
3 Flames Pt. 1 (Long Chapter)

"Ahh finally we reached Shabody, and the hell hole that it is, alright guys time to stock up on some goods, I'll go looking around for a bubble painter and see who will be willing to put the paint on our ship, so go around and enjoy yourselves, there's amusement parks shopping malls, name it and Shabody has it, so go on and enjoy yourselves."

"Yes Captain!" The crew of Nami, Nojiko, Robin, Gem, Rickel, Theo, and Florence were the ones that came along with me for this journey, mostly because either everyone else was busy doing there own things, or in Peronas case she just wanted to sleep and didn't feel like coming because in all honesty the main bull of my forces are under my command when I'm Eagle rather than as myself, I mean I made myself my own first ship in my own fleet right under my other crew being the Monster pirates.

With that said all the girls decided to go shopping while Gem, Theo and Florence stayed with the ship while I went off to find us someone to coat our ship, though I did find it odd that I could smell a heavy scent of burning wood coming from somewhere in the direction of the slums, "Wonder what happened over there?"

My curiosity was peaked so I decided to head towards the slums to check things out, and it looked like a fire broke out around here, but do could tell it wasn't a accident, "These are Flamethrower burn marks, who the hell is going around just spitting a flame thrower like that?" I say looked at a scorch mark going across the ground that was a clear straight line, "Wait a fight broke out, and one of them was using a flamethrower to attack whoever they were fighting it seems."

Reason why I deduced that is that someone seems to have been sent through several building before slamming into a wall leaving a human shaped print in the wall, "If I had to guess it was the flamethrower guy that lost, if he had won I'd suspect that all the slums would be burnt down by now."

But then I could here the furious shouts of a man barking orders to other Marines, "I was out cold for 2 days and you guys didn't stop them from leaving?! Dammit! There probably already off at FishMan island by now!!!" The rather tall, for a normal persons height, though smaller than me since I was currently and slowly getting my height up over time so I'm 8ft tall where this guy is around 7ish feet tall, guy with broad shoulders says as he's yelling and kicking around some of his subordinates, but when I see his face I recognize him easily.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the pyromaniac Vice Admiral Draw, I'm guessing this was your handy work?" I say as I approach and point over my shoulder to the burnt out slums.

"Who-" he says before turning around and seeing who he's talking to before scoffing, "Oh if it isn't one of our guard dogs Firbrand Vargas, what are you doing out here in Shabody, I thought your territory was in Alabasta…" Draw says with a sneer as he clearly doesn't like talking with me.

I just smirk, "Oh no real reason just sight seeing before heading off to FishMan Island, some of my crew want to go around looking for treasure if they can find anything."

"Wait your going to FishMan island then you can chase down some-" but before he could finish what he is saying I decide to ignore him and head off to do what I was doing originally since I didn't have anytime to waste on this dumbass.

"Hey! I was talking to you ass-" but before the asshat could finish his sentence he got a face full of fist sending home once again through several buildings before stopping and falling unconscious once again.

"I only do things within my own territory and only when I feel like it anywhere outside of it, and unless your an admiral I don't have to listen to any of your commands asshole, and that goes for the rest of you shits as well since I don't have time to deal with this bullshit." I say as I ignore the rest of the gawking marines and head deeper off into the unmanaged side of Shabody.

*I have heard of this one bar out here that prices are exorbitant prices, but from all the intel I have gathered about Shabody over the years is that this is the place Silvers Rayleigh lives, one of the right hand men to Gol D. Roger himself.* I think to myself as I head out and around the unmanaged areas of Shabody.

I even come across the human auction house, haven't been here since the massacre, it didn't end up closing down, but because of what I did, CD's tend not to come here but I'm hearing that there starting to come back here again meaning that I might have to set another example sometime once again.

Not long later I finally find my way to Shakky's Rip-Off Bar, and when I arrive I come on in and not surprised it was empty besides an older man sitting at the bar along with a woman based on the intel I have gathered she looks younger than her real age so I decide to take a seat at the bar.

After she finishes wiping off a shot glass she turns to look at me, "Welcome to Shakky's Rip-Off Bar, what can I get you?"

"Whatever you think is best for me Shakky."

"Huh, usually that is a bad idea, either you forgot what I just said about this place or you have enough money not to care." She says as she looks at me a bit more closely.

"Hun, he's a Warlord, of course he has enough money, though the question is why are you here exactly Vargas." The older man says before looking at me.

"Oh nothing really, just wanted to get someone to help out some bubble painting onto my ship since my crew wants to see FishMan Island, and I heard that you do that Rayleigh." I say looking back at the old man.

