
Orange Haired Brat and Confronting Arlong

About a few days later I started to get closer to my destination of the Conomi Islands, everything seemed normal about these Islands nothing terribly out of the usual just from a first look at the place, but something just felt….. off about this place even before I made port.

When I finally did make port it was a small village that went by the name of Cocoyasi village, it felt like normal village people went about there days doing there average things, I was currently covering myself with a hoodie so people wouldn't realize who I am, I also wasn't hoisting my Jolly Roger when I came to port, I also released Yuda when we got close by as to not scare the locals, so they just thought of it nothing more than a small ship here to get supplies.

New Side Quest Started: Let me see the world!

Objective: End Arlongs rein of tyranny on Conomi Island by destroying Arlong Park and taking him out, and find the little girl who dream is to map out the world in full detail and make lots of money when she grows up, convince her to join your crew when she is old enough to go out and see the world.

Rewards: Conomi Islands under the protection of the Firebrand Pirates, and 2 summons used to defend the Conomi Islands.

"Well that's not too bad for a quest… though I wonder why this little girl is so important…" I say these thoughts as I walk around the village.

There wasn't much to really see here it was a rather average village it had a tavern/inn, a marketplace, a tailor, a butcher, a bakery, a fishery, the only really notable thing in this little village was a grove that grew Tangerines on the backside of the village.

I needed some info so I decided to stop by the tavern to get some more info on the situation, though the prices for food here are ridiculously expensive when I saw the prices, "What gives man? The food isn't some kind of rare delicacy or something is it?"

"You came all the way to this village and you don't know why everything here is so expensive?" (Owner)

"No why is it so expensive?"

"These islands… are unfortunately run by Pirates that demand we give them a certain amount of money per month as protection fees, all of us in the village have to chip in to pay the fee or our village will be destroyed…."

"How did this all happen?"

"Arlong… a FishMan and his crew showed up to extort us out of our money, back when he showed up he was even more ruthless than what he's like now, adults had to pay him 100,000 berries and children would have to pay 50,000 berries, if we didn't comply he would simply kill us…. That's what happened to several others in the village including Bell-mere, she only had enough to either save herself and let her daughters die, or sacrifice herself to save her children… and she made the ultimate sacrifice…"

I clenched my fist in anger and rage at here what that fish fuck has been doing here, *if only I killed him back then shit like this wouldn't have happened…*

I honestly don't care about people who don't genuinely matter to me, but if it was a mistake I made that led to many unnecessary deaths it weighs heavily on my conscious, I could have prevented this, but because I didn't kill him back then shit like this has happened…

"Thanks for the info pops, here this should get your shop and your village by for awhile." I say as I throw him a stack of bills worth roughly 500,000 in berries.

The old man was stunned at the stack of money that he quickly hid it away, "A word of advice kid, get off this island before those fish bastards find you and drain you dry of all of your money…"

"Don't worry old man, there no match for me." I say as I wave him off, not knowing that a little orange haired girl watched me hand the inn keep such a large amount of money.

"Jackpot!" She says before following after me.

After leaving the inn I start to walk towards the outer edges of the village towards where I believe Arlongs Base of operations is located at.

While along the way a kid was running past me in a rush, I didn't really think about it at first, but then I realized that my poker suddenly felt a whole lot lighter for some reason.

"…. That kid just swiped my wallet Huh?… I wonder if that's Bell-mere's kid."

"WOHOO!!! What a score that guy was filthy rich! He must be some kind of noble or something if he has all of this money on him." She says as she looks at the fat wad of bills that she counted up to be at least a million right there, "I'm one step closer to paying off the villages debt."

"Sure you are kid, of course only if you get away with it." I say as I look down on her from the tree above her.

"WAH!" She screams in both shock and fear when she sees me just sitting up above her in the trees.

I just grin before I drop down in front of her, "Alright kid I'd like my wallet back thank you very much." I say as I hold out my hand to her motioning her to give me my money back.

"I-I don't know what your talking about…"

"I just saw you playing with all the money I have on me, now do you want to give it back willingly? Or am I gonna have to pick you up and shake the money out of you?"

"Ugh fine, here take your wallet back." She says begrudgingly as she hands me back my wallet before she starts to walk away.

I then feel the weight of it and I know it's a bit lighter than before, so I then grab her shoulder, "Now kid it's not very nice to lie like that you know? But tell you what you can keep all that money if you help me with one thing."

"And what would that be?"

"Show me the way to Arlong's Place, I have some business to finish with him…"

"And who exactly is asking? Because mind you I work for him…. For now at least…"

"Well I guess I should introduce myself I guess." I say as I pull down my hood and reveal my face, "The name's Vargas, otherwise known as the youngest member of the 8 Warlords of the sea."

*Gulp* "A-and why would a Warlord be here?" She says nervously as she knows that Warlords are much stronger than any of the current pirates in East Blue, Arlong included.

I just smile and pull out a necklace with the symbol of an Eagle covered in blood, "You've heard of the Emperors of the Sea Right kid?"

"Aren't they considered the worlds most notorious and dangerous Pirates?"

"That's correct, and a long time ago, roughly about 5 to 6 years ago, Arlong was still living on FishMan Island and him and a few of his allies attacked Mary Genoise under the leadership of his old Captain Fisher Tiger, but unfortunately they had no easy way to access Mary Genoise, but luckily they got some help from the newest Emperor of the Seas Blood Eagle, but the thing is that his meeting between him and Arlong was strained as he was constantly mocked and berated by him for being a human, but he was much stronger than Arlong and put him in his place, and he made a Promise to Arlong that should he ever go out to the seas and suppress humans only because they are inferior to FishMan then he would come and hunt him down, and now here I am." I say as I tell her my reasons for being here.

