
The strange man!

Arianna drew back a little. Her heart beat increased. " What do you mean I should tell you what's going on ?" What are you talking about?

" C' mmon Brianna you and I knows quite well that you're an horrible dancer, how come you dance so well today? And you haven't stamped my feet ?" He teased . " Initially you first asked for a dance, which you would never before now , and now you danced perfectly well? " He teased smiling

Arianna heaving a sigh of relief scoffed " oh you silly ! It's my long awaited wedding" she said as she drew closer and they continued dancing again. " Anything is possible today, she said looking into his eyes, I could be full of surprises you know " she said smiling at him. She intentionally stamped on his feet and tripped. " Ouch! I guess I awoke your contiousness" Liam said lifting her into his arms. Sensing it was going to get romantic, she had to excuse her self. " I'd be right back, I want to use the toilet." " Try not to be long" Liam said letting go off her.

Arianna hurriedly left. Her major aim of leaving was to look for Emmaline, so that they could secretly arrange on how to get Iris out of the way. " Where the hell could you be this silly girl" she spoke out to her self, avoiding being to loud, while searching through the bulk of guests as she walked. " Oh! There you are ! " She said as she found Emmaline sitting quietly at the door entrance to the living room. She sat as a typical maid would. As she increased her pace to meet up with Emmaline, a voice called to her from behind. She turned to look, it was king Lawrence, Liam's father.

She gradually had to return to the spot he was standing. He stood with his wife, the queen. Both smiled as Arianna approached.

" My king , my queen " she greeted bowing respectfully. " We thought the beautiful ones weren't born yet, but there you are leading the procession" the queen spoke in a rather graceful manner, as a typical English queen would sound. Arianna just smiled and bowed.

"We should get along quickly enough" the queen added . Arianna just smiled again.

" Has your father told you about our history of friendship" king Lawrence asked sipping a drink from his cup.

" Oh yes we talk about it all the time " Arianna's father answered as he joined the conversation. " Don't we honey ?" He asked Arianna pecking her on her cheek.

" of cause" Arianna replied with a fake smile.

King Lawrence turned to Arianna again, " we're going to really make a good family " She smiled again. After a while, she excused her self and left.

As soon as she left, she began to speak to herself, letting out her irritiation. " Everything out here is fueled by pretence. No one is real out here. I suppose that is what this love thing is also about as well. Pretence! Two people coming together with fake emotions." As she approached the door entrance, she remembered that she had wanted to talk to Emmaline, but Emmaline was gone again.

" Oh this girl is really silly" she stopped and smacked her head softly.

" My princess " a familiar feminine voice called to her, she turned . It was Emmaline.

" Oh Emmaline! You're such a silly girl. Where have you been all the while? "

Emmaline didn't speak, she just bowed her head respectfully. " We have a big task at hand remember? Iris must be gotten out of the way, for you to be able to come along with me to St Lucia." " Yes my princess" Emmaline answered, not sure of what she was supposed to do.

" You must go now to iris's room, you have to steal the key to her room. If she can't get her bag to come with me, before I leave, then I'd choose you instead" she said almost whispering. As Emmaline turned to leave, Princess Arianna added, "be careful Emmaline, if you're caught, I know nothing about it, it'd be your cup to bear " she told Emmaline plainly.

Emmaline just bowed respectfully and left.

"Emmaline! " Arianna called as the girl turned. " Bring me news as soon as you are successful" Emmaline nodded and continued.

Some how within Arianna, she had the sudden fear that Emmaline would get caught, and that caused her some unknown sorrow.

" Why do I even care ? She's only a maid! " she said to her self trying to wave off the unnecessarily care. She bacame quiet. But as if realizing her nonchalancy, she added " but she's human too "feeling disappointed at herself for ever acting so unconcerned.

Emmaline had been there for her all her life, she wished there was something she could do to help the condition. She muttered few words to her self " Emmaline, please be fine " she said in a prayer like manner.

" I must return to the prince, before I raise suspicions " she reminded her self.

"What took you so long ? " Prince Liam asked softly ? She just smiled . " Let me guess, someone misses me already"she said peeping into his face. There was something about his eyes, they looked brightly calm and beautiful, however it was as though the eyes were speaking volumes, anytime she looked into them.

She didn't know what it was, but each time she was around him, there was an aura around him, that was so Captivating. He was indeed a gentleman.

"You care to drink ?" Prince Liam asked pointing to the bar? " Oh yes please" Arianna answered rather very delighted.

" I'd get us some then" he said as he walked to the bar.

As Arianna sat waiting for the prince's return, she began to think about what it might look like at the palace in St Lucia. How was she going to cope with being Brianna?? How was she prepared to divert Liam's attention if he ever wanted to make love ??

Speaking of Brianna, she used her eyes to search the crowd again for her parents, to ask them if there was any news at all about Brianna. How ever she was interupted by the presence of a strange looking man.

He was lanky. He wore an old fashioned coat and hat, and had quite a long moustache. He looked like one in his mid forties, but very unfashionable for a person of his age.

" Hello princess Arianna " he greeted calmly, with a little cunny smile on his lips.

Arianna was startled. Apart from Emmaline, no other person knew she wasn't brainna. He wasn't a palace worker, was she dreaming ?

" Who are you ?" She managed to speak.

The man unmoved gave a short sarcastic laughter. " Well you might want to save that question for later. If I were you right now, I would bother with what's more important" he said biting his lips and deeming his eyes a little. Arianna was silent

" Which is ?" Arianna finally found her voice.

" Perhaps your sisters where about " he added softly

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