
I Give Up

Tenten " for the second round you must protect your flag while taking enemy's flag you get it .....

now second round of Chunnin exam begin....."

Everyone disappear from sight .

Itsuki " plan is I will gaurd the flag while both of will take the flag get it "

Akira and Ryujin nodded and disapere leaving Itsuki alone.

Itsuki " now who is coming at me..."

two Kumo ninja come. after hearing and seeing Itsuki left alone. they thought it Will be easier to take flag from single person After all according to the data person front of them don't have any notable record they could fear.

Kumo nin " Boy give us Flag without fighting or else we will not going to easy on you "

Itsuki smile " if you can take that...."

Two of them run at Itsuki . Whithout giving chance to fighting Itsuki one Kick him and other punch him in chest.

Itsuki fly away and coughing blood.

Kumo nin " you think we will show you mercy dream on we have told you give flag but no you have to fight now it's your own fault this happened to you "

Itsuki who was lying on ground try to stand up but couldn't stand up.

Kumo nin walk at falg and grab it. when he grab the flag his hand stick on flag started heating Kumo nin was crying from pain.

** ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh **

When second Kumo nin run to see what happen to his friend when he arrived near friend in his body unknown current enter a High voltage current that beyond human limit even as Lightning style user he can take it...

** ahhhhhhhhhhhh*

Spectators who are watching this was so shocked because Itsuki was in his original place without moving watching coldly two Kumo nin who are lying on ground and crying from the pain.

Spectetor :1 " what the hell was that .. he don't even set a trap how he do that..."

Spectetor :2 " I think he use Genjutsu..."

Spectetor :3 " How Powerful is his Genjutsu ... he don't even made hand sign not .. he just look at them once and they trapped in Genjutsu..."

Spectetor :1 " self made Genjutsu without anyones help .... genius.."

Spectetor :2 " right I remember he is Itsuki that kid who always found at Peeping at hot spring Bath House...."

Spectetor : 3 " a true genius Don't need anyone's help ... truly amazing...."


Seeing two kids about to die Itsuki who was smiling control him self " it's not time yet to show them what am I . they will take hospital for couples of months they I think they will be okay...they learn important lassion never judge book by it's cover "

Itsuki had grim on his face who is starting at two boys lying down in ground with pain "

Akira and Ryujin come with Flag in their hand and they look at kids unconscious on ground. in their mind many nagative thoughts appered.

Itsuki " They will okay in couple of months then they will be able to take mission..."

Akira " We got flag so what's the next round "

Itsuki " that will be tomorrow you two have to work according to me "

Akira and Ryujin both nodded after all they have no choice.


***** Third round *****

Lee is going to announcement of third round .

There are five team able to come in third round.

There teams from Konoha one from Kumo and one from suna.

Itsuki remamber current their should be only four team but because of Itsuki manage to win now there are five teams.

Itsuki rise his hand " Sensei I want to tell you something "

Lee " what young men "

Itsuki " I Give up "

Akira " I Give up "

Ryujin " I also Give up "

Lee shocked " why..."

Itsuki " because I didn't like to fight weak and accidentally I don't want to hurt anyone..."

Akira & Ryujin " our reason is alos same ..."

Lee looked at Naruto . Naruto nodded because he know strength of those three.

Lee " Okay team -1 disqualified now only three teams remain ..."

Trio was going backstage suddenly someone grab collar of Itsuki it was Boruto.

Boruto " you can't give up like that and how can you say that we are weak unlike you we have done many dengerous mission .."

Itsuki smile and put gently Boruto's hand away he walk closer to Boruto and said in his ear no one can listen.

" You know Boruto even someone is doing cheating truth will come out...."

Itsuki smile again and left the arena leaving everyone wonder What Itsuki had said to Boruto.

Boruto had clod sweat on his forehead but he thought if he can't get cautch everything is fine.

Boruto make serious face and said nothing.

Lee " Now that we only have four teams exam should be...."

Team -1 left Arena . they come outside.

Itsuki " enemy will here in some time prepair yourself if you want to die go back and save everyone if you want to live just save your self Because even you tell everyone it's to late for that and besides that they are not normal enemy but Otutsuki ancestors of Chakra "

Akira and Ryujin was in horror they run at their houses.

Itsuki smile " naive they think they can learn my weakness just like that they are just a random fools. "

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