
… And they all Came Tumbling Down

"Your really excited about this…" (Tiger)

"Ten years, Ten years of pain and suffering, watching my mother get raped and beaten to death in front of my eyes, My father in his rage tried to fight back, only to be tortured to death by a thousand cuts, everyone I came to know either slowly lost there minds, died or became the animals those bastards wanted them to become, so yeah I'm a little excited to watch them scream in pain and suffering before I snuff out there miserable existence of a life that they waste by taking up space they don't deserve…." There was a sadistic smile peaking out behind the bird mask I was wearing.

"…" Tiger didn't have anything to say, for this kid went through more pain and suffering than any other known slave he has ever met, and he could feel the rage and pure hatred emitting off his body, he knew it was pointless to try and calm him down because this kid is an inferno just itching to destroy the place he hates more than anything.

"Let's go, I've got places to be…. And dogs to kill…" I say as I pull out a different version of my Dandelga, In this new evolution one of the perks is that I can change my blade into any other type of blade at will, for this mission I've decided to use a classic weapon of slaughter, the katana that was blazing red with flames flickering off the blade.

With everything said me and Tiger began our slaughter of the marines guarding Red Port, though it was a silent slaughter, after all we don't want to ruin the surprise for those nobles after all.

It was going fine all the way till up to getting the control room under our control, but when we sent the Bandolas down that set off some major red flags for the higher ups in Mary Genoise because the Bandolas don't operate at night, people can only be used during the day, so a few captains and a Rear Admiral began to gather all available Marines in the area to head over to the Paradise side of Red Port.

But they were already too late by the time they mustered a small army of marines the fishmen had already begun to storm Mary Genoise.

It was a blood bath but mostly for the marines as the Fishmen were naturally stronger than the regular HQ marine and at this current time all the admirals and even the fleet admiral were off on assignments putting them to far away to be of any assistance at their time of need, this would be the primary reason the fleet admiral would always be close by to come to the capitals aid at a moment's notice.

As the fishmen we're having their fun I was going into the nobles district by of course destroying there walls that separated the commoners and the nobles from one another.

After storming the district and killing off the reserve marines and personal guards of the nobles I pulled out my compass, "Now show me this rising star that I'm looking for…" I say as I look at the compass as it spins and spins till it points due north east of my location "Gotcha."



We cut away from the chaos outside to find ourselves in a cell, where a man is brutally being tortured while a Celestial Noble sits near by and watches his pain in amusement, not worried about the chaos going on outside, obviously everything is under control, even if there is a slave revolt going on he knows that the dogs will be able to take them down, after all this is why we feed them and pay them it's so they can do there job by protecting the important people, Us.

"You see kid *glug* Ahh how many times have I told you? I didn't give you permission to smile or laugh even, what you think that this is your big escape because of all the noise outside? No because we pay those 'marines' to do there jobs, it's why we feed, pay and even equip them with the best of the best, to protect us after all, your never getting out of here you know? So stop thinking about it and except your fate as a slave forever."

The noble says all this while his torturer keeps whipping and beating the man senseless.

But then they heard something it was the sound of foot steps, that were slowly getting louder by the second and then there was a rhythmic humming coming closer an closer and then the humming turned to a song.

(Song- We all Lift Together)

Cold, the air and water flowing

Hard, the land we call our home

Push, to keep the dark from coming

Feel the weight of what we owe

*begins to break the locks and chains on the slave cells*

This, the song of sons and daughters

Hide, the heart of who we are

Making peace to build our future

Strong, united, working 'til we fall

*starts tossing the slaves weapons that he pulled out of his inventory so they can fight back*

Cold, the air and water flowing

Hard, the land we call our home

Push, to keep the dark from coming

Feel the weight of what we owe

*with the slaves now singing along they all start to slaughter all the guards together*

This, the song of sons and daughters

Hide, the heart of who we are

Making peace to build our future

Strong, united, working 'til we fall

*After killing off all the guards we all reach the torture chamber, trapping the noble and the torturer in there*

And we all lift, and we're all adrift

Together, together

Through the cold mist, 'til we're lifeless

Together, together

"Great job you guys you've been a great help, now all of you get out of here, head for the Red port on the Paradise side of the Red Line if you guys want to truly escape slavery." I say as I point the way out, they hesitate at first but they all decide to leave and now it's just the four of us in this torture cell which I easily broke open.

"H-how d-did you get here?!??! Where are all my guards?!!!?"

"Dead, every single one of them."


"Mhmm and you'll soon be joining them, but first…" I say as I look directly at the torturer and raise my hand as if I'm about to snap my fingers.

"Die *Snap*" and after snapping my fingers I started to burn him alive, he was screaming in pain and agony as he rolled around trying to put out a fire that won't stop burning till he's ash, and not long after he succumbed to his injuries he really did turn to nothing but ash.

I then slowly approached the noble and stood right in front of him, he was actually pissing himself in pure terror because he thought this man didn't care for the consequences and was willing to kill world nobles, even though he couldn't see the mans face he knew this guy had the balls to do it.

But I didn't kill him, not yet at least all I did was take out a needle from my coat/hoodie and stabbed it right into the world nobles bubble helmet, this wouldn't have done anything normally but if you mix Sharp, Fast and Hot together you get a needle that can easily pop world nobles helmets.

Right after the nobles helmet was popped he could smell everything, the ash, fire, piss, shit and all those disgusting smells he was able to keep away from his nose thanks to his helmet filtering out all the smells from the air making him only breath in fresh air but now smelling all these disgusting smells forced him to vomit, which from the smell made him vomit even more till he had nothing left to throw up and he was just dry heaving from it all.

While the noble was busy hating his life I went over to the man who was currently in the fetal position shaking in pain from his injuries.

His wounds were pretty serious and if left untreated could be fatal so I flipped him over and made him drink a Max-Cure a drink that can save someone from near death and it seems this guy desperately needs it, after I helped him drink it he visibly began to heal up, his broken nose fixed, black eyes gone, deep whip wounds all healed up.

After being healed up he starts to wake up from his unconscious state that he was in, and he's confused by what he is seeing there's a man wearing a bird mask standing over him, his master without his helmet puking his guts out in the corner and what he assumes is his torturer now just a pile of ash on the floor.

"Have I really been saved? This isn't another one of my dreams right?" He asks me questionably

I then burn him on his arm, "did that hurt?"

"Yes it did you jerk!"

"Good because you only feel pain when you're awake so yes this is all very real then."

"Why? Why did you come to save me?"

I just grin behind the mask and pull my shirt to show him my tattooed slave mark, "Because we share a similar story you and I."

But the noble, who was still hacking and coughing was able to see my slave tattoo, "AHHH!!! I know you your the flaming red head brat that escaped 4 years ago with a couple other slaves!!" He was genuinely shocked that the one who got away all those years ago would be here now.

"Your him? Your like a myth to slaves to give them hope that any of us can escape our positions as slaves one day."

"And today is your lucky day because this is when you become a free man my friend, but since you, *looks at the noble* know who I am I'm afraid you'll be unable to leave this dungeon."

"N-no p-please I-I don't want to die!"

"Oh don't worry I have no plans of killing you."

The noble gives a sigh of relief, maybe he still has some fear of the world government so he wouldn't dare kill me! Were his internal thoughts.

But he thought wrong when I begin to grab a branding iron and put it in the fire place to let it get hot enough to brand someone, I then hand it over to the slave, "Here let him feel what it's like to get branded."

The man just nods and grabs the branding iron from me and slowly walks towards to his former master and grabs his face and burns the hoof of the dragon on his former masters left cheek.

The noble begins to writhe around in pain an agony while he starts to dry heave again from the smell of his own burning flesh.

I then begin to walk out of the cell, "have fun you two and when your done taking out the trash you can meet me outside." I say leaving the man to his own devices to do as he pleases with the noble.

It wasn't till about 15 minutes later that the slave came out of the cells covered in blood, the nobles obviously, with a look of ecstasy and happiness on his face.

"I can't thank you enough for what you were able to do for me in letting me get vengeance on that bastard for what he did to me and the girl I loved…" he says with a slightly sadder look on his face when he remembers her.

"Hey it's no big deal I was going to save as many slaves as I could but you seemed to be in a lot of pain as I was going around wrecking other nobles homes, stealing there goods and freeing the slaves as well as killing any noble along the way." I say as I point at him.

"But the thing I can't stand is hearing the sound of a fellow slave being tortured so that's why I was more… through with my slaughter of this current resident, now come with me there are plenty of others to save and places to loot."

"Looting and killing these fucks? Sign me up!"

"Good I need a right hand man in all this and you look at least decently fit, so take this blade, use it well because it'll keep you alive a bit longer." I say as I hand him his weapon.

"By the way I never really asked you, what's your name?"

"You can call me Tesoro, Gild Tesoro at your service."

(A/N Were coming up on 100k views and for my audience I created a poll that will let you guys decide where the story will go after this Arc and The 8 Warlords Arc are finished so I'll leave the link here for you guys to put in the poll.)


I'd very much apprciate it if you guys did the straw poll because i enjoy getting fan input, in my stories so that i can make some people happy in some way shape or form, but dont worry if your choice isnt number 1 and wins the vote because i might be doing those arcs later on.

OneMoreScorecreators' thoughts
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