"Heh, I do but it's not cheap, but knowing you, you can afford it, though if you pass along some info that I want to know I'll make it cheaper, so Big Ma and the Monster worked together to attack Impel Down and my people who come passing info to me from time to time say what the WG said about them fending off is bullshit and that someone was able to sneak in during that distraction and break out several of the strongest prisoners in level 6 of Impel Down, what I want to know is this, has Douglas Bullet escaped?" Rayleigh says with a look of seriousness on his face as he looked at me.

By the time he had finished, Shakky had handed off one of the best drinks they had in the bar, and after I had a taste I had to say it wasn't half bad what she made, but clearly not worth the price, "Lucky you that me and the Monster are close with each other, so I'll tell you so long as you don't go spreading I was the one who told you this alright?"

"What is said here is just between you, me and Shakky, and we're both know for being discreet."

"*Sigh* alright I'll tell you, yes he was one of the people the Monster had released, but after saving him and making him owe Eagle a favor he let him take a small ship for himself to travel and do as he pleases as he didn't want to be under Eagles command, I'll also save this that Patrick Redfield is freely walking the world once again as well."

"The Demon Heir and the Red Count are free and out in the world once again Huh? This doesn't sound good, I can say for certain that Douglas was equal in strength or slightly stronger than me when I was younger… and that Roger was the only person he ever truly respect because only Roger was the one to defeat him, if I was you I will say to be careful of him." Rayleigh says with a rather serious look on his face.

"I'll keep that in mind then, so are you gonna help paint my ship?"

"Sure, and thanks for that info you gave me I'll give you a 50% discount on the paint job."

I just grin as I shake his hand, "You got yourself a deal." I say before we clink our mugs together and take a swig of our drinks at the start of our transaction.

"In 3 days I'll have your ship coated in the best bubble paint on the market, and if you need it I'll have some equipment for anyone in your crew with devil fruit abilities to have an easier time underwater."

"I'll take you up on that offer, and here, for the drink and for the paint job." I say as I pull out a large stack of berries and leaving it on the table for them before getting up and leaving the bar.

"Heh, see hun, he's a Warlord, of course he could afford our services, plus I got some intel I'm glad that i know that could be useful for the future."



During the past 3 days nothing really eventful happened as we were waiting for the ship to get its paint job, well besides the fun times that the girls had around Shabody with the amusement park and shopping mall and sleeping in the hotels while the work was being done to the ship, and when it was done the ship had a nice bubble like texture across it.

"There you go, the ship is ready to set sail for FishMan island, it was a pleasure doing business with you Firebrand." Rayleigh says as we shake hands.

"Don't mention it Rayleigh, it was good to meet you, oh and don't go spending that all in once place." I say with a smirk.

"Heh, I'll try not to kid, now go off and see the world, I'll see you around." He says before he goes and takes his tools before departing for Shakky's Bar.

I just shake my head before turning to my crew, "Alright guys! It's time we set sail for FishMan island!" I shout to the crew as we board our ship and set off slowly letting our ship descend into the depths while being pulled along by a Yuda as we're on our way to FishMan island.

And on our two day long journey there nothing really happened as we got to the red line and went under it, we did see a lot of sunken ships but Nami who had a sixth sense for money, would look at it for a second before just ignoring it as if it didn't have any or barely anything of worth for her to want us to search for treasure, and by the time we reached close to FishMan Island Nami by then was depressed as we didn't find any treasure.

"Don't worry Nami will find some treasure around here I just know it, so don't be sad." I say patting her back.

"Okay Captain…." She says sadly as she goes over to the ship wheel at listlessly drive the ship further on and a few hours later we arrived at port of FishMan Island.

"Wow… this place is beautiful." Robin says as she sees the full expanse of FishMan island before her.

But as we were heading on in I noticed another pirate ship that was here, and it was flying a Jolly Roger that I'm familiar with from the intel I get from a certain old man.

"Why the hell is Ace here? Wait, was that the pirates that dumbass was talking about that he wanted me to go after? Heh this will be interesting meeting between us then." I say with a grin before following after the rest.

I let them go off and do there own things, but before I decided to go see Ace and test him a little I should go say hi to Otohime and her family, as Eagle of course.

So after breaking away from my crew and out of peoples sights I changed into my flaming red haired FishMan form before I went and approached the main plaza where Otohime was still going around collecting signatures as per usual, I just smiled at the sight though internally I felt it was pointless as even if they got in the good graces of the Celestial Dragons, them gaining there own land above the surface was slim to none unless they got help from someone outside the government.

