
Opportunity to Return Home

Because she was too focused on her long dress and her pace, she wasn't ready to support her body with her hands, and she fell down with her face first hitting the floor.


Fortunately, when he fell, the Young Master realized it and immediately stopped his steps.

"Ow... My head!" With the help of her hands, she tried to sit up. She could feel her forehead throbbing in pain and stroked it. It didn't bleed, but her forehead was painful to the touch. Maybe her head just suffered a bruise.

Even though she fell, somehow, her right hand was still gripped by the young master. He just looked at her, who was falling, without helping her to stand up.

"Erm, sorry. I'm falling, can you let go of my hand? I'm not running away. I just want to stand up." Even though he was annoyed that he didn't listen to her words earlier and caused her to fall, she couldn't get angry with him. She remembered that he was also mad after meeting the masked woman.

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