
I can't be King!

" What do you mean by I changed ? " Arianna asked acting a bit vexed. " It's still the same old me, the only constant thing in life is change, if you perhaps think I did. " Arianna said looking uncomfortable, and drawing back a bit from prince Liam with her arms folded together.

" Hey did I say something that hurt you ? He asked drawing closer again to her, and using his hands to caress her hair. " Look I was just amazed at the fact that you suddenly began to do some of the things you would never do before. " Arianna acted to be angry, but feeling very relieved within her that at least he was the one feeling bad for what he didn't even do. Arianna remained silent, fuming.

" You're not going to say anything to me ? " He asked peeping into her face. " Look I am sorry. I know I have not really been an attentive lover, perhaps it was me that hasn't been paying attention as I should have. I honestly thought it was you changing, I didn't know that has been the real you all the while. Brianna I know from the onset that, you have been the one putting in all the efforts to make this relationship work, but right now I just want to love you; and that is the the only thing that matters to me right now. Would you forgive me ? "

" it's okay, I'm fine now " Arainna answered feeling relieved. She was tempted to believe everything prince Liam was saying about loving her. She never believed in loved because she felt the euphoria was associated with lies, deceit and pretence. But anytime she looked into prince Liam's eyes, she kept seeing the opposite of her thoughts. She was fighting really hard not to fall in love with the prince, because she didn't want to have a messy situation with her twin sister. But the major truth remained that it was going to be a hard fight. The prince kept caressing her hair all the while, while she leaned on his shoulders.

" Father is going to step down by the end of the year, for me to become king " he said depressingly, breaking the silence.

" Oh I thought you'd be happy " Arianna said looking up into his face.

" I don't know, I am not sure I am ready yet. My father is perfect at being a king, I don't think I am ." He said standing up and walking towards the wall. He leaned against the wall backing Arainna.

Arianna didn't know what to say. " Who wouldn't want to be a king in a kingdom as St Lucia " she thought within herslef. She stood up and walked towards him, placing her hands on his shoulders, " what seems to be the problem ? " She asked in a bid to get the real details.

He turned and looked at her,

" look my lady, if everyone had the right to choose how they wanted to be born, I am sure I wouldn't have chosen to be born into a royal family. I honestly envy those people that can live their lives the way they want. My life is not controlled by me, I am living a dictated life. I just want to for once live a life that is ruled by my own decisions, being a king is not part of my decision. I love photography, tell me ( he said looking into Arianna's eyes ), what king would leave the throne, and go out to capture nature and people. I fear so much that I would fail the great people of St Lucia. No body even thinks about what I want. " He said flaring up a bit.

Arianna looked at him with Pity. There was a connection between them that she didn't totally understand. She faced the same problem in her kingdom, she loved to dance, but her life as a princess wrestled with that decision. The life of a royal demands traditionality and practicality. She understood perfectly well how he felt, because she had been down that road before. Perhaps for her gender it was quite an easy fight, however someday when her father died, she knew she'd have to rule, she didn't know how ready she was for that someday, but she wished she could live her life till that day.

She walked towards him again, she was trying to be really careful not to say something wrong. " Hey ( she said softly, holding his hands and led him to sit on the bed ) we do not decide how we're born, but maybe we could be involved in the decision making trends of lives ". She paused a bit observing his mood. It was obvious he didn't have an idea of what she was talking about.

" The harsh reality, ( she continued ) is that you're are the first son of king Lawrence, that makes you the heir apparent, that's your birth right. You don't have to be king Lawrence, he is your father, but an entirely different person. The only thing you can do is to be king Liam ".

Prince Liam looked at her sharply " and how am I supposed to do that ? " He asked her with a sarcastic tone.

" Spontaneity! " Arainna answered immediately. " Be your own kind of king, be just your self. You can still be what you want to be, the throne is not a stopping factor " she said with a bright eyes.

" Brianna you don't understand, ( prince Liam began speaking ) I can't do that, it's way too risky. We have alot of enemies. My father did not build this whole kingdom being spontaneous. He was always alert. He was always ready for the people. He built a strong army. I can't even hold my sword well. That was why he had to rush us into this marriage that I never wanted. One out of the criteria, was that I must be married to be able to ascend the throne. " He said very sadly.

Arainna was quiet. " Brianna wouldn't have found it easy out here " she thought within herself.

" Look I am sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned the marriage part. Brianna the truth is I just want us to elope to somewhere that I would be able to love you properly, ( prince Liam said looking into her eyes, and pulling really close to Arainna ) I wasn't sure if I wanted this marriage at first, because I felt I wasn't ready, but right now I just want to be consumed by your love. He said engaging her into a deep passionate kiss.

Arainna did not resist, she just used her hands to caress his neck and back areas, while the kiss lasted...

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