
Chapter 102: Newman Highlands - Part 2

The sun had finally risen and a new day had come, the Sovereign was currently flying through the skies above the forests near the Newman Highlands.

Inside the airship, all the members had gathered in the dinning area per Aron's request. The atmosphere was quite chatty as many were excited about finding an actual ruin, for simple commoners like them the entire trip had been like a wonderful dream.

Even Claudia couldn't hide the emotions she felt when she thought about how much prestige she would earn for finding a ruin. She wasn't the type to be overly optimistic especially after knowing first hand how unfair life could be, but so far everything was going well and she didn't see a reason to be negative.

A short while later, Aron had walked into the noisy dinning room which almost immediately became silent at his arrival. He wasted no time and took out the map he had received from Lady Rose who chose to not attend this meeting.

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