
Prince Jayden reveals himself to Arianna

Arianna's vision was becoming becoming clearer as she pierced her eyes through the dark... She noticed that prince Laim wasn't laying besides her anymore. Fear gripped her. The dream felt so real, it felt to her like she was still in between having the dream and being in reality.

" Where has he go to ? " She asked within herself, as he switched on the light by her bed side

Shortly after she asked, prince Liam opened the door and walked into the room. 

" Hey I thought you were asleep ? " He asked coming to sit very close to Arianna

" Where were you at ? " Arianna asked ignoring his question. 

" I was thirsty, I went to get some water to drink " he replied

" I had the most scary night mare ever Liam, I am really scared about this journey, I feel we shouldn't go yet " Arianna explained fearfully

" Hey calm down, ( he said noticing how agitated Arianna was ) come here " he said drawing closer to her, and wrapping his arm around her. 

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