Though before I could finish that thought I was standing before the queen along with her daughter and as well as her 3 sons, "Long time no see Otohime, it seems your doing well after what I did for you oh so long ago." I nonchalantly say to her as I hand in my ballot before handing her the symbol of the Blood Eagle.

It took her a moment to process that information before her eyes dilated as she recognized who I was, but seeing it was that they were in public she had to act casual about it as well, "And it is good to see you again, I would chat more but I have more people to get ballots and signatures from, if you have time please come to our castle so we can talk."

"Well let's see how things go, I have somethings going on, but if I have enough free time I'll pay you a visit." I say before nodding my head and walking off and disappearing into the crowd.

"Mama? Who was that? He seems familiar…" Her daughter Shirahoshi says looking towards her mother.

"That was the man who saved my life all those years ago, and saved you from that very bad man Shirahoshi." She says as she looks up at her daughter.

It takes her daughter a bit to think about it as she was young back then, but then she realized who it was, "It was that nice red haired guy, Mr. Eagle wasn't it!" She says excitedly that the man who saved her mother and herself showed up to them once again.

"It was indeed, but don't say it to loudly, if he wants to we will meet him sometime later." She says before they go back to gaining signatures from the people of FishMan island.

After that minor detour to see Otohime and her family, I began to search around for Ace and see what he was doing, though it didn't take long as the Jolly Roger of the white beard pirates, who btw protect FishMan island, was suddenly set on fire and burnt by a fireball, I think I know where he is, and with that I head to that area and see both a masked man and the old man both shaking Ace back and forth, "You stupid kid! Why the hell did you do that!" The old man, Fisher (Owen), was clearly pissed at the shirtless young man who from the intel I got plus the wanted posters, was clearly Portagas D. Ace.

"I'm showing them, everyone that I'm not afraid of taking Whitebeards head, and I will do it too!" Ace says with absolute confidence on his face.

"Ohh? Are you so sure about that when your journey has barely been going on for a year?" I say as I approach them while putting a cigar in my mouth and lighting it before taking a puff before looking at them with a grin.

"Dammit! Why the hell are you here!" Fisher (Owen) says before summoning his sword and pointing it at me.

"Easy old man, I'm not here to cause trouble, at least not unless the hot head wants to." I say motioning to Ace.

Seeing this Ace grabs his shoulder before standing in front of me between me and his crew, "No matter what, I don't cower away from a challenge even if it's not in my favor, and I won't let anyone hurt my crew." He says readying himself for a fight.

"Well if you want to fight I don't mind, though let's put down a bet, make it interesting to me, since you are also someone who has fire abilities as well as the old man here, if you land one solid clean hit on me I'll come along and teach you personally, I can tell the old man is good, but with my help I can teach you even better than you currently are right now."

But hearing that Ace clearly wasn't intrested, "I don't need your teachings, I get everything I need from my good friend Fisher." He says patting the old man's shoulder.

"And then I'll ask the Old Man myself, how much have you taught him, no wait let me guess, you have gotten to the point of try to help him make his own blade of flames havent you, but you haven't told him everything that's needed for him to actually make it now have you." I say looking straight at Fisher.

"Wait… there's something you haven't been telling me?" Ace says confused why Fisher has been keeping this info from him.

"Haaa…. Kid, the reason that people naturally born with the ability to control flames comes from our heritage, it takes 3 flames to naturally be born with a blade of flames, those flames are the parents and yourself, but your not a natural fire user so I have been acting as the 2nd flame and was hoping your persistence in training would be able to circumvent the need of a 3rd flame, but try as you might you haven't even remotely gotten close to unlocking your own blade of flames, if he helped you in your training and helped channel his flame energy through your body along with me we can slowly start to make your own blade of flames." Fisher says as he goes onto explain the issue he has been keeping from Ace.

"So…. Your saying if I ever want to make my own blade I'll need his help?"

Fisher just nods, "If you ever want to have a shot at taking down any of the emperors, you need a powerful weapon, and our blades we make may not be Meito, but his stood up against Yoru, one of the strongest blades that exist and took no damage, meaning the blades when refined will be strong enough to withstand attacks from supreme grade Meito."

Ace thinks about it a bit before looking up at me, "No, even if it would be easier with your help to achieve my dreams, I don't need it." He says before turning and walking away, everyone else in the crew turns and leaves alongside him, while Fisher stands still with a bit of a conflicted look.

I just walk up and stand next to him, "You really like the kid don't you?…Owen?" I say looking at my 2nd in command who is still looking at the back of Ace.

