
(189) Filthy

Filthy picked up on the conversations between Felix and the others. 

His senses had been heightened to the extreme. There was no way he couldn't.

He'd noticed the movements in the forest long ago, but he hadn't made any gestures or warned anybody. He was up on the right-hand wall alone with Sindri's Skeleton.

The two were constantly raining arrows down on the wolves below. It was monotonous to the point of being boring. 

Still, watching the occasional shift in the brush gave him something else to do.

'Something about the formation, huh?'

There had been something odd about their movements, but he hadn't understood. Each time they'd popped out of a bush, they would place an object on the ground and jump back in.

Filthy placed his hand near his back, another arrow magically appearing in his hand. He drew back the bowstring and aimed at a specific target in the distance.


"Oowooo- yelp!"

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