
The new world!

3rd Person POV

April, 1520

The sea is unpredictable on the Grand Line. Storms, tsunamis and many more catastrophes literally just appear out of nowhere.

Some are of natural cause, where as others are... the result of powerful people using their strength. In the second half of the Grand Lina, you are considered lucky when no 50 metres super wave appears out of nowhere for more than a whole day.

Above the sea region, near the red line on the second half of Grand Line, a mist has been spreading for 2 days, preventing anyone to see further then 1 meter.

"Oh no, I really hope this is not acid mist that will dissolve the skin and muscles from our bones..."

"Hey, Can't you give it a rest already?!"

"For real! No matter what creepy shit appears, I only get scared after hearing you commenting on it! *Shudders* I still have nightmares of that time we were sent together to hunt a sea king!"

A yellow ship had suddenly risen from below the sea, directly into this thick mist, filling the surroundings with the sound of quarreling.

A beautiful woman, with deep black hair and big blue eyes, as well as a perfect body, was talking with two men. The first one has red-brown hair that almost reaches his shoulder, and sunglasses together with a cap.

The second man is wearing a bigger cap that covers his hair and eyes, with the name PENGUIN written on the front. Both of them are dressed in a medieval like officer uniform, the former's uniform being red in color and the later's blue.

"*sigh* These kids..."

The newest addition to the crew, the ship's cook Tahm Kench, commented as he drove a cart, filled with freshly baked pastries and tea, out for everyone to enjoy.

"OH! All hail to the captain for making you join. Every food you've made so far was simply divine!" (Enel)

"Absolutely!" (Everyone)

"Haha, I'm glad that this chef's effort wasn't in vain."

Kench answered with a wide benign smile on his big face. Despite his looks the two words that can describe his personality the best would be charming and proud.

The 4.15 metres tall fishman moved and spoke with the grace and charisma of an old gentleman, yet despite his humble answers to praises he is very proud of his skills as a cook.

Objectively speaking his cooking and bakery skills were both so high that he could proudly proclaim himself as one of the world's best chef's but Tahm Kench decided to start an adventure under Jackson, in search of other chef's that he could considered his equals since he never met one so far.

Jackson, the captain himself was too busy stuffing his mouth to even care about what the others were hailing him for.

During the last years he grew to be very tall, with his 2.80 metres height. His build grew more muscular as well as more defined until his body proportions resembled Diarmuid or the archer Shiro from fate.

The face and hair were still almost the exact same as his twin brother's, Portgas D. Ace. Noticeable differences being the color of the eyes and hair as well as the bluish purple diamond shaped symbol on Jackson's forehead.

He wore leather boots and black pants, with a wide brown belt, in which his sword [ACE] hung from his left side, currently his only sword he is carrying with him. In addition, an open loose white shirt showing a necklace Ishilly and Adele had given him as a farewell gift, together with a black coat, that had red and gold fabric along the edges. (Here outfit reference art)

For the next few hours, they sailed through the fog following the special new world's log pose, while occasionally having to defend the ship against waves or lightning strike that would persistently target their ship.

"For the n-th time, It's not me! They are natural!"

After the fourth lightning shower, Augur and Law started looking at Enel funnily as if implying that he was playing a prank on them with his devil fruit.

At some point the fog finally dispersed, revealing a serene and calm sea as if no storm or any other catastrophe ever existed.

While the others played card games or read books Augur came next to Jackson who was lazily sunbathing on the deck of little Anne, to tell him about someone following them ever since the fog dispersed. (Remember chapter 33? Little Anne?)

The crew's sniper had his long hair gathered in a high ponytail, wore white dress pants with black shoes and a black belt and had a blue shirt on under a black dress vest that has golden and silver patterns woven into it. The only thing sticking out were the black leather gloves on his hands but all in all he was dressed elegantly.


"Yeah, I already noticed them."

Jackson decided to ignore the possible pursuers since they were expected to appear. The first island in the new world, they would set foot upon was decided to be the Risky Red Island.

As one of the three starting islands that almost anyone visits first, this particular island became something like the center of trading among criminal organizations and corrupt nobles or officials and of course the pirates profited greatly from this.

While being close enough to the holy land to make the 4 emperors and other known powerhouses unable to carelessly come near without gaining the navy's and World Government's whole attention, it also made shipping and transportation in the whole Grand Line easier due to being so close to the red line.

According to what Shakky told them, there are 5 cities on the island, each one being secretly controlled by different factions like criminal families and organizations or Pirate alliances consisting of tens and more captains leading small fleets.

The 4 main merchandise one could buy in large quantities from there were slaves, weapons, drugs and information, this also being the reason for some nobles and officials to cover them.

"Once you step on the island don't expect to see normal civilians. The people there are either criminals or merchandise. Even the children are being put to use for thievery and other shit so keep your eyes open at all times. The ones that live there are the people who survived by stabbing the weak."

That was Shakky's warning and advice at the same time. So why would Jackson and the others decide to enter that island first?

To play heroes? It's because the log pose needle that shook the strongest was the one pointing at Red Risk Island, meaning it was chosen without greater purpose behind the decision.

Since not many places have as many secret eyes on it as the 5 cities of Red Risk island and even fewer were guarded to such a degree, not even mentioning all the backers in the background supporting the pirates and gangs, it was of no surprise that the sea are around it was being patrolled hence the pursuer behind them.

"Captain they just reported our appearance to a commander but didn't recognize our Jolly Roger. I heard them call us newbies."

Enel came and reported after Augur what he heard. Just like in the anime and manga, he can use his devil fruit power to catch sounds from far away.

'Newbies? That kind of stings.'

"Someone just gave the order to rob us."

"Then sink them."


"Ready the cannons! Everyone on battle position! We will immobilize them before we capsize their ship!"

"Aye, Captain!"

On the ship that was pursuing the Jackson-Pirates, everyone was getting ready for battle. Under their captain's command every member ran to where they needed to be.

"On my command! Ready! Fir-"


Before he could give the command to fire the ship shook strongly as some parts were blown away by an explosion.

"What was that?!"

"Captain! Our hull got destroyed! The ship will sink any minute now!"


He didn't expect to suddenly be hit like that. He also didn't expect that none of Jackson's crew members had to make a move to sink their ship. It was done by simply shooting 3 torpedoes which they neither saw nor sensed until it was too late.

Back on Jackson's ship the crew simply took a short glance at the sinking ship before losing interest again.

'Since the torpedoes could do the job, why not use them?'

(AN: Hey Everyone! So let me tell you, that Red Risk Island exists in cannon but was only mentioned once and nothing else was explained as far as I know. So I decided to try and think off something myself. Pretty sure it won't be perfect or you might/will find logical mistakes but practice makes a master and if something is perfect from the beginning there would be no room for improvement. Since I do want to improve continuously, do tell me what you think about it so far. And also I am ready for a deal. More chapters for more stones AND memes? Deal? Hope you enjoy reading!)

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