

Maya took in a deep breath as she stared at the guy who had laid his hand on Emma few minutes ago. He was reclining awkwardly on the wall, probably counting his loss, bearing the brunt of the push and bidding his time to attack.

And when he stood up straight, and stared at her deadly, she knew she was in for a fight.

It's been a while. She thought. She hadn't fought in a while. She hadn't fought or trained with her pack warriors, since she came into her uncle's pack except when she had done a hand down with Derek.

This will be fun. She thought, tightening her fists.


Emma stammered out her name, and she stilled.

She had blamed her cousin for being so careless around the redhead, but at this moment, she believed that she had done worse.

Of course, Emma had seen her agility. No mortal human could have pushed that hulk of a guy to the wall that fast and hard.

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