

Derek watched his parents dart shock glances at each other, and furrowed his eyebrows, his mind reeling with questions on why his parents were shrouded in unbelief. They weren't even bothered by Freya's last rude remark.

Freya had mentioned that she was a mage and an ancient.

Well, he knew of mages, not that he had seen any, except her mother's friends, Brenda and her sister-though they weren't actually mages, just witches.

But he knew of mages from his history teacher, Mr Davens, in high school. 

During one of the history classes, the teacher whom he had always thought as eccentric, had given an in-depth definition of mages. 

Derek still had that in his head.

Apart from his wolf nature, his memory was quite better than a human's. 

He could remember and quote word for word, the speech of a teacher or the texts from a book if he was in a good mood.

Well, according to the teacher: 

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