"Kid… I really want to help him, I have already given him enough energy that I can't give him anymore as it would be pointless, but even when you make a good point the kid is as stubborn as a mule… kind of like you when we were still confined to the frontier, kid I don't ask much from you but-" I just grab his shoulder before changing form and copying his looks before coughing a bit and taking on his voice.

"It's time your mission was over, and go back home and take a nice long break." I say before stealthily opening a portable gate out of eyes view and opening the way for Owen to go home.

He looks at me and looks at the slowly fading back of Ace before looking back at me, "Kid, take care of him…. And when you break the truth to him try and do it gently so he doesn't feel like I betrayed him… I have come to like the kid…" he says before looking at Ace one last time before going through the gate and disappearing.

I then grab the portable gate and hide it in my pocket, before pulling out a baby den den mushi and telling the crew that he will be off doing somethings so they can head back home whenever they want, as I won't be back for awhile.

All they said on the other end was good luck before hanging up so they could go off and have fun.

I just smile before I kneel down and pet Kings head, "I think I should throughly teach that kid a few lessons, maybe be rougher on him than the old man was…. Though using my Ace in the Hole like this isn't the best of ideas, but I need to do it for appearance reasons." I say more to myself than to King who I am petting before heading off to where Ace had run off towards which was the docks as they were planning on leaving right now.

"Fisher! What took you so long?" Ace says as I come on board his ship.

"Hmph, Firebrand and I had a chat, and somethings I agreed with him, I'm going to have to go much harder on your training if you want to get your own sword without his help, but know this, I'm gonna be 10x worse than I have been on you before, I'm going to

Make you wish you had brought him along just so this training would be easier kiddo!" I say in the best impression I can give of Owen to Ace before I crack my knuckles and my neck rather menacingly.

This genuinely scares Ace a bit, "I-I'll still get breaks right?"

"Only when your eating, Shitting or sleeping, the rest of the time I'm gonna be working you to the bone." I say as I make Owens sword in its full glory while looking at Ace with a smirk.

This makes him shake nervously, but knowing it will make him much stronger much faster when Fisher is being even more serious than before, he sucks it up and nods, "Bring it on old man! I want to see you when your all fired up like this!"

"Good answer! But I'll be nice and wait until we reach the new world to put you through the wringer."

This makes Ace sigh in relief before he plops down on his ass, "Then let's get going people! To the new World!" And with that the Spade Pirates head off for the New World.



Elsewhere, at the palace of FishMan Island, Eagle had decided to pay a visit to the royal family.

"It is good to see you once more Mr. Eagle, I still can never thank you enough for what you did for me and my family all those years ago." Otohime says as she bows her head slightly towards me.

"It was nothing, I did what I thought was right at the time, people call me a monster, but only to those who deserve it, by the way, I have heard that the FishMan here desperately wish to have there own land up above the sea."

"Yes, we deeply wish to have our own island, though the only way we could is by using the ship Noah… but as far as I have heard, there is no known island that currently isn't inhabited by others up in the world above…" Otohime says sadly while looking towards her husband.

"Though this maybe presumptuous of me, I do have an island that doesn't currently have that many people living on it that would be able to host the entire FishMan people if you wanted to… though there are some monster that will be needed to be dealt with from time to time, but I have tamed most of there leaders so besides a few rebellious ones, my island that I call Ancient Haven would be a place for FishMan to freely live at without discrimination or be hunted down to be slaves, though in return all I ask is for those living there to help take care of my orchards and the fruits that grow off them, besides that your free to do as you please there."

Neptune and Otohime were shocked about this, but Otohime recovered and was very excited, "How wonderful, then I guess within our lifetime we will finally have a land above the sea to call our own, but would you mind coming back at another point in time? We need to talk to our family and our people if we ever want to do this." She says while looking at me rather seriously, with Neptune silently nodding his head in agreement.

"Very well, just know that my offer still stands, so all you need to do is contact me when you are ready for my aid, here this is my personal number." I say before going and handing my number to the king and queen personally.

"Well then, it was nice seeing you both once again, but I must be on my way, I have many other plans under way." I say as I bow towards them.

"Not at all, and thank you for all you have done for us, we maybe under Whitebeards protection but we respect you just as much as him."

I just smile at that before turning around and leaving the palace to the King and queen to discuss there plans.

Ancient Quest Joyboy, Start!

Objective- help the majority of the FishMen to move to the surface and have a place for them to call there own.

Rewards- TBD

"Huh… this will be quite an interesting quest to complete now won't it?"

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