
We just need to beat them up

Once again, Mia crashed right into the opposing team. However, this time, she didn't bother with avoiding their stronger side. 

'Bring it on!' she thought, running right into the front of the leader of the group. 

Mia never had any hopes about winning this tournament. If she could, she would be happy to do it. But the main aim of this event was to check the strength of her opponents so she could devise some tactics for the following tournaments. 

And in order to test the strength of her enemies, she had no other choice but to allow them to strike.

"DIE!" a woman roughly Mia's age shouted, sending her fist forward. It had no elegance, but one could feel the tremendous weight behind it just by looking at how it seemingly tore through the air. 

'Slow!' Mia commented in her mind, unable to stop herself from dodging. She wanted to block the attack, but out of instincts alone, she ended up easily sidestepping it. 

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