +], [Taste Resistance (Expert) +] [Singing (Expert)] +], [Massage (Master) +], [Hand Sign language (Advanced) +], [Acupuncture (Master) +]

System Points: 830]

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