
Racial War.

He could try to nullify the goal of his enemies to divine their attention by postponing the war with the humans and focus on the Pantheon war, but it won't solve anything.

Not only would the delay allow the humans and their gods to prepare better, but the Pantheon War can always be repeated after they deal with the current war. 

Another weak pantheon can challenge them again at the cost of a million dollars. The best he can do is raise the bar of challenge since they recently experienced one. But that won't stop the challenge. So he has decided not to bother with the challenge at all. 

He said to them, "All in all, I don't care about the outcome of the Pantheon War. What I care about is that you win or you lose it quickly."

"You should win. However, you can also lose it. But you must not drag this pantheon war out and still lose it. That's unacceptable."

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