
Raid on Impel Down Pt. 1

Everyone was in absolute shock what Ma just said as for one thing doesn't make any senses, and another thing is basically a suicide mission.

"….. Is there a doctor in the house?" I say speaking everyone's thoughts because there to scared to say it themselves.

*SLAM!* "And what the hell is that supposed to mean!" Big Ma says getting pissed at that statement while slamming the table.

"Because what you just said is completely insane! Why the hell are we attacking…. Wait… No! You can't seriously be thinking about attacking Impel Down for that reason! It's not worth it!" I say as I realize the actual reason for this plan.

"It is worth it to me! That's why we're doing this!" She says in a very demanding tone.

The only people who know why she's doing this is me and her so everyone looks at me to explain.

*Sigh* "You know that Ma has always wanted all of us to be just as tall as her right?" Everyone nods, it's something she talks about a lot with her kids.

"There's this guy in Impel Down that has a devil fruit that I would need that could make it possible for everyone in our family to change there size when need be…. Though it could only be used once a day if your not strong enough to handle it but if your strong enough to handle it you can change your body as much as you want within reason…."

"Wait it's actually possible to make that happen? I thought after you told Ma that it wouldn't work that we gave up on this." Perospero says with his arms crossed.

"I needed 3 different size changing Devil fruits to make it possible, I already got 2 but the other one is as Ma said deep in Impel Down, and now here we are."

"And that's why we're all here today my children, I really need to get that fruit so one of my dreams can come true."

"Though if we do this the real question is how do we get our fleet from the new world to the paradise side of the Grand Line?" Snacks asks while he leans back and thinks about it.

Everyone else has the same looks, it will be painfully obvious to the World Government if they just tried to go through FishMan Island straight to Impel Down, they would be stopped in a heartbeat, and if they took the long way through my islands in the Calm belt, they would have to go through reverse mountain and go through the true start of the Grand Line, but still they would notice and would send an absolute armada to stop them. As everyone else was thinking this the only ones who knew what could be done were both me and Ma, so she just grinned and looked at me, "This is where you come in my son, your the only one who can make this possible."

With her saying that everyone looked back at me, I just combed back my hair through my fingers before I said, "I can for a short period of time make a massive Gate that can let a Fleet pass through, so I'm guessing the plan is I get near Impel Down, open a gate and let the rest of you get there in a instant, the real question is what is after that?"

"Well we will be the distraction of course, while you, who ever in your crew and Pudding go into Impel Down."

"Pudding?" Everyone says together before looking between Big Ma and Pudding.

"She's needed because of her devil fruit powers, she will be there to remove anyones memories of us getting in there and figuring out what we're after, though we will still need a way to stop any communication from going in or out of Impel Down so they can't tell the marines that are busy with us what is going on." (Ma)

"I got that covered as well, I made a device that jams signals from Den Den Mushi's, just in case the marines ever really pissed me off for some reason and I needed to say…. Destroy a Marine Base without them ever knowing until days later of its destruction." I say with an evil grin.

"Fantastic! With that we have everything we really need ready to go, we will be the distraction while you, your crew and Pudding go in and take down Bryndi World for his devil fruit and the escape." Big Ma says all excited like, "Now with that out of the way let's celebrate!" She says as we get the real party started.



Later after the Tea Party was over with, Big Mom's Throne Room.

"Mom, I'll go through with this, but I should be getting paid for this, as I'm putting my head on the line both getting in and out of there."

"That's…. Reasonable to ask of me, how about because of everything you have done for me and the family over the years, I'll give you free access to the Treasure Room here in my Palace and can help yourself to my treasure whenever you want, but I hope you'd tell me before you do." She says after thinking it over, I have done a lot for our family and even though I'm a emperor just like her I'm actively helping her to be the Pirate Queen, if anything I'm a massive asset to her so it's the least she can offer me.

I just smile, "Thanks Mama, in a few days will set the plan in action." I say before I take my leave to go and spend more time with my wives.



Several days later, in the open seas, on the Bloody Mary me and my crew, with Nami, Theo and Pudding coming along as well.

"Captain… I still think this is a bad idea…." Theo says after I have told everyone what we're gonna do.

"Don't worry, Big Ma will deal with the marines all we need to do is sneak in, get Bryndi and get out."

"Yeah and the getting in and getting out part is the hard part…" Nami says rather nervous about what we're about to do.

"Nami all I need you to do is work with Eve, you'll make a storm while Eve makes the seas misty so they don't see me use my ability to summon Big Ma's ships, after that they cause a distraction while me, Theo and Pudding sneak on in and deal with anyone that gets in our way."

"If you say so Captain." And with that they all go take there positions, though Pudding decides to stick close to me looking a bit afraid.

I just rub her head, "Don't worry Pudding, your big brother will keep you safe no matter what."

Hearing that she just smiles up to me, "Yes Big Bro, I promise that I'll be of help to you as well!" She says all happily as she holds me close.

And not long later we began to see Impel Down off in the distance.



Impel Down, on the head ship of the Marine Fleet, the navigator of the main ship comes up to the Captain's station.

"Vice Admiral, it seems a storm is approaching, and it's bringing in a lot more mist than normal."

"Hmmm… well that's odd but not too odd as it gets stormy and misty around here all of the time." Says the Dog Headed Vice Admiral.

"Though Sir I have to ask, with your status in the Marines, why have you decided to station here for the past several months? You didn't get sent here for anything bad I hope?"

"Bwahahaha! No no, of course not! It's just that I have had this hunch that I have had for the past few months that something is going to happen around here, none of the other Admirals believed in my gut feeling, though Fleet Admiral gave me the all clear to do as I please, and so I'm here…. Though maybe it was a stomach ache or something as after all it's been months and nothings happened…" He says as he was starting to doubt his gut feeling he got about Impel Down.

But suddenly a marine drenched in rain water comes running in, "Vice Admiral! In the Mist! There's a ship approaching! It's not a Marine Ship!" The marine says as he's gasping for air.

He just raises his eyebrow before heading out onto the main deck to barely see a ship off in the distance.

"Who the hell would ever come here? People know that this place is off limits…" another marine says while looking through his binoculars at the incoming ship just as the Vice Admiral arrived by him.

But then the Marine is able to see the Jolly Roger Flying above the ship and is so stunned that he drops his Binoculars before falling on his ass in fear.

The Admiral sees this and thinks the young marine is over reacting before taking the binoculars for himself and getting a look for himself, and when he sees who it is he just grins.

"So a Monster wants to enter the Lions Den? Well we should give you a warm welcome!" But before he can signal to his men to start bombardment the mist and storm intensifies to the point they can no longer see the Bloody Mary.

"Damn we can't see anything in this mist! Men! Get to your battle stations! Prepare for battle!" The Vice Admiral says before he decides to take off his Dog mask to reveal who he really is, None other than the Hero of the Marines.

Monkey D. Garp.

But soon after off in the distance, they could here something massive and huge making a very large noise, with all the rain it was hard to tell what it was, but no less than 5 minutes after the noise happened there was nothing but rain and mist in there sight but slowly and surely the mist slowly began to dissipate.

But what they saw shocked everyone, including Garp to their core, as instead of a fleet facing off against one lone ship, Now it was a Marine Fleet versus a Pirate Fleet, but not just any pirate fleet but.

"What the hell are the Big Ma Pirates doing here in Paradise!" A Marine shouts in horror.

"Men! No matter what we face! We are Marines! We are the only ones that keep order in this world! No matter what, we have to stop them at all cost!" Garp says to his men trying to encourage them and keep them from losing hope.

This seems to have worked as it inspires his men and gets them fired up.

"Now! Let's show them what the Marines are really all about! ATTACK!!!"



After summoning Big Ma and her Fleet, Me, Theo and Pudding took a small motor boat that I keep as a spare on the Bloody Mary to take us over to Impel Down while under the cover of the heavy mist that made the area near the water almost impossible to see.

And since the marines were distracted with Big Ma and her fleet we were easily able to get into Impel Down without anyone seeing us and arriving in a secluded spot near the harbor.

I then pulled out the Jamming device that was a modified Den Den Mushi that Dessit and Noel made for me in case I ever needed it, and activated it sending out a signal that jams all calls in and out of Impel Down so they don't call in reinforcements, as well as mess with surveillance Den Den Mushi making them show nothing changing on there end as if there surveillance footage was frozen and not showing what happened on the inside.

"Good with that all we got to do is sneak in, get what we're after and get out, anyone that gets in our way, Theo you use your poison Miasma to incapacitated anyone that try's to stop us and pudding will rewrite there memories so they have no memory of us ever being there, you two got that?"

"Yes Captain."

"Yes Big Bro!"

"Alright you two, it's time we set our plan in action." And with that we begin to sneak our way into Impel Down, and with the large battle outside going on almost all of the Guards had there full focus on the battle at hand making it rather easy for us to get inside.

"Though that was easy, I doubt everyone is fixated on the battle outside, there's probably some strict officers who like to keep to there work, but if we can find the Vice Head Jailer, and force her to take us down the elevator to Level 4 this will be faster."

"But doesn't that lead us straight to Magellan's office?" (Theo)

"Even if we do go there at this time a day a certain someone likes to stay in the bathroom most of the time so in all likelihood Magellan is in the bathroom as per usual."

"How do you know this Big Bro?"

"I've delivered some rather dangerous pirates to Impel Down before while looking like my normal self, and got to meet him and several other main staff members, so that's the reason why I know some of these things, and that Bryndi is down on the 6th hidden level of Impel Down, Eternal Hell, so if we want to do this quickly will need to get the lift, so Compass, show me where Domino is at." I say as I begin to follow the compass while we try our best to stay out of sight of any of the guards still doing there jobs.

But soon enough we were able to come upon the Vice Head Jailer herself, Domino, as she was doing her rounds around the main entrance to Level1 of Impel Down, and even better as she wasn't looking at us, so I slowly made my way up behind her and put a cloth to her mouth with chloroform on it, thanks to Theo.

She tried to struggle for a bit but I was much stronger than her and soon the drug took effect knocking her out cold before Pudding Came over and took away those last bits of her memories of her getting Ambushed by me.

I then rummaged around in her pockets until I found the Key that activates the lift that leads straight to Magellans office.

"Good we got the key, but now we got to place her somewhere that isn't out of place to put her…" I say as I hoist her over my shoulder while looking around for a place to set her down.

Luckily not far away was a desk that seemed to actually be one of her personal desks, so we placed her in a position that made it look more like that she just fell asleep at her desk after rewriting her memories a bit again to make it look like she fell asleep at her desk.

After that was said and done we took the lift and made our way down to Level 4 of Impel Down, Blazing Hell, and not long after we arrived at Magellans office, and as I said Magellan was obviously still busy in the bathroom, while his vice Warden, Hannybal was most likely watching the battle like all the rest since he wasn't here either.

"Now the real problem, having to deal with Skadi and her firetroops, as well as getting through the Blazing Hell unscathed, at least for you 2 that is since I'm immune to fire after all."

"Don't worry Captain I came up with something just in case I had to deal with any extreme element." He says as he pulls out a potion for both him and Pudding.

"This will make us just as immune to heat and Flames like the Captain is as well as any other extreme elements we come across."

With that said they both down the potion, and a thin clear barrier seems to go around there bodies so it will protect them from the elements.

"Let's just hope that distraction Ma is causing keeps there attention long enough, I don't care about how many people will need to kill, I'm just worried somehow someone is able to call more admirals here…" I say before we head further into Impel Down.

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