
8. Back at the Scene

Aurora's POV

As Peter pulls into the Motel parking lot I gave my phone a glance, "No service just like before." I mutter under my breath

"What?" Peter asked

"Just no service on our phones so we need to watch our step cuz we are alone up here." I warned. When I looked at Peter he had a cheesy grin on his face. "What's with that face? Stop daydreaming and come on." I shoved past him bumping my shoulder into him.

Since I had rented the room for a week last time we were here, and we didn't check out I just went back to our old room. The room looked the same as when we left 2 days ago. It seemed that no one had come in to clean or anything, rather strange in my mind. Peter plopped himself down on one of the beds as I was still looking at every inch of the room and bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked after watching me in silence for a few min.

"I find it strange that in 2 days no maid service came and cleaned, it looks like nothing has been touched." I answered still a little perplexed

"I don't see what the big deal is, a place like this probably doesn't have daily maids they probably only clean when you check out." Peter's answer made some sense but I was still nerves about it.

I tried to accept Peter's reasoning and sat on the second bed. I looked straight in front of me and remembered the hole, the hole in the wall that the crystal made. I starred at it intensely standing from the bed and slowly stepping close to the wall. I couldn't explain the feelings I got from this place and from that hole in the wall. As I stepped one step closer it looked like light coming from the other room. My brain told me to take a step back but my body was too quick and I rushed to the wall and before I knew it my face was smashed against the wall my eye glairing into the other room. Why wasn't the picture still covering the hole in that room?

"Why are you peeping on the other room?" Peter asked suddenly and tapped my head. I jumped and my heart jumped into my throat.

"Why would you do that?" I turned to face Peter my back still against the wall and my hand clutching to my chest as if that would stop my heart from racing and beating out of my chest.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." Peter told me with a soft kind voice then stepped toward me and gave me a gentle hug. "I was just wondering what was going on."

As I regained my thoughts for a few moments I realized Peter was right I hadn't told him anything about the motel. He had been asleep under a spell when we first got home and then on the drive it was awkward and then his powers made me pass out and once I woke up we were close to here. I quickly tried to summarize what Lola and I had done here at the Motel. Peter nodded his head in acknowledgment but also his hug he had me in became tighter, and I could see the white starting to swirl in his eyes.

"Calm down" I grabbed Peter's face and made him look at me because until that point as I told him about the motel he had been surveying the room.

"Sorry." Peter slightly shook his head and cleared away the white from his eyes. "So, is anyone in that room?" Peter finally asked and leaned down to look for himself with his body still touching mine, "huh" he suddenly jumped back, "There is someone in there." He whispered.

Out of instinct I leaned toward the hole, but Peter stopped me shook his head and put his finger to his lips. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the small bathroom then turned on the fan. I don't like this bathroom it is a reverse copy of the bathroom we found Matt in, its like I can see Matt's body still in the bathtub.

"Listen", Peter held my shoulders and forced me to look at him, which was good because my mind was starting to wander, "We need to decide what to do,"

"What do you mean?" I asked him and even to me my voice felt far away

"What is wrong with you? Something seems off." Peter still held my shoulders but I could barely hold myself up, I felt my body fall into Peter, he held me up and whispered "its ok, I can help."

I suddenly felt wide awake and clear headed, "What just happened?" I asked

"You just needed a little boost of energy." Peter said with a more radiant smile than I had ever seen before. "I think we need to just go next door and confront whoever is there." Peter said suddenly

While most of my brain said this was a terrible idea I had no better one and we had to know how to help Matt. "OK" I said it with full confidence and headed out of the bathroom and motel room to see who was in the next room.

"Wait, now." Peter rushed to keep up but by the time he was caught up to me we were standing in front of the neighboring motel room and I had already knocked.

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