"*sniff* …. Then why didn't he or you or whoever come sooner…. If you guys came earlier mom might still be around…" she says as she begins to ball her eyes out in front of me.

I don't say anything as I clench my fist tightly before relaxing it and kneeling before her as I rub her head waiting for her to cry it all out.

After awhile she slowly starts to stop crying so I pull out a handkerchief for her to use, "It may not justify him or me not arriving on time, but he even told me he had found this out only recently as Arlong is still genuinely afraid of Blood Eagle that he hid what he was doing very well and killed anyone trying to relay this info to the outside world, had he been sloppy back at the beginning either me or him would have stopped him long before this Tragedy happened to you kid." I say as I keep rubbing her head.

"But now that we know what he has done, Blood has asked me to finish the job for him, and this necklace is his mark saying that he owes me a favor for doing this, he would do it himself but since he kicked the literal hornets nest only close to a week ago he needs to stay low for awhile, so that's why I'm here to do the job for him, so if you want me to save your village you need to lead me to him alright?"

"*sniff* o-okay…"

And with that said she picked herself up and had the fire relit in her eyes as she lead the way all the way to Arlongs base of operations, Arlong Park.



A few hours later we arrived at Arlongs Tower.

"This looks like the sort of place he'd use as his base."

"This is Arlong Park, he used his old ship to be used as material to build his tower."

"Well kid I got it from here, unless your comfortable watching me kill people you should go home."

"…. I want to see that bastard die for myself."

"Fine by me, I'll drag him out here after I burn that tower of his to the ground, in the mean time just find a place to hide while I do my job." She just nods at me and goes and hides in the forest while I turn and head straight for the gate.

It was being guarded by a few FishMan, but since I want to get this done quickly I pulled out my silenced revolver, literally called God's Revolver (and twice as shiny), and shot them all dead before they had a chance to shout.

After I put my gun away I pulled out my blade and cut down the metal gate to Arlongs Compound.

After hearing the gate being destroyed Arlongs men rushed out to see what's going on and not long after Arlong himself came out to see what was going on.

"Now what do we have here? Seems like a filthy human has decided to challenge my authority, question is who are you?" He asks as he looks at the hooded man before him.

I just grin before I pull out a necklace with the symbol of an Eagle covered in blood before tossing it over to Arlong who catch's and proceeds to look at it.

"Blood Eagle sends his regards…"

"... So he sent you here to kill me huh?"

"You didn't take his threats seriously and now you have to pay the price…"

"And so he shilled it off onto you since he can't bother doing it himself?"

"No he kicked the hornets nest and he cant do it himself, otherwise he would have come here and given you his personal way of killing you, but since he cant he asked me to do it for him."

"Well I'd like to see you try kid! Get him boys!" He says as he send the rest of his crew right at me to take me out.

"A pointless effort, that will cost you your lives…" I say as I swing my blade sending out a searing hot blade of flames cutting down nearly all of his men, killing the weaker ones and severely injuring the stronger ones, leaving only me and Arlong standing.

"Wait! Those Flames and that Blade! Y-your Firebrand Vargas aren't you?!"

I just grin and pull off my hood, "Guilty as charged, you should be happy that someone like me is doing this personally for Blood Eagle, he took you seriously enough that he needed to do something with a bit of overkill like calling me to do him this favor."

"Well you know I won't go down without a fight!" He says as he pulls out his sawtooth blade and charges me, which I blocked his attack easily.

To let him have a sense of confidence that he can actually fend me off, after giving him sometime thinking that he actually has a chance I finally got bored and destroyed his blade before sweeping his legs out from under him and finishing off with hitting him on the side of his head with the pommel of my blade knocking him out cold.

I then lifted him up and started to drag him out of his compound, meanwhile I sent a fireball straight at his tower setting it a flame.

"Hey kid! I got a present for you!" I say as I throw Arlongs body like a sack of potato's towards the forest.

Not long later the girl finally came out to see the tower in flames and him standing over an unconscious Arlong.

"It took you only 30 minutes to take out Arlongs crew, just like that?"

"Just like that, kid at my level it would take a couple thousand Arlongs just to take me down, now do you want me to do the honors or do you want to avenge your mother?" I say as I pull out my revolver and offer it up to her.

She hesitates for awhile, before grabbing the gun and pointing it at his head, but her hands were shaking as she was trying to pull the trigger but couldn't.

Seeing her internal struggle I came up behind her and placed my hands over hers to help her steady her hands, "All you need to do is pull the trigger and your mother can finally Rest In Peace." I say to her, hearing this she begins to calm down and breathes in as she remembers all the pain and suffering this bastard put her, her sister, their village and the death of her mother, it finally pushed her over the edge and.


She fired the gun and Arlong was no more, realizing she finally did it, she broke down into tears, not of sadness but of pure relief that the pain and suffering that she has been through was finally over.

I just hugged her and let her cry into my shoulder as Arlong Park burned in the background.

Yep that’s it for Arlong Arc. With his strength he could easily take him down so yeah it’s a really short arc. Next chapter will be the end of the Arlong Arc and soon lead to the end of the Alabasta Saga

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