
The Disguise!

A wide grin appeared on her Father's face, " does this mean you have agreed to this plan Arianna? He asked joyfully. She was too weak and tired to talk. She just nodded.

" Thank you my child, I knew we could count on you" her mother appreciated.

" The only reason I am doing this, is for your honor she said pointing to her father, however you must keep to your word , by finding Brianna as soon as possible, because I don't know how much long I would cope with the disguise." "I will send out search parties as soon as possible,her father assured her. "

" It's late I should go to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day. " Arianna stated as she made to leave.

"Ehrrm Arianna!" Her mother called sharply. "Yes mom", as she turned to look. "You know you can't sleep in your room tonight "? Her mother asked. " Why not ?" Arianna answered.

"It has look as though it were you that went missing and not Brianna, the mother answered. Even the palace wardens and workers are not permitted to know about this,we can't afford to take chances".

Arianna seeing there was no point arguing consented effortlessly, for her the night was already a big stress, she had signed up to the deal, she was ready to undertake any task that was associated with the deal. Arianna quietly retired to Brianna's room, sneaking in to the room to avoid being seen by any one.

As she layed on the bed she taught about how her life was just going to take a new turn. She kept wondering how she went from being her sister's bridesmaid to becoming the bride herself. For a moment she began fantasizing about falling in love. "Could it ever be possible?" She asked aloud, her nervousness made her to keep rolling uncontrollably on the bed. Returning to her contiousness, she sat up and began speaking to herself again, " c'mon Ariana, it's just going to be for few days, and you will be back to your self again".

Why waste all the energy on something that would never work? She asked as she smacked her head. " Love is stupid. Arianna you're strong, you can't afford to waste your time on things that wouldn't last forever" . She stated firmly. " I should sleep now ", she said as he gently laid back on the bed.

" My princess! My princess! " A young plump looking girl called with a gentle tap. Arianna opened her eyes. "Is it morning already" Arianna asked nonchalantly, still very sleepy.

" Yes my princess", the girl answered with a respectful bow. The king asked that you be ready for your wedding. " Oh! " Arianna answered, pretending to be excited. Can you give me a moment to my self? I want to be alone ? Arianna asked politely"

"Okay my princess, I'd be standing outside at the door, call me as soon as you need me, she said as she bowed to leave." Arianna recognizing that she didn't know the maids name, to call her back when she needed her, had to find out her name, as she suspected that she must be Brianna's personal maid.

Ehrrm... Wait ! Arianna shouted acting weird, what's your name? The maid gave a puzzled look, but managed to reply as she wasn't permitted to express how she felt, for she was only a maid. " My name is iris my princess! " The girl answered not looking at the princess.

Arianna noticing she had began to mess up things, quickly added, " oh! Iris am sure you must be startled that I asked for your name, the doctor gave me a pill yesterday that was really strong, after I complained that I feel feel feverish and nervous. He warned that one of the side effects was forgetfulness" she lied with a awkward smile.

" You owe me no explanation my princess, the young girl politely said. If that would be all, may I leave? ". Oh yes! You can Arianna hurriedly answered.

As soon as the girl was away, Arianna walked hurriedly to Brianna's dressing table, she sat elegantly. She spoke confidently to her self, " Arianna you are going to pass through this effortlessly". A hidden part of her reminded her of how she almost messed up her conversation with iris, she looked into the mirror in front of her, and became even more confident. " Arianna you can do this, you're to strong to be a failure " she affirmed firmly.

While she was yet speaking, she was interupted with a knock on the door... " Who is there "? She asked. But because she didn't get a reply she just went ahead to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Emmaline called out her name, " princess Arianna"

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