
Chapter 46: An Unexpected Ending...

"Hah... hah... hah... I made it past the first round!" Donald was elated.

  He was the first of all of Zoey's opponents to last past the first round with her! Donald Aldo survived against Zoey! It could even be possible for him to win! She was such a strong opponent. He really couldn't believe how strong she was. Zoey hasn't done anything but throw jabs and he's still having trouble with her. If she went all out from the start, would he have lost in seconds?

  Donald didn't know why Zoey was only using jabs but planned to take advantage of it the best he could. While she was still underestimating him, he had to pull out all the stops. Even if he had to make it to a decision and let the judges vote for the winner. He could not allow himself to be knocked out. All of his training would have been for nothing.

"She still hasn't been trained on how to deal with kicks. Use that to your advantage." Donald's coach told him.

"Yes ma'am!" He responded strongly.

"Keep your defense tight but don't turtle up! Try to avoid taking hits to the face or the referee might end the match if you take too many."

"Yes ma'am!"

  With the sound of a bell ringing, Donald was allowed to clear his head up, fix up his face, and get his head back in the game. The two fighters neared each other with Donald taking the first blow. This caused many surprised cries and shouts to ring across the arena. Donald led the second round of the bout with a strong low kick to start off. A heavy smack echoed from the ring as the impact of his leg meeting Zoey's thigh was heard.

  However, Donald didn't just get this hit for free. Zoey just barely missed a jab that led to a sharp linear cut across his cheek. He could feel the blood dripping from his wound but he didn't let this affect his mindset. Careful, cautious, and aggressive! His eyes carefully watched Zoey's fists as he knew that those were her only weapons in this fight. She couldn't kick, she couldn't use her elbows, and she can't headbutt. The only thing she could do to him has involved her arms. If he watched her arms solely, there was no way she could catch him off guard!

  Donald focused entirely on kicks since they seemed to work very effectively against Zoey. She tanked them on with her body and continued to throw lightning-quick jabs. Just like before, they barely made contact with him and only left very clean cuts across his face. Eventually, the referee had to briefly stop the match as one of the ring doctors checked if Donald was clear to continue fighting. He was given the green light as the cameras manage to catch a small grin on Zoey's face.


"She's toying with him! What an absolute vicious devil!" The main announcer cried out.

"It's like watching a cold-blooded killer playing with her victim. The poor boy's bleeding all over and doing his best in this fight but to her, it's nothing but a game." The secondary announcer commented.

"Did you see the way she smiled John? She's enjoying this! We got a real little devil this year!"

"I wonder how long Donald will be able to hold out? He might be able to cause an upset if he survives to the last round! He's landing some pretty good kicks on Zoey and she hasn't landed a solid hit on him ever since the first round. I don't know if it's because she's playing with him or Donald has adapted to her speed!"

"I guess we'll have to keep watching John. I know we're not supposed to play favorites as announcers but is it bad that I'm rooting for Donald?" Bob asked.

"I think a majority of the audience agrees with you. Do I hear them chanting his name right now?" John asked as the cheers for Donald Aldo increased in volume.


  The sound of the audience stomping their feet together while cheering Donald's name did reach Zoey's ears quite clearly. She felt that it was definitely wrong of her to do this but it wasn't like she was the one who chose to be a villain. If she knew what the announcers were saying about her, she would agree with them. Zoey was for sure not giving her absolute best against Donald. In fact, she was studying him and his fighting style.

  Every dozen times he's kicked her this round, she's been watching carefully. Donald wasn't going to be the only person she goes up against that will try to take advantage of her lack of experience with kicks. What better way to learn than to learn with one's body? Just for the sake of gaining fighting experience, Zoey even stopped jabbing towards his face and started focusing on his arms and body instead. If the match ended because he was bleeding too much, she would feel like she was cock blocked!

  The bell for the second round rang and Zoey returned back to her corner with a small grin on her face. She could feel herself slowly progressing! It was slow as shit but it was still visible to her. Each time Donald threw a low kick, mid-kick, or high kick, she asked herself what was the best way to fight against something like this. Just blocking or dodging it wasn't good enough in her opinion. Zoey wanted to somehow cause pain at the same time.

  She could target his leg every time he went for a kick. If you cause someone enough pain to a certain place every time they tried doing something, it would make them less likely to want to do that thing in particular. For example, if a child was given a spanking for cursing in front of their parents, they wouldn't curse in front of their parents again because they knew a painful fate was awaiting their butt in the near future. Zoey had to do some testing to figure out exactly how to best punish her opponents from using kicks against her. The first thing to start with is the low kick since Donald favors those the most.

"I don't know what the hell you're planning Zoey, but can you win?" Coach asked her.

  It was obvious to everyone that Zoey was simply dragging this out. Those who didn't know Zoey thought that it was because of her devilish nature. Those who did had a hard time understanding. Coach Scott was glad she played into her character well but he knew that she wasn't actually torturing the boy on purpose. Probably...

"I can win." She told him.

"Alright. I won't tell ya what to do since it seems like you're confident in what you're doing. Good luck out there ya little devil." He chuckled.

"Knock em dead, little devil!" Zack and Aiden cheered next.

"Hah..." Zoey could only sigh as the bell rung and the third round began.


  Donald was seemingly filled with endless energy. He made it to the third round against Zoey Winters! A girl that was unlike any other girl fighter in the YFTL with an undefeated streak against only boys! As far as Donald knew, that was an unprecedented feat in all of the YFTL. Most undefeated girl fighters were only undefeated when facing against other girls and took special consideration to only face against girls if they could help it. She didn't care who she faced and took them out with those unstoppable cannons she calls fists.

  With the chants of the crowd on his side, the high from lasting this long against such a great fighter, and the fact that none of his limbs were injured too badly, Donald believed he could win! He didn't know why she insisted on using jabs but that would prove to be her own downfall. Deep in his heart, he felt somewhat unsatisfied that she was only using jabs against him. In his opinion, a fighter is supposed to show respect to their opponent by using everything they have against them. Do not hold back on the account of them being weaker but show them the huge gulf between the two of you by not holding back in the slightest. His opinion of Zoey Winters fell somewhat when thinking of this.


  It only took a few seconds into the third round before disaster struck in the ring. A sharp crack cut across the entire arena as if lightning struck straight in the middle of the ring. Soon after that crack, a grisly bloodcurdling scream filled the ears of everyone watching. No one could believe their eyes or the piercing yell in their ears. Even the announcers and other fighters were at a loss on how to react to such an unexpected and devastating event.

"She checked him..." Bob was speechless.

"She checked his low kick with her shin..." John couldn't believe it either.


"Hahahaha! I did it!" Zoey was so engrossed in the fact that her first choice of defense method worked she didn't realize what she actually just did to Donald Aldo.


  Donald Aldo couldn't properly process what happened even after it happened. All he knew was that he was in a lot of pain after throwing a low kick and now, he couldn't stand up anymore. He dropped to the ring as he cradled the source of pain that was bending at an unnatural angle like a noodle. Multiple ring doctors rushed in the ring as the referee called the match immediately.


  The crowd was in disbelief at all of the events happening at once.

"She really is a devil..."

"Breaking someone's leg and then laughing about it...?"

"Is that even legal!?"

"Disqualify her!"

"Disqualify her!"

"Disqualify her!"

  Most of the audience began to chant for Zoey to be disqualified for her vicious actions against the kind and respectful Donald Aldo. His cry pierced straight through their hearts while Zoey's laugh rattled their bones terribly. It wouldn't be right for someone as terrible as Zoey to win! This had to have broken some rule! If people were allowed to break people's legs freely, then what would become of the YFTL?! He's just a child!

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