
The after math

Every train cart now has blood covering the walls and floor. Each room apart from one has the smell of death lingering. In the front compartment with only a single body laying on the floor, the fresh red blood pours out of the multiple holes now across his whole body.

Watching it all with a look of contempt Raziel looks towards Akari, her eyes all focusing on Raizel as if to try and fully understand what his mind is thinking. He walks towards her, his eyes have a glint of tiredness but still hold a level of competence.

Raziel: "mum, um, while you were gone I had a long think about everything. I think I found what the answer was, I understand what this world can be like, so, from now on I won't argue, I won't force us to do anything dangerous"

Looking up at Akari his fists clenched, in the quiet, his ears slowly started lowering his eyes wavered but locked back on. The doubt and thoughts eating at the back of his mind were kept at bay, he looked at Akari with a level of maturity not fitting for his age.

Akari: "Raz, don't forget even if the world isn't sunshine and rainbows there are good people out there. don't fall into the habit of hating all humans."

Saying this Akari leans down slightly and brings Raziel into a hug, his body wrapped by her arms her warmth seemed to melt the evil thoughts seeping into his mind his eyes waver. a smile forms on his face.

taking a few seconds in each other's embrace Akari pulls back and ruffles up Raziels hair. Looking towards the faunus, now sitting in the pool of blood, the shirt covered in red, hiding most of the pure white that was the original color her claws extended, had ripped the face and dick of the man apart.

Her eyes locked on the child and woman in front of her, both wonder and fear filled her mind. Not knowing what the 2 would do her instincts told her to run, but she had nowhere to run to. So she just stayed there waiting for her freedom or death.

- Raziel pov -

As I looked towards this woman sitting down in the blood, her eyes flickered back from me to Akari. Her face was pale white as she seemed stuck in place. I didn't know what was happening to her, so as I reached her I knelt in front of her. I reach out her body almost frozen in place as I take the knife from her hand.

Her eyes seemed to want to scream but still, she didn't move, taking the knife from her hand I stabbed it in between us into the body of the man. After that, I take a seat in the pool of blood and look into her eyes.

Raizel: "Excuse me miss me and my mother mean no harm to you my name is Raziel would it be okay if you share yours?"

Kahina: "Kahina.."

Raizel: "I don't know what happened to you here but from now on nothing will happen, I promise they won't reach you"

After saying this Kahina just sat there shivering, the tears that had dried up now started forming in her eyes. her mouth twists and turns like she's trying to hide any amount of sadness from showing it but her mind is fighting her. It was hard watching, just sitting there, but with how I think she was treated I shouldn't get closer.

While I was sitting there Akari walked over to one of the terminals and started to take control of this train. From what I could guess right now we're on autopilot and she is trying to turn it into manual control, The next 10 minutes the room was filled with the sound of crying.

- 3rd pov -

After 10 minutes her face had bloodshot eyes with swelling around them and overall puffiness on her face. Her nose was runny and covered the lower part of her face from her mouth to her chin, Akari passed some bedsheets from the living area to cover up and wipe her face clean.

Raziel stands up stretching his body and grabs the dagger from the body putting it onto his belt. taking a few steps towards Akari, his lower body now completely soaked in blood, Raziel looks up at Akari.

Akari: "We won't be able to stay on this train. The dead man called for help before he died. The onboard map is showing a village about two hours away and two days by walking. The plan is to ride this for most of the journey and then jump off near it letting the train carry on"

Raziel: "Sounds good I'll go and pack the stuff we will need, um I don't know how to help her so if you can talk with her I think it would help"

Akari: "I'll give it a try"

Walking to the back past the bodies and entering into Food and luxury goods opening up the boxes inside most of them are filled with clothes of nobility it seemed. But two of the boxes held lien, adding it all up it would come to around 6000 lien from what Raziel knew lien to pounds is a 1:1 So seeing all this money sent his greediness into a frenzy.

Placing around 4000 lien into a suitcase Raziel changed into some clean clothes and then moved onto the dust. in this room, it was full of fire dust, from what Raziel could imagine the mine place they came from is a fire dust mine.

Grabbing a case of it, Raziel tied both cases onto the backpack and grabbed a bunch of clothes for Akari and Kahina to change into. walking back with this luggage Raziel Places them on the desk he turns to the two women.

Raziel: "Since everyone is covered in blood I thought it would be nice to get into something clean."

Raziel leaves the room for the two of them, to find things that fit them and change into them. leading to the two walking out dressed in new clean clothes, also grabbing some guns for Raziel and Kahina to use if a fight ever happens.

The three of them get on top of the train and as it passes close to the village they jump off falling into the snow rolling through it as they come to a stop. getting with the air kicked out of them they look on into the distance seeing the outline of the village.

Editor: Xenoblade

"All my homies hate short people" - Brad Pitt

Slothfulcreators' thoughts
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