

Emma sighed, slightly relieved that Melvina had interrupted her unnecessary tale and convo with her husband which was already getting uncomfortable, and slightly pricked about what could be the aftermath of her coming. She hoped, actually had a profound faith in the older woman, that she wouldn't start going berserk like the other women she had known in Florida did, whenever they see their husbands with a fine woman. But still, she thought that she needed to explain herself, to avoid misunderstandings.

And so, before Alpha Peter could answer his mate, whom he had not really been surprised to see, knowing her very sensitive nature; Emma came out with an apology.

"I'm sorry, Melvina. Nothing really happened. He was just asking me some questions. Please don't misunderstand the situation." She rambled out, her eyes which were both focused on Melvina, filled with utmost sincerity and pleading.

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