
Sacrificial alter becomes active

Mojin was sitting beside a wall-like tablet that was shimmering with blood-like luster.

The blood red to him however was like an opportunity, but part of his soul was trying to fight hard against it yet he failed.

In a way, he was someone that had also reached the level of the soul.

Simply, he was also close to law, as with the soul, one could comprehend laws. But that all depends on certain factors that are necessary to meet.

For the leader Mojin, he had yet to meet them, but with this alter he saw the hope of accomplishing more than just that.

But in the end, his soul was being manipulated by some external force.

This was what had been pushing him to get involved with the issue of sacrifices.

For something to be sealed, it had to have a reason. When he destroyed the seal, even though it had somehow weakened, this was no different from letting out some disaster.

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