
This is what you do to me

I felt like I was trapped deep in a maze for a long time. I kept trying to find my way out, but no matter how much I ran or turn, it felt as though I was simply going deeper into the maze. It was exhausting being reminded of a part of my life — be it an important scenario or a trivial one — at each turn in the maze. 

Until... I heard a familiar voice calling me Rinrin. The voice was faint, but I instantly recognized whose voice it was. So, I followed his voice, believing I would get out of this seemingly endless loop I was stuck in all night. When the end of the maze came into sight, I winced when I felt something on my shoulder. 

That slight pain pulled me into the light, making me moan as I opened one of my eyes. I looked back on instinct when I felt the familiar heat behind me.

'Hugh,' I heaved a sigh of relief, turning around to embrace him. 'I missed you